The Queen Eater!

[At night, Zhang Beicheng studied hard under the light of an oil lamp while you topped up the lamp for him. At one point, the two of you looked into each other's eyes, and an indescribable emotion started to well up in your hearts. Zhang Beichen pulled you into his embrace. As you felt his heartbeat and breaths, your body turned soft, and your limbs turned weak. You mumbled embarrassedly, "Lord Beichen, it's getting late. We should rest soon." Zhang Beichen couldn't hold himself back. He carried you onto the bed.]

[That night, the two of you ignored your positions as empress and minister and interacted with each other in the rawest and most honest way. You finally became a real woman.]

"Ahhh! So embarrassing!" Wei Yao covered her face with a pillow and rolled around on the bed. Although this only happened in the simulated time-space, some of the images that flashed across her eyes caused her cheeks to heat up.

[You and Wei Yao got married formally. Wei Jiu heard the news and felt that your behavior was a disgrace to the royal family. They took away your official position in the royal court, along with your land and money. From then on, you and Wei Yao became ordinary people. You farmed, and Wei Yao made textiles for a living.]

Zhang Beichen was a little befuddled as he looked at the update. He didn't expect that he would be conquered by Wei Yao this time!

"Seems pretty good, though?" Zhang Beichen continued his plan.

[One year later, you and Wei Yao gave birth to your children. It was a pair of twins. The two of you decided to name them Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu.]

[The household expenses grew, making it difficult for your family to survive on your meager earnings.]

As Zhang Beichen looked at the message notifications, he thought that the financial crisis was caused by his two sons eating more and needing more clothes. However, he did not expect that Wei Yao was the one who spent the most money!

She wasn't wasteful or prodigal, either. She simply loved to eat and was able to eat a lot!

She would eat several times as much of other people's food at every meal. Furthermore, Wei Yao seemed to have practiced some sort of special cultivation method. As a result, she was able to digest the food quickly and wouldn't get fat from it.

After giving birth to the children, Wei Yao had even higher standards for food. She often needed to eat some mystic fruits, mystic rice, and meat from fierce beasts, which were all expensive.

"Wow, Wei Yao, you aren't the empress of Kingdom Wei. You are clearly the queen eater!" A smile appeared on Zhang Beichen's face. He saw another one of Wei Yao's attributes.

Because of the rich nutrients in Wei Yao's body, the children she raised were healthy and intelligent. Zhang Wen was brilliant, while Zhang Wu was highly talented in martial arts!

"It buffed the attributes of our offspring?" That's a really rare character attribute! Zhang Beichen took up the duty of the head of the household and started thinking of ways to earn more money.

[To support the family, you invented a way to make tofu. Tofu became a gourmet food that was famous all across the city. From then on, you studied and wrote articles at home, as well as educated the children, while Wei Yao sold tofu on the street market. Your lives were perfect.]

Then, Zhang Beichen's interface notified him that he had unlocked a new skin.

[The Tofu-selling Beauty: Wei Yao], three purple stars.

The illustration was of a woman wearing plain clothes. Her body was plump, yet not fat by any means. Her face was so beautiful that even flowers would feel ashamed in her presence. Her dazzling eyes, together with the tear mole at the side of her eye, made her smile even more stunning!

Despite not having luxurious clothes or expensive accessories, Wei Yao was still supremely beautiful!

"Incredible!" Zhang Beichen couldn't help but admire the beauty of the skin.

He didn't expect the empress to still be so stunning after becoming an ordinary woman.

"Oh yeah, since it's a skin, why can't I see its attributes?" Zhang Beichen realized something strange. All of his skins had attribute buffs. Some even had special skills.

But he couldn't see the buffs from the skins of the female characters.

"Could it be that this skin isn't meant for me but for Ying Yiren and Wei Yao?"

"I have a skin too!" Wei Yao looked at the illustration of herself and thought narcissistically, "I knew it. A true diamond will shine anywhere!"

[Your children grew up quickly. However, the emperor of Kingdom Wei, Wei Jiu, kept launching wars and attempting to conquer other lands. Furthermore, he promoted despicable, incapable individuals while alienating wise ministers. He threw the country into turmoil and caused the lives of the people to become miserable.]

