Govern by Inaction

Ying Yiren gave them a way out and said, "I believe in your ability and determination to strengthen Kingdom Qin. However, the national policy of Kingdom Qin must change! In the past dynasties, when the country was in danger, it was always the one who changed who was stronger, and the one who didn't change who was destroyed! The national policies of our ancestors are applicable to the ancient Kingdom of Qin. Now, Kingdom Qin is in a life-and-death crisis. If we don't change now, Kingdom Qin will be in danger!"

Zhang Beichen gave Ying Yiren a thumbs up in his heart. It seemed like Ying Yiren had grown a lot in the simulation. He remembered that in the first simulation, Ying Yiren was a boorish gambler. After she took the throne, she directly led the army to attack Kingdom Wei.

The crowd had nothing to say, so Meng Yuan took the initiative to take a step back and said, "Your Highness is wise. The national policies of Kingdom Qin need to change, but we need to think carefully about what and how to change."

"That's why I'm inviting everyone to discuss the national policy today. Please present the national policies that all of you have come up with!" Ying Yiren said.

At the mention of this, Meng Yuan cast a glance at Xi Qiming. Xi Qiming stepped out and presented a bamboo slip that he had prepared earlier. He said, "I have a copy of "Kingdom Qin's National Policy". Please take a look, Your Highness!"

When he took out the "Book on National Policy", the black bird circled around the hall and then stood in the air. If the black bird didn't respond, it meant that Kingdom Qin's national destiny didn't recognize it, and the national policy couldn't be implemented.

The action earlier meant that the black bird had acknowledged the national policy and the kingdom could go ahead and execute the national policy.

When Ying Yiren saw this, she was displeased. Xi Qiming's "Book of National Policy" was practically the same as all the national policies that were implemented by the kings before her. He had changed the previous national policies slightly and was still using the militaristic approach.

"Are there any other books on national policies?" Ying Yiren asked the officials.

The officials all took out their own national policy books, but the black bird did not move. It even closed its eyes, as if it was disdainful.

"These b*stards!" Ying Yiren knew that they were hiding their strength, deliberately leaving Ying Yiren with no choice.

"Scholars, do you have any national policies to suggest?" Ying Yiren asked the scholars who had been appointed from the recruitment order.

The scholars had been waiting for this opportunity, and they all took out their bamboo slips. However, when most people walked in front of the black bird, the black bird didn't have any reaction and kept its eyes closed.

Their national policy books were also thrown to the side. There were also a few scholars who managed to attract the black bird's attention. Ying Yiren took over their national policies and quickly read through them. However, she was very dissatisfied.

"It's my turn." Zhang Beichen stood up and presented his "Book on National Policy". He said, "Your Highness, I have "Political Reform National Policy" with me. Your Highness, please take a look!"

Zhang Beichen's "Political Reform National Policy" was a revised version of the previous 'order to cultivate grass'. It was more perfect than the 'order to cultivate grass'. It was also more suitable for the overall situation of Kingdom Qin, but it was not the final version.

When Zhang Beichen took out the "Political Reform National Policy", the black bird suddenly opened its eyes and circled in the hall, letting out a long cry.

"The long cry of the black bird, a shocking cry!" A scholar exclaimed, "This policy has been recognized by the black bird!"

Everyone even saw the black bird send down a trace of fate to connect to Zhang Beichen's body. If Zhang Beichen's national policy were set, he would be connected to Kingdom Qin's national destiny. With the blessing of national destiny, his cultivation speed would skyrocket!

The words on Zhang Beichen's "Book on National Policy" were also reflected for everyone to see. The core was still to focus on agricultural production, improve the legal system, and weaken the power of the nobles.

Ying Yiren's face was filled with joy. "My beloved subject's "Political Reform National Policy" is indeed a good policy. I am willing to implement it!"

Upon hearing this, Xi Qiming, Bai Jiayi, and the other old clansmen looked at each other and saw the displeasure in each other's eyes.

If they really followed Zhang Beichen's national policy, the power of the old clans would be greatly reduced.

A trace of ruthlessness appeared in Bai Jiayi's eyes. Xi Qiming understood tacitly and nodded slightly. They had already made many preparations. Didn't Zhang Beichen want to reform? Then they would let him know what it meant to have things end before they even started!

Xi Qiming turned around and glanced at a scholar. That scholar immediately stood out and shouted, "Your Highness, please don't be anxious. I also have a national policy to offer!"

