The New Monarch and Her Soldiers

And every time she simulated it, she would receive the corresponding reward and memory. The higher the simulation's score, the better the rewards!

"Could it be that Father's spirit in heaven is protecting me?" Ying Yiren was overjoyed. She thought, "Since that's the case, I'm going to simulate it now! With my talent, I will definitely be able to strengthen Kingdom Qin and unify the world!"

With that thought in mind, Ying Yiren had already started the 'Emperor Simulator'.

The next second, a paragraph of words appeared in front of her eyes.

[Da Yi Year 801, as the eldest daughter of the Kingdom Qin, you have ascended the throne and become the Emperor of Kingdom Qin.]

[At this time, Kingdom Qin has just been defeated by Kingdom Wei. You have just ascended the throne, and there are many things to do.]

[A young man named Zhang Beichen has come to see you. He hopes to be your hanger-on.]

[Option 1: Accept him and entrust him with important tasks.]

[Option 2: Expel him.]

[Option 3: Refuse and pretend you don't know.]

A white character card appeared in front of Ying Yiren.

[Commoner: Zhang Beichen]

[Age: 22]

[Cultivation: None]

[Bravery: 9]

[Fame: 0]

[Loyalty: 80]


There were many other attributes on the card, and after a quick glance, Ying Yiren lost interest. Most of the attributes were very ordinary. From the color of the card, one could tell that it was an ordinary card.

In this simulator, as a monarch, she could recruit talents. Every talent had different attributes such as talent, ability, and loyalty.

In general, the levels were white (normal), blue (advanced), purple (rare), orange (legendary), red (epic), and so on. They would be displayed on the frame of the card.

The original card was also called the original skin. In the game settings, other than the original skins, all other skins would increase attributes.

"He's quite handsome, but it's a pity that the card level is too low. Keeping a hanger-on and an advisor will consume resources. It's a bit of a waste to keep a white card." Ying Yiren looked at the character drawing on the card and chose the third option.

[You have shut Zhang Beichen out of the door.]

The simulation continued.

[In order to revive Kingdom Qin, you have decided to issue a sovereign's order.]

[Option 1: Reorganize the army and bet on the fate of the kingdom to attack Kingdom Wei and avenge the blood feud! ]

[Option 2: Hand over government affairs to Meng Yuan and the other old clan officials and be an idle monarch.]

[Option 3: Endure for the time being, secretly support your trusted aides to fight against the old clans, reduce taxes, encourage farming, and rest with the people.]

Looking at the options, Ying Yiren took another gulp of wine and shouted, "When have I, a Qin person, ever been afraid? When we were fighting Kingdom Wei, Father didn't bring me along. Otherwise, I would have killed the Wei army. I'd have killed my way into Kingdom Wei and captured that big-br*asted and brainless woman, the empress of Kingdom Wei, and make her my slave!"

"Let's bet on it. If we win, not only will we be able to take revenge, but we'll also be able to recover our lost territory and establish our prestige!"

[Even though the officials tried to dissuade you, you still insisted on sending troops to attack Kingdom Wei. The officials had no choice but to cooperate.]

[A few months later.]

[Because the Qin army lacks weapons and rations, most of the Qin soldiers are old, weak, sick, and disabled. On the battlefield, you were utterly defeated. The Wei army has surrounded you, and everyone is running for their lives. A soldier named Zhang Beichen risked his life to protect you. Unfortunately, he was outnumbered and died in front of you. In order not to be humiliated by the enemy, you drew your sword and killed yourself. The Wei army took advantage of their victory to pursue and destroy Kingdom Qin.]

[This simulation has ended.]

[Simulation Evaluation: Failed. As a monarch, you don't empathize with the people, you can't unite the court officials, you act on impulse, you blindly send out troops, and you end up dying and causing the kingdom to be destroyed. You are truly a mediocre monarch.]

[Simulation Reward: Simulated memory.]

A piece of memory flooded Ying Yiren's mind. She seemed to see herself going to war despite the objections of the ministers, and then dying on the battlefield.

These memories would only contain some key scenes, and the miscellaneous daily memories would not be transmitted.

There was also a very brave soldier who had been protecting her with his life. Unfortunately, it was of no use.

"I've been defeated just like that?" Ying Yiren was stunned. She said, "We can't beat them. We're no match for the Wei army at all. Is our Kingdom Qin that weak?"

After obtaining this piece of memory, Ying Yiren felt that her spiritual sense had become slightly more solid. However, the benefits were limited, probably due to the low score.

In this world, not only did demons exist, but humans could also undergo cultivation. In addition to the cultivation of Qi refinement and elixir refinement by alchemists, people could also cultivate through the Dao of the Hundred Schools of Thought.