[One year, a minister criticized Wei Jiu for being wasteful and not thinking of his people. This enraged Wei Jiu, who decided to execute the minister who spoke out against him. However, other ministers weren't afraid. They continued to speak out and criticize their emperor. Wei Jiu was so infuriated that he decided to abolish the exam system, burn all books, and purge the scholars. The entire kingdom was shaken by his decision! The people of Kingdom Wei all hated their emperor!]

"It's time!" Zhang Beichen realized that the time was right. He decided to start moving.

[You finally completed your book on Confucianism and named it "Great Learnings." Your writing was so great that it resonated with heaven and earth, boosting the fate of Confucianism as a whole. All of the scholars in the world kneeled and kowtowed to you, and they called you Zhang Tsu. You broke through the peak of the ninth realm and entered the half-Saint realm!]

[You started summoning all of the scholars in the kingdom to march into the imperial capital with you and overthrow the tyrant. Make Wei Yao the monarch once again! The people answered your call to action. Using your power as a half-Saint and the combined power of millions of Confucianism scholars, you and your people entered the imperial capital and executed Upper General Pang Ming, forcing Wei Jiu to give up his throne!]

"I should have killed the two of you back then!" Wei Jiu regretted his decision. He grabbed his sword in an attempt to commit suicide, yet he was too afraid to do so.

Wei Yao charged forward and killed Wei Jiu with a slash of her sword.

[Wei Yao became the empress once again. She assigned you the position of Prime Minister and reinstated the exam system, rectifying the state of chaos in the kingdom. As a result, Kingdom Wei's national strength increased significantly.]

"I have risen to the throne once again! Haha, I was right about trusting Zhang Beichen!" Wei Yao was overjoyed. She finally made the right decision.

[You started to launch wars to conquer other nations. Your children grew up as well. Zhang Wen aced the exams and became the top scorer in the nation. He became an official and started managing the kingdom. Zhang Wu was ranked number one in the martial arts exam. He became a general and led the army in the crusade.]

[With Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu's leadership in the kingdom, as well as Zhang Beichen's plans and wisdom, Kingdom Wei won every war that it fought. More than a decade later, Kingdom Wei acquired many other nations and became the strongest kingdom in the world.]

Wei Yao took a good look at the interface. There were only two kingdoms left from the original seven kingdoms.

Kingdom Wei and Kingdom Chu.

It was now a war between Wei and Chu to fight for world dominance.

[The war between the Wei and Chu kingdoms lasted many years, but neither kingdom could overpower the other.]

[A century has passed, and the simulation has ended.]

[Simulation evaluation: The Monarch of Revival. In the first half of your life, you used capable and loyal people in your government, reformed the state, and rolled out the exam system. However, you were too rushed in your implementation and sparked a conflict between the new and old factions, which caused you to lose your throne. Fortunately, you and Zhang Beichen were able to make an exquisite plan to regain the throne. You, your husband, and your children managed to conquer half of the continent. Unfortunately, by then, Kingdom Chu had also risen, preventing you from completing your crusade.]

Simulation Reward: Simulated Memory. Medium-sized spiritual energy, strengthened special attributes.]

This was the best simulation reward that Wei Yao had gotten.

Wei Yao reflected on the events of the simulation, particularly the days when she and Zhang Beichen lived quietly in the rural regions. A sweet and warm emotion appeared in her heart. She couldn't help but think, "If I weren't the empress, it might be quite nice just to live an ordinary life with Zhang Beichen?"

She noticed that her special attribute was strengthened once again.

[Simulation Evaluation: Sage of Confucianism. You helped the empress implement and promote the exam system, giving those from humble backgrounds a chance to become state officials and change the kingdom. You organized classic readings from the School of Confucianism and wrote a major work about Confucianism. You deserved to be called a sage of your time.]

[Simulation reward: Small-sized spiritual energy, Confucianism memory, golden skin, School of Confucianism second-grade spiritual treasure: Pen of Spring and Autumn.]

Zhang Beichen unlocked another golden skin. This was a 1.5-star cold coward, and it was half a star higher than the King of Yi Qu.

[Sage of Confucianism: Zhang Beichen.]

"Reputation increased by 1,200 points, Confucianism cultivation speed increased by 12 percent, Confucianism spell power increased by 12 percent."

Skill [Sword of Words]: You can agglomerate the words of Confucianism into phantom weapons and use them to attack.