ANTÔNIO CASANOSSA was lying in a corner of the bar when his son, Juanes, came close to him and said:
— Daddy, mamassá is asking you to go home.
— Who does your mother think she is, brat? — Talk like a man.
When Antonio was about to slap him, Juanes said:
— It's just that she's just given birth to a boy, Daddy.
Antonio stopped his hand in the middle of the way and smiled dreamily.
— At least she's not a little girl like you anymore.
Juanes went to help his father up and received a tremendous slap that made him immediately fall at his feet.
— Didn't I say I don't want anyone messing in my life, kid? — Even more a Maricotinha like you.
Juanes began to cry, more out of anger than pain, he had already gotten used to his father's daily beatings.
— There, the little girl in the family is going to start crying, that's all I needed.
Juanes swallowed back tears, but his ear throbbed along with his heart, he followed his father at a distance to prevent the other side from getting the same.
I doubt that Jesus when he said to turn the other cheek took a steak from my father... I doubt it... he would definitely revise this theory...
ANTÔNIO PICKED UP HIS SON in his arms and smiled, satisfied with himself.
— Anyway, a real Casanossa boy, look at the size of that dick, this boy will definitely be a porn actor, he's a big boy.
— Where is Juanes? — asked his wife.
— What do you care, woman? That kid is good for nothing, he just wants to know how to hang around after women.
As if you were different — thought the tired wife.
ANTÔNIO CASANOSSA SENT ENRICO home, but the boy hid in a lifeboat.
When they crossed the border, it was quiet, but when they stepped on dry land, the army approached them, and when they saw that many people were running, Antônio was completely drunk and couldn't run, being shot several times.
Enrico looked at everything astonished, he didn't believe in anything that was happening.
The soldiers began to search everything around, and when one of them was close enough to discover Enrico's hiding place, the Sergeant called the soldier, making him follow the new orders given to him.
Enrico was so scared that he urinated in his pants.
He stayed there until dusk came the next day, when he got up the courage to go ahead all alone.
GWENDOLLY DUNHILL was the only child of millionaire Donald Dunhill and was raised under lock and key, especially after the accident that disfigured her face and killed her mother, Anabelle, which made her father sink deeper and deeper into his business and build his life. of the poor girl under a wall of loneliness to which she had become a slave to her own desires.
Few people in Dunhill House had the right to see Gwen, just three, her nanny, Charmaine, her chauffeur, and him, of course everyone knew about her, and that was part of the whole mystery.
DONALD DUNHILL, one of the New York mob bosses was hugging his daughter Gwen, she had already undergone more than forty surgeries to try to repair her face after an accident, and what was supposed to solve it ended up getting worse, turning her daughter into a kind of monster in your family.
Her face was left with dozens of scars from which all the top experts in the world assured her that it was impossible to recover, advised her to wear a face mask to disguise the damage and try to give the poor girl a normal life, but Donald knew that it would never be the same again.
If Anabelle were here, she would know what to do...
GWEN ALWAYS MANAGED to escape the housekeeper, thanks to her help, from her vision, the girl locked in a dungeon would not be able to live life, she even understood what her boss wanted to do protecting her, however, in one of these escapades Gwen almost don't come back.
She had gone at two in the morning, just after her father had stopped by her room to check on her, that's when she came out helped by the housekeeper:
— You know you have to get back early.
— Of course, it'll be all right.
The taxi was waiting outside and took her to a nightclub, where it was common for more underground people to pass by, because her lack of beauty always ended up going unnoticed in front of so many caricatured figures, however, as if by magic, something totally unexpected happened.
A police chase was underway and one of the cars almost hits Gwen if it wasn't for a skinny boy throwing himself on top of her, moving her to the corner of the sidewalk.
— Are you okay? — asked Enrico.
Gwen ran her hand over her head where she hit it and it took a few seconds for her to see the boy's interest in her, it was simply the first time anyone had done that.
— I think so.
— Do you need a hospital?
Immediately she got up, but as she did so very quickly, she felt a strong sting in the head where she had hit it, which made her faint.
ENRICO WAS SITTING outside the room and his boss, Donald Dunhill came in quickly and picked him up by the collar:
— What have you done to my daughter, you wretch?
— Your what?
Enrico was not understanding at all.
— Sir — said the housekeeper.
— What is it now, you unfortunate?
— The boy has nothing to do with it, on the contrary, he saved her... I 'm guilty, I allowed Gwen to go out to have a little fun, I just don't know how it happened, I...
Before she finished, she received a slap in the face from Donald.
— Know that if she dies, so do you.
He looked at Enrico and continued:
— And you too, kid, I don't know how you got into this, but I'd love to hear all about it.
— There's not much to say about it, two vehicles were running at high speed, one of them was going to run over your 'daughter' and I jumped to save her.
— Coincidentally, my 'daughter'.
— Coincidentally, after all, how was I supposed to imagine that the girl in the dragon tower, guarded under lock and key by her king would be wandering around in the middle of the night and I was going to save her.
Before Donald could continue, the doctor left the room and said:
— Mr Dunhill?
— So, doctor, is she all right?
— She'll survive if that's what you want to know.
— Thank you very much, excellent news, may I see you?
— That's why I came here, she doesn't want to see anyone but Mr. Casanossa.
Donald glared at Enrico.
ENRICO ENTERED THE ROOM, there was a comedy program on television.
— You like them? — She started.
— Particularly found it a bit dull, it's like the jokes are too old for them, kind of out of their time.
— It would be so cool if I had a life to compare, but unfortunately I don't have much besides television and books.
— Now you have me.
— It would be amazing.
Enrico sat in the armchair next to the bed and coincidentally laughed a lot like he hadn't laughed in a long time, for the first time that program had the right mood, which made Enrico realize that the program was good, his companions watching it that they weren't, that's when he fell asleep holding Gwen's hand.