Does She Possibly Know Me?

"Zhang Beichen? You're Zhang Beichen?" To Zhang Beichen's surprise, the guards at the door not only didn't drive him away, but they even confirmed his identity repeatedly.

The guard even took out a painting. Zhang Beichen took a look. Although the style was in ink, it really looked like him!

"It's you!" After comparing the two, the guard said, "The butler has been looking for you for a day! Please follow us into the residence!"

"You're looking for me? What was going on? Why do they have my portrait?" Zhang Beichen was confused.

He entered the Qin Palace and was arranged to wait in the front hall.

In the Qin Palace, Ying Yiren had just returned from the court session.

Her face had an icy expression and she was very unhappy. Just like yesterday, she went to the court to test the officials and wanted to push through the reform. As expected, the ministers objected. Meng Yuan even warned her, "The laws of our ancestors can not be changed, or else we would be unfilial!"

"This old man, how did he live for so long?" Ying Yiren clearly remembered that Meng Yuan had betrayed her several times in the simulation.

However, she couldn't do anything to him, because Meng Yuan represented the power of the old clans in Kingdom Qin.

The old clans represented many families. Their ancestors fought alongside the previous Qin Kings and obtained a large amount of land and people. After hundreds of years, these families had become a huge interest group.

It could be said that whoever the old clan supported would be the King of Qin! Meng Yuan was the clan leader of the most powerful clan in Kingdom Qin, the Meng clan!

Just as Ying Yiren was feeling depressed, the butler, Hu Cheng, came to report, "Your Highness, I have found the person you are looking for."

"What?" Ying Yiren's face lit up with joy as she hurriedly asked, "Where is he? How did you find him?"

"He came to visit you on his own. He's waiting in the front hall now," replied Hu Cheng.

"Let's go, quickly bring me to him!" Ying Yiren couldn't wait any longer. She didn't even change out of her court attire and headed straight for the front hall.

On the other hand, Hu Cheng was confused. The monarch had a cold personality. Even when she met her own brothers and sisters, she had never had such an expression.

What was the background of this unknown man, Zhang Beichen?

In the front hall, Zhang Beichen looked around out of boredom. The furniture and decorations here were simple and crude, indicating that the craftsmanship in this era was not developed enough.

At this moment, he heard a series of hurried footsteps coming from outside. As the person approached the front hall, the footsteps became steady again.

"The empress of Kingdom Qin has arrived!" A servant shouted from outside.

"The empress of Kingdom Qin?" Zhang Beichen stood up and looked at the door.

A tall woman in a black and red robe walked into the hall. Behind her, there were maidservants and guards.

Zhang Beichen looked at her carefully. Her eyes were clear, she had an oval face, and her facial features were exquisite. She was like a perfect lady in a painting.

Her posture was elegant, and she walked with ease. There was a trace of pressure between her brows, and she was full of aura! She had the air of a Queen!

"Ying Yiren!" Zhang Beichen was pleasantly surprised, "She's even more beautiful in real life than in the game! She's too beautiful!"

Ying Yiren's body also trembled when she saw Zhang Beichen.

"It's exactly the same. It's exactly the same as the Zhang Beichen in the simulator!" At this moment, memories related to Zhang Beichen appeared in Ying Yiren's mind.

In the first round, on the battlefield, in the face of thousands of enemy soldiers, he stood in front of her and was eventually hacked to death.

In the second round, he became Kingdom Qin's secret emissary. After learning that Kingdom Qin had been destroyed, he endured for more than ten years before finally assassinating Meng Yuan to avenge her!

In the third round, he presided over the reform and made Kingdom Qin strong. In the end, in order to protect her and Kingdom Qin, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself!

It was as if this scene had really happened, and Ying Yiren almost blurted out "Lord Beichen"!

But she held back.

"Nothing has happened yet. It's just a virtual memory. The Zhang Beichen in front of us is only a common scholar," Ying Yiren told herself, "I'm the empress of Kingdom Qin. I can't do such frivolous things!"

