TED WAS LYING WITH three prostitutes, two of whom were performing oral sex on him and the third, his favorite, was massaging his feet when the phone rings:

— Yes dad, I'm finishing something important and I'll meet you in an hour — He hung up the phone.

The girl looked at him and Ted motioned for him to continue.

— You guys are fantastic, you know that?

One of them put her index finger in her mouth and shush for him to shut up, Ted then climaxed for the fourth time in a row.

A few minutes after composing himself, he changed and left two thousand dollars for each of them and hurriedly left to find his father.

Ted looked at his cell phone and there were hundreds of messages, he only focused on the ones his father and Horace had sent him.

Wonderful... everything is almost done...

He got into his convertible car and got out hastily when a policeman accosted him:

— You're in such a hurry, brother — said the policeman.

— Sorry, officer, but I have an urgent meeting.

— You had, is what I meant.

Ted handed over the car ID and his personal ID, along with four thousand dollars, was all he had on hand at the moment.

The policeman looked at him sideways, put the money in his pocket and was startled by the surname that was on the document.

— Have a nice day, Mr Johnson.

— Thanks, Jim — he said and hurried out again.

The policeman smiled and thought:

For four thousand dollars he could even call me Marilyn Monroe...

The officer's name was Allan Fergusson.

WILLIAN JOHNSON was expecting his son when Ted walked into his office.

— You're late.

— I was taking care of some important matters.

'With three whores?'

— For me, having sex is an important subject.

— So think more with your brain than what you keep in your underwear, we are on the verge of living our great achievement, you can't be worried about details of which your and your brother's functions are.

— In this case, more mine than Victor's.

— Let 's put it this way, after he made up with that blonde bitch, all he thinks about is running after her, I made a plan to get rid of that bitch.

Ted immediately remembered when he had slept with Silvia Reys, she really lived up to her reputation, which gave him an immediate erection.

As he arranged his member in his underwear, his father immediately told him:

— Can you think about business a little?

— Sorry, Dad, but talking about Silvia brought back good memories.

William Johnson knew well what his son was thinking, but he had more control over himself than his son.

— Do I have to worry about that too?

— No, just a good memory, I'm not stupid for falling in love with her as well as my brother.

— I hope so, the plan is almost on the verge of being realized, I made a party fund for Senator Wilkinson, I believe that with her at the head of everything it will be incomparably easier to do all this.

— Modesty part, I like her a lot, I'm sorry that all this will happen during her term.

— She is really competent, I have no doubt about that, but the chance is perfect in her term, everything is ready and the change of command of this country will be a key moment, as everyone will be preoccupied with other things.

Ted nodded and was about to leave when his father called him again:

— Are we done?

— Set the day and time and it will be done according to what you want.

Ted turned and left.

AS SOON AS HE OPENED THE DOOR, he ran into a beautiful girl:

— Sorry — Ted said.

She realized who it was:

— I apologize profusely, Mr Johnson.

— Ted.

— As?

— My name is Theodore, but everyone calls me Ted.

She was a little embarrassed.

— I believe you have a name.

— Alicia.

— Almost like the Disney movie.

— For the rush you would be the rabbit then.

— I identify more with the mad hatter.

William walked out the door.

— Apparently they already know each other.

— Of course, father.

— Then help her solve this problem that Dunhill has brought me — and hurriedly left.

— What did Dunhill do this time?

— It's a long story.

— I like stories, especially well — resolved ones told by a fantastically beautiful woman.

— BUT THE WAY HE HAS GET into a huge touch this time.

— It's more of an organizational issue than a problem itself.

— But his little monster daughter is going to marry a servant, have you thought of that? — Remember that he manages important businesses for my father and his empire, just the fact that she, by itself, appears in the media will already cause a tremendous unease in the media, that's all my father doesn't need right now.

Alicia took on a sullen air at that moment.

— I didn't disregard that.

— What is the second option?

— We'd better work only with the first one so we don't throw more shit on the fan than we already have.

'Kill that little bastard right away and solve the problem.'

— The point is, he's the brother of someone your father owes a great deal.

— My dad?

— Yes, he is the brother of the boy who donated a kidney to him.

— It donated... well, the term wouldn't be quite that, but the situation is very delicate, so, but nothing prevents you from doing it well and my father thinks it's an accident.

— It's easier to hide the fact, since the girl already lives in anonymity anyway.

Ted threw back his head, trying to think of something surprising so that Dunhill's name wouldn't be linked to his father's and the whole plan would fall apart.

— Can you hide it until the new president's inauguration?

— It's only a few months, I don't think there's any problem with that.

— Fine, leave the rest to me.

TED RE— EVALUATED AGAIN ALL the plans and there was no flaw, even the contingency plans were ingenious, simply for something to get out of control only with divine intervention, which in his case could not happen, if there really was an omniscient and omnipresent God. how much talking would have stopped us.

As in every night, Ted would go to a different club and hire several prostitutes to make him happy, but before entering the room, one of his father's assistants approached him and said:

— Please, Mr. Ted, your mother needs to speak to you urgently.

— Send that cow to hell.

The man was about to retort when in a quicker swing than the man could have predicted, Ted grabbed him by the neck and lifted him.

— Do as I say, I have no business with that bitch.

Your mother appeared.

— I figured you'd say that.

Ted looked at her with contempt and threw the man to his feet, he tried to get up patting his neck realizing that he had just missed Hades.

Ted turned and hugged two of the girls and went towards the bedroom, but one of the girls simply stopped when she realized that Catherine had a gun pointed at her son.

— Pull the trigger, I want to see if you have the courage.

Cat started to tremble as she saw her son get rid of the girls and heading towards her, she slowly took the gun, took it out of her hand and with the butt of the gun hit her face which started a slight bleeding.

— You're pathetic, you know that?

He angrily grabbed her hair and pulled it so that his face was pressed against hers.

— Every time you take action, make sure you're ready for the consequences, just never point a gun if you're not really ready to pull the trigger.

He put the gun to his mother's knee and fired.

WILLIAN AND TED WERE in the conference room working out the last details when Victor stormed in and tried to punch his brother to no avail.

His father pushed Victor and stood between them:

'Have you gone mad, Victor?'

— That little shit shot our mom, dad.

— And? She deserved it.

— I can't believe you're going to defend him?

— I'd defend you too if you weren't so obsessed with her, I've told you a million times to focus on the plan instead of chasing hookers, including your mother.

— You two will regret this, believe me.

Willian calmly approached his son and punched him, making Victor spit out two teeth.

— I already told you to focus on what is really important, if your mother were important, she would be in this room, but she is not, she prefers to sleep with her little doctor, she chose her destiny, I chose mine, now I need to know what she will choose, your mother or the future, choosing the two is simply impossible.

William extended his hand to his son.

— It's your last chance, you're either with us or you're against us.

Victor glared at his brother.

— I'm with you, but it's not going to stay like this, Ted, it's going to come back.

Victor ignored his father's outstretched hand and left the room.

Ted laughed with emotion seeing his brother in that state.

— It's time for you to get back together.

— I don't give a damn about this loser.