Chapter 2: Max Midas

Vigilum. Capital City Moram. Divine HQ

"Mr. Midas we've received word that someone has died in Failure Online 5 minutes ago," said a woman in a suit.

"April Fools Sarah haha... This world is doomed, why do I even try"

"I'm serious someone did it"

"Wait, what someone did it"

"Yes that's what I've been saying this whole time"

"Send me their information right away Sarah and tell my driver to get here, I want to meet this person."

"But Mr. Midas your schedule for today is full"

"Cancel all of it, this is way more important than meeting with those geezers"

"As you wish"


Half an hour later at the Walker residence, Julian was boasting to his mom Alexandra Walker and stepfather Tom Walker.

"Mom, Mom I did it. I died in Failure Online"

"That game that came out when you were just 8," said Alexandra as she was feeding a baby, that baby being Julian's half-sister Clara Walker.

"If I remember correctly don't you get a wish now from Divine," said Tom while getting really for work.

"Yes, but I'm not sure what I want just yet" I lied. I'm not very fond of my stepfather, ever since my dad disappeared 9 years ago, things just haven't been the same. My stepfather is a higher-up in the Guild where my mother works at as a talent manager. Fast forward to the present and the two have been married for about a year. My mother changed her surname to Walker while I kept my father's surname Revolv.

"I think we should ask for as much equity in Divine as possible. They pretty much rule the world, so getting us a good percentage of their company shares is better than asking for money" said Tom like he was the one who has the wish.

"Actually, I know what I want, thank you for the suggestion. I'll be going outside." faking a smile and moving towards the hallway Tom placed a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to stop me.

"Listen, kid, this what we have here is a great opportunity for our family. Now let the adults handle this and I promise everyone will be happy, what do you think honey" Tom knows that he can't persuade me so he resorted to his trump card, my mother, the only person in the house I respect.

Before my mother could even open her mouth to respond I looked Tom straight in the eye and said "No! You don't get to decide what 10 years of my hard work and dedication goes to! Last time I checked, I'm 18 so legally I am an adult and I get to make my decisions!" I slip away from Tom's grasp and head towards the door.

Then the doorbell rang and since I was closest to the door I exhaled, then opened the door and saw three people in black suits and yellow ties, the standard Divine work uniform.

The blond person in the middle extended his hand to offer a handshake and said "Hello Mr. Revolv I am Max, Max Midas you probably know me as the son of Roy Midas."

I accepted the handshake then Max continued "I'm here on the behalf of Divine to congratulate you for winning in Failure Online and to grant you the wish as promised "

"Mr. Revolv if it's alright with you, would you come with us, we've made reservations at a restaurant," said the woman to the right of Max.

I nodded and stepped out of the house as I said "Sure, let's go. Oh, and your name is ?"

"Ah, where are my manners, My name is Sarah Lavender I'm Max's assistant and this person here is Max's personal Bodyguard Bruce Freeman. He has an epic ability, you will be safe with us" She said while gesturing toward Bruce.

Tom watched this unfold and said "I will be going with Julian"

"Mr. Walker I'm sorry you will have to stay here I only made a reservation on a table for 4, now I understand that you have your concerns but I promise you Julian will be safe with us," said Max then he proceeded to turn around and head towards the black and yellow limo.

"Ah okay then..." said Tom with a rather dejected look on his face

I didn't spare Tom a single glance and I entered the limo with Max, Sarah, and Bruce

As we were driving I remembered something about the conversation we just had

"Mr. Freeman I recall Ms. Lavender saying that you have an epic ability. May I ask were you born with it or did you awaken it with a mana core?" I said with intrigue.

"First of all just call me Bruce and I was born with my ability that's the reason this little shit here hired me and why are you even questioning me about abilities, when you should be questioning the little shit, he's got a legendary ability," Bruce said while he gestured towards Max.

"Wait What are you for real"

"I was gonna tell him later, why'd you have to spoil it, Bruce," said Max then he proceeded to stick his tongue out toward Bruce

Then he turned towards me and said" Yeah I do have a legendary ability and before you ask, I got it on birth my ability being Alternative Future Vision. My ability allows me to see into the future of realities where I don't exist. Pretty neat right, well it would be neat if only the world wasn't gonna end in approximately 8 years."

"Wait wait wait wait wait, what does this have to do with me, an ability-less person. And why are you telling me all of this".

"Well it's simple really since the strongest rankers of that reality failed, I need to forge some who can succeed"