Zhang Beichen looked at him and saw that the man was wearing a Daoist robe and walking with light steps. When he presented the national policy, the black bird also let out a long cry and even stopped above him!

"He has also obtained the recognition of the black bird!" Everyone exclaimed, "It seems to be more impressive than Zhang Beichen's."

The man introduced himself and said, "I am Feng Yi, a Daoist disciple. I have especially presented the "Govern By Inaction National Policy" to Your Highness. Your Highness, please have a look!"

As he spoke, he opened the bamboo scroll. The words on the bamboo scroll were reflected in the air and could be clearly seen.

He explained as he showed it, "Laozi once said, 'Govern by inaction'. In ancient times, the world was flooded. Yao sent Gun to control the flood, but Gun used the method of 'blocking' to stop the flooding. There was no effect for nine years."

"However, Gun's son, Yu, used the method of dredging to allow the water to flow freely to the sea. He successfully controlled the flood."

"The two sages, Yao and Shun, punished the criminals with a lighter sentence for a serious crime. And the people were all convinced by them."

"I think that the empress of Kingdom Qin should follow the example of the ancient sages and sit quietly on the throne. Let your officials and citizens live and develop freely, implement lighter punishment, and empathize with the people. Only then can Kingdom Qin become strong."

"That's why Laozi said, 'I do nothing, but the people will undergo self-transformation; I'm quiet and the people will be upright, I do nothing and the people will become rich; I have no desires and the people will be simple!"

After he said that, the black bird cried again, and the power of fate descended and entered Feng Yi's body, greatly lifting his spirit.

Feng Yi was overjoyed. If Kingdom Qin could carry out his national policy, his cultivation would certainly advance by leaps and bounds.

And now, the person who was blocking him from attaining that was Zhang Beichen!

Thinking of this, he looked at Zhang Beichen and said loudly, "The "Political Reform National Policy" written by Zhang Beichen has complicated regulations and harsh punishments. The people have no freedom and are restricted everywhere. It's inevitable that they will have complaints. It's just like how Gun tried to control the water and flood by blocking it, which will only cause greater chaos in the end!"

"Woo!" The scholars cheered in unison. "Woo" meant that they were cheering. At this time, it basically meant 'Well said', 'Awesome', 'Beautiful', and other words of praise.

"Zhang Beichen, your national policy will harm the kingdom and the people. Do you know your mistake?" Feng Yi was overbearing.

Today, not only did he want to change Kingdom Qin's national policy, but he also wanted to break Zhang Beichen's laws! And Zhang Beichen would become a cripple from now on!

Zhang Beichen now understood that Feng Yi must be the backup plan of the old clans. In other words, his 'Govern By Inaction' was just to make Ying Yiren an obedient puppet ruler.

The reason why Feng Yi was able to cause an anomaly was that his national policy was indeed in line with some kind of governing path. Furthermore, his cultivation was higher than Zhang Beichen's. He was in the late stage of the Dao-seed realm and had more spiritual energy. The stronger the executor of the national policy, the stronger the influence of the policy. Therefore, the reaction of the black bird was more intense when Feng Yi presented his national policy.

Moreover, Feng Yi deliberately directed the battle to Zhang Beichen and made it seem like he was debating with Zhang Beichen. If Zhang Beichen didn't debate with Feng Yi, it would mean that he had admitted defeat. If Zhang Beichen debated and lost, his and Ying Yiren's reform would also be stopped, and they would also suffer the backlash of breaking the law!

Feng Yi came with ill intentions!

"Wrong? I think the one who is wrong is you!" Zhang Beichen retorted loudly, "Feng Yi, you claimed that Her Highness should follow the example of the ancient sages and 'Govern By Inaction', but this is a joke! You don't know what it means to 'Govern By Inaction'!"

"I'm a Daoist disciple. If I don't know, do you?" Feng Yi retorted sarcastically.

"Of course, I'm going to debate with you on this now!" Zhang Beichen said sternly.

"Debate! Zhang Beichen wants to debate with him!" The scholars were all excited. Zhang Beichen and Feng Yi's debate also represented Ying Yiren's and the old clans' fight for the right to execute the national policy.

Whoever lost would inevitably suffer the backlash of breaking the spell. In serious cases, they might even be cut off from their path of cultivation! The scholars weren't familiar with the two of them, so they naturally wanted to sit back and enjoy the show that was about to unfold.

Ying Yiren was a little worried. Zhang Beichen was a legalist, so he would be at a disadvantage if he were to debate Daoist ideas with Feng Yi.