Did I Scare Him?

At the scene, Zhang Beichen ordered the evacuation of the people. As for the old man's zombie, he would find a place to cremate it.

Che Yang's soldiers were arranged by Ying Yiren to temporarily listen to Zhang Beichen's orders. Zhang Beichen asked them to escort the criminals and set up a labor camp. At the same time, he sent people to the Bai and Yang families to confiscate their properties.

He wouldn't have known if he hadn't confiscated them, but he was shocked when he did.

Kingdom Qin was warmongering, and the entire kingdom was suffering from famine. In the cellars and granaries of the Bai and Yang families, the grains were piled up like small mountains, most of which had rotted away!

When Zhang Beichen and his men went over, they saw that the rat was bigger than a cat. It was not afraid of people and continued to eat!

"The disparity between the rich and the poor is too great!" Zhang Beichen used a spell to kill a few rats and was ready to take them back to drink.

These were all voles. Not only were they edible, but they also tasted delicious.

When Liu Wen finished counting the food, he said to Zhang Beichen excitedly, "My Lord, these confiscated grains can support the county government and the laborers for at least five years!"

"In addition to the fields collected from the two families, we can let the laborers farm them, or we can rent it out or sell them. In the future, not only will we not lack food every year, but we will also have a sufficient surplus!"

"Alright!" Zhang Beichen emphasized, "Remember all the accounts clearly. I want to check them!"

"Yes, My Lord!"


Zhang Beichen left the rest of the work to Liu Wen, Ah Da, and the others while he rushed back to the county government office. He didn't forget that Ying Yiren was still there!

At the entrance of the county government office, Zhang Beichen hesitated for a moment. Now, besides a few soldiers standing guard outside, Ying Yiren was the only one inside. Speaking of which, this was the first time he was alone with Ying Yiren!

Even though they were lovers in the game, their relationship was that of a sovereign and subject in reality.

'Based on Ying Yiren's behavior so far, she must have participated in the game. What is she thinking now?' Zhang Beichen did admire Ying Yiren.

As a modern person, not to mention getting married in the game, even if it was an online relationship, he could accept it in real life.

However, this was after all a world with a more conservative way of thinking. Even if Kingdom Qin was more open than other countries, that was only relative!

'How should I talk to her later?' Zhang Beichen thought to himself, 'Why don't I test her and see if she played the game simulation?'


In a simple courtyard behind the government office, Ying Yiren was looking at a big tree and thinking about the same thing.

More than a month ago, in the simulated space and time, she and Zhang Beichen had made a promise of life and death. She thought it was just a dream, but she didn't expect Zhang Beichen to really appear!

In order to find out if Zhang Beichen was the "Lord Beichen" in the simulated space-time, Ying Yiren had specially arranged for him to be in Baiyang County, where the situation was extremely complicated!

Three county magistrates had died in a row! The local tyrants were lawless! A place like this would be enough to choke anyone!

She had sent Hu Cheng to protect Zhang Beichen, but she didn't provide any more help. However, Zhang Beichen was able to enforce the law and convince the people with such a disastrous start. The tyrants couldn't find any flaws in him. This was enough to prove his talent!

Especially when she saw Zhang Beichen cast a legalist spell and get the support of the black bird, it was as if she saw the man who sacrificed himself for her and the Kingdom Qin in the simulated time and space!

'Lord Beichen!' Ying Yiren gripped the hilt of her sword tightly. 'If you are Zhang Beichen, then that Zhang Beichen is you! I will definitely cherish this opportunity!'

At this moment, Ying Yiren thought, 'The spells that Zhang Beichen used seemed to have appeared in the simulated space and time. The 'order to cultivate grass' was also issued by him in the simulated space-time. Although some changes have been made to adapt to the actual situation in Baiyang County, the content is generally the same.'

'Could it be that Zhang Beichen also did the simulation?'

Thinking of this, Ying Yiren's heart trembled. If that was the case, didn't that mean that Zhang Beichen knew all her secrets?

Ying Yiren was a little flustered. Was it a good thing or a bad thing?

She couldn't figure it out. Just then, Zhang Beichen walked over and shouted, "Your Highness, I have returned."

Ying Yiren calmed down and nodded slightly, putting on a dignified expression.

Zhang Beichen didn't know what attitude he should use to treat Ying Yiren, so he didn't say anything. The two of them once again fell into an awkward situation.

Zhang Beichen thought, 'With the empress of Kingdom Qin being like this, it seems that it's hard to communicate with her. Why don't I try sending her wine like what I did in the game?'

Meanwhile, Ying Yiren was thinking, 'Am I being too serious?'

After a few seconds, Zhang Beichen still didn't speak.

Ying Yiren suddenly felt a little flustered. 'Oh no, don't tell me that I scared him when I killed off Bai Liangpu earlier? I don't like to kill people, but this time was because I was in a hurry.'

"My beloved subject..."

"Your Highness..."

The two of them suddenly opened their mouths at the same time. When they heard that the other was about to speak, they stopped at the same time.

"What do you want to say?" Ying Yiren asked.

"The Bai and Yang family's matters are almost settled," Zhang Beichen reported first.

"Okay, you can handle this," Ying Yiren replied, " I'll let Che Yang be stationed in Baiyang County. This way, you'll be able to manage the thousands of laborers."

"Many thanks to Your Highness." After Zhang Beichen finished reporting about official matters, he said, "If Your Highness didn't save me today, I would have died!"

"That's why I prepared some food and wine to invite Your Highness to sit and be a guest."

Zhang Beichen noticed Ying Yiren's eyebrows moved slightly when she heard the word 'wine'.

"Sure enough, that Ying Yiren in the game, who is usually the dignified empress of Kingdom Qin, can't sit still when she heard about wine!"

"Drinking?" Ying Yiren wanted to drink, but she knew one thing. Although she liked to drink, once she drank too much, it would be difficult for her to control herself and do things that were not befitting of her status.

In the simulated time and space, it was because she had drunk too much that she broke through the relationship between a ruler and a subject with Zhang Beichen.

Zhang Beichen saw her hesitation and said, "I've prepared some aged wine. I just took it from the Bai and Yang family's wine cellars! Your Highness, it's late now and it's not convenient for you to go back. Why don't you have a meal and rest for a while?"

"Since that's the case, we'll do as you say," Ying Yiren nodded slightly.

'She's still holding on!' Zhang Beichen laughed in his heart. He thought of [Drunk Beauty: Ying Yiren]'s skin. That one was truly amazing! He wondered if she will cosplay it herself later!

After Zhang Beichen finished speaking, he arranged for the bailiffs to help.

Seeing that Zhang Beichen was about to cook, Ying Yiren asked curiously, "My dear subject, you also know how to cook?"

At this time, no one would think that cooking was something only servants should do.

As a matter of fact, because they often had to go to war, in order to fill their stomachs, the Qin people, both men, and women knew how to cook, and Ying Yiren was no exception.

However, Ying Yiren only cooked to fill her stomach, so it didn't matter if it was delicious or not.

"Of course, Your Highness, you will know soon!" Zhang Beichen was very confident. He wasn't a master chef, but because he lived alone, he had learned how to cook some dishes.

After coming to Baiyang County, he even went to the market to buy some spices and ingredients, and he also could make a few home-cooked dishes.