For example, if the militarists cultivated The Art of War, they could kill millions of people with the army formation!

Legalists cultivated laws and introduced new laws to strengthen their country and soldiers. They would receive feedback from heaven and earth and their cultivation would increase greatly.

There was also the School of Yin Yang, the School of Confucianism, the Mohist School, and so on.

Emperors, on the other hand, cultivated the way of an Emperor. The stronger the country, the stronger they were.

Kingdom Qin was weak, so among the seven kingdoms, Ying Yiren's strength was the weakest.


"D*mn, how did we lose just like that?" In front of the computer, a handsome young man was looking at the screen with a face full of unwillingness.

His name was Zhang Beichen. He was an ordinary office worker and a young man who lived alone.

In his free time, Zhang Beichen liked to play games. As a matter of fact, he had found a game called 'Battle Empress'.

This was during a time when martial arts were prevalent. In the game, there were mainly seven kingdoms. While these seven kingdoms fought against each other, they also had to defend themselves against the invasion of the alien races and demons.

The player needs to help the Queen of one of the kingdoms to unify the six kingdoms and become the Empress of the unified empire.

As a game, each kingdom's Queen had her own characteristics. Needless to say, their beauty was enough to move people's hearts just by looking at the painting.

Unlocking different endings would give different achievements and reward the female characters with different skins, as well as interactive plots.

Zhang Beichen familiarized himself with the controls and started the first round of the game.

His first target was the empress of Kingdom Qin. The reason why he chose the empress of Kingdom Qin was only that her original skin was the best!

She had long legs with golden proportions, a black and red dragon robe, a disdainful gaze, and a proud expression. She had the looks that made people want to lick the screen. She had the look of a Queen!

After choosing the empress of Kingdom Qin, Zhang Beichen realized that the situation was not right.

Every kingdom's starting situation was different. Kingdom Qin was considered relatively weak among the seven kingdoms. In the background introduction, it had just suffered a defeat and was in danger of being destroyed.

Zhang Beichen decided to find a way to join the empress of Kingdom Qin first and then give her a suggestion. He wanted her to form an alliance with the surrounding kingdoms first, slowly develop, and then find an opportunity to devour the neighboring kingdoms.

His plan had been perfect, but the first step had failed.

Because Zhang Beichen had just arrived in the capital of Qin and went to seek refuge with the empress of Kingdom Qin. However, he was directly rejected at the door.

"There's no other way," Zhang Beichen thought. He could only go to the Minister who liked to accept hanger-on first and then find a way to be introduced to the empress of Kingdom Qin.

However, before his plan could be implemented, he encountered the incident [Empress of Kingdom Qin's conscription]. He was directly forced to be recruited and dragged out to fight while he was walking on the streets.

As soon as he entered the battlefield, Zhang Beichen was in despair. The Qin soldiers around him were all old, weak, sick, and disabled. In the information bar, it showed that they did not even have the cultivation of the first realm.

In the game world, cultivation was divided into nine realms, as well as low, middle, high, and peak. An ordinary soldier's cultivation was at least in the first realm, an elite soldier was in the third realm. Those above the third realm were generals.

"The Wei soldiers are all elites of the third realm. How can we win if we get all these useless people on our side to fight them?" Zhang Beichen had a premonition that this game was going to start badly and he was going to lose.

"I don't care anymore. I've lost, but I have to at least see the empress of Kingdom Qin and see what she looks like." Zhang Beichen took advantage of the chaos to find the empress of Kingdom Qin.

He didn't expect that the empress of Kingdom Qin in the picture was even better looking than in the painting. She was valiant and heroic. Unfortunately, she was brave but not smart. She was ambushed and surrounded by the enemy.

"If we can save the empress of Kingdom Qin, we might have a chance to turn the tables!" Zhang Beichen wanted to save her as his last hope.

However, his stats window was too low. He did not even have a single level one minion, and the enemy could kill him with a single skill.

In the end, Zhang Beichen fell in front of the empress of Kingdom Qin. This game was also declared a failure.

[Simulation Rating: Experience of failure. If one doesn't take small steps, one wouldn't be able to travel a thousand miles. If you want to become a famous official, you must first accumulate knowledge and fame.]

[Simulation Reward: 10 courage points.]

For some reason, Zhang Beichen felt that his body had become stronger. The scenes of fighting on the battlefield seemed to have entered his brain.

"What's the situation? Am I hallucinating because I've stayed up too long?" Zhang Beichen rubbed his temples.

He looked at the game, and it showed that he could restart it now.

"Sleep or continue?" Zhang Beichen hesitated for a few seconds and gritted his teeth, "No, I can't accept this. I've played one round, but I can't even hold the empress of Kingdom Qin's hand, let alone raise her into an Empress of a unified empire. I'm such a failure. Again!"