Chapter 4: Status

[Name: Julian Revolv]

[Stats] [Abilities] [Secret Ability Progress] [Skills]

[System Comment: Most of your stats are bad. Your Skills are okay, abilities seem good, but as you are now you die from a single bullet.]

"You should see your name first then three tabs below it and a system comment, can you tell me what the system said about you"

"It said that my stats are bad, that my abilities are good, and that my skills are okay... It also said that I'd die from a single bullet"

I saw Max writing this down, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what his current expression meant. Once he was done writing he looked at me and said.

"Well that's to be expected, now can you tell me your stats, abilities, and skills"

I opened the three tabs he mentioned and was honestly surprised







Magical Strength|0.96|

Mana Capacity|2.01|



Probability Influence |Epic|

-You can spend 0.05 mana to know the probability of anything that u prompt, then you can spend an additional 0.20 mana to change the probability by 1%. You can't change the same probability twice.

Karma Randomization |Unstable|

-You can spend 0.04 mana to know someone's karmic value, then you can spend a random amount of mana to completely change one person's karma for better or worse. ]



This skill allows you to easily recall information that otherwise would have been forgotten. Generally helps with learning new information.


Allows you to enter a state of pure focus.]

I particularly liked the Probability Influence ability. I could already imagine all the ways to profit from such a busted ability.

I then opened the tab that Max didn't mention

[Secret Ability Task Progress: 93%]

'Since he didn't ask about this I guess he thought that I don't have a secret ability, the mana contract states that I have to tell him what abilities I got from the ability core, and even I know that you can't awaken a secret ability from an ability core so I guess it's fine if I stay quiet about this.'

I looked at Max who was eagerly waiting for me to start speaking and relayed what was said in my Stats tab, Abilities tab, and Skills tab.

He wrote down everything I said and told Bruce to put my file away with the rest

"Your abilities are good, in fact really good all you need now is some training to get those stats and skills of yours in the same league as your abilities. On the topic of training, I have an announcement to make, Divine is in the process of reworking Failure Online and releasing it onto Full Dive VR consoles. Oh and this time the game will be hard like really hard. So hard that people will be dying to kill a single slime. The New Failure Online will have status integration, meaning that you can use your skills and abilities in the game just like in real life."

"So what you are saying is that you turned Failure Online into a dungeon?"

"Exactly, ever since the clearing of The Last Dungeon 80 years ago, rankers had no place to hone their abilities, so I figured where there's demand there's gotta be a supplier."

"When is New Failure Online releasing?"

"In a month."

"I see, well I'll look forward to it"

"Do you have any more questions?"


"Okay then, it's about time I fulfill my contractual obligation. What do you want to wish for? Oh, and don't make me read that long document again."

"I wish for a Golden Ticket for Transcend Academy. Originally I was going to ask for something different, but since I awakened my abilities I figured this was a good chance to make one of my childhood dreams a reality, and it's what my father would have wanted."

"Very Well."

Max then sent a text message to someone, and in a few minutes, a Transcend Academy Golden Ticket along with some documentation appeared on Teleporter in the corner of the room.

"Okay just sigh here, here, and here and it's yours"

I did as he said, and soon after that, we went our separate ways. During the ride home, I got a message from Max saying that he sent me some money into my bank account. I opened my bank's app and instead of the 1450Đ that I saved up, there was 1001450Đ.

'Holy shit that's three times more than what my stepfather makes in a year as a higher-up in a mid-sized guild.

When the driver dropped me off, I got a brilliant idea. I used a bit of mana to know if Tom is home.

[The chance of Tom being home: 0%]

'I guess that means he isn't here, that's good.'

[The chance of Tom coming back home by tomorrow afternoon: 48%]

[Would you like to alter this probability by: 1% |Yes| |No| ]


[Would you like to |Increase| or |Decrease| this probability]



[The chance of Tom coming back home by tomorrow afternoon: 47%]

'Would you look at that it really changed'

I went into the house and saw that my mom, Alexandra was sleeping on the couch.

'it must be hard taking care of a baby'

I covered her with the blanket I brought from the bedroom and sent her a text.

-hey mom just wanted to let you know I awakened to my abilities, also I wished for a transcend academy golden ticket so I will be staying there in the dorms and rarely visit.

[The chance of mom getting angry after she reads this: 63%]

'Oh shit... Wait I have an idea.'

-hey mom just wanted to let you know I awakened to my abilities, also I wished for a transcend academy golden ticket so I will be staying there in the dorms and rarely visit, I am sorry for not talking with you about all this. btw I sent you 500000Đ treat yourself you deserve it :D (edited)

[The chance of mom getting angry after she reads this: 14%]

I then used my ability and got it down to [13%]

'Money. Well. Spent.'


Wild Day mini Arc: End