Thinking of this, Ying Yiren buried her joy in her heart and put on a dignified expression. She said to Zhang Beichen, "You're Zhang Beichen?"

"I, Zhang Beichen, greet Your Highness," Zhang Beichen cupped his hands and saluted.

Behind him, Hu Cheng chided, "How dare you! How dare you not bow to the monarch?"

As a modern person, Zhang Beichen didn't have the habit of bowing to everyone he saw. Fortunately, Ying Yiren helped him out of the situation and said, "No need to trouble yourself, I don't really care about these trivial matters."

While talking, Ying Yiren was still sizing up Zhang Beichen. In terms of appearance, Zhang Beichen was indeed very handsome.

Moreover, his expression carried a sense of confidence and calmness. This was completely different from how other people looked at her. When other people looked at her, they were all afraid and respectful.

Zhang Beichen looked at her as if she was his friend, and even seemed a little too... intimate?

However, this didn't make Ying Yiren uncomfortable, because Zhang Beichen's gaze was filled with admiration and not a vulgar one.

As for what he was wearing, Zhang Beichen was dressed very strangely. Ying Yiren didn't mind. Scholars always had strange habits.

Although Zhang Beichen wasn't a famous scholar at the beginning, he had great potential for growth. In the last simulation, he had only used a few years to grow to a gold card!

"I heard that you're a traveling student who wants to find a job here. Is that true?" she asked.

"Yes," Zhang Beichen answered honestly.

He had already thought it through. Since he had already transmigrated to the game world, he would not be able to escape. It was better to follow the original course of the game, which was to raise an Empress of a united empire! This was more reliable.

Just thinking about how he could help the proud and cold queen become the real Empress and his wife was exciting!

As for transmigrators wanting to become emperors, Zhang Beichen had also considered it. However, he considered that if the Empress was his wife, wouldn't he be the Emperor?

Ying Yiren released her spiritual sense and checked Zhang Beichen's aura.

"There's a cyclone in his body, but it's very weak. He should be in the early stages of entering the Dao realm." Ying Yiren thought to herself, "The Zhang Beichen at this moment should be [Common Advisor: Zhang Beichen]. Since that's the case, let's develop his abilities first."

"I happen to have a vacancy here. If you have the guts, you can go ahead and give it a try," said Ying Yiren.

"Your Highness, please tell me about it," Zhang Beichen said.

"There's a vacancy for a County Magistrate in Baiyang County. You can take up that position and govern the county," said Ying Yiren.

During this period, Kingdom Qin and the other six kingdoms already had some county administrative units, but they were not common. Most of the land was still given to the aristocrats.

"You're letting me be the County Magistrate?" Zhang Beichen was even more confused. How many minutes had it been since he met with Ying Yiren? And yet he was directly sent to become an official!

Wasn't this empress of Kingdom Qin too generous? However, in the game simulation, he did not even manage to enter Qin Palace!

And when he came, the guards had his portrait. All of this pointed to one possibility.

"Could it be that the empress of Kingdom Qin knows me?" Zhang Beichen made a bold guess. He had just transmigrated, so it was impossible for the empress of Kingdom Qin to know him.

If she really knew him, it meant that she might have joined the simulation game!

"Doesn't that mean that the empress of Kingdom Qin knows that I married her in the simulation and even made her give birth to a chubby little boy for me?" Zhang Beichen suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

One had to know that a game was a game, and reality was reality. In the current Kingdom Qin, his actions were treasonous! It's a great crime that would sentence nine generations of his family to death!

If Ying Yiren didn't like him, she could take his life at any time. But now, it seemed like Ying Yiren wanted to give him a minor official position, which meant that she didn't really dislike him.

Zhang Beichen wasn't sure if Ying Yiren had joined the simulation game, so he replied, "Thank you, Your Highness. I, your subject, accept your orders."