WILLIAN JOHNSON FELT LIKE A NEW MAN after the surgery, his life expectancy had increased from three months to another thirty years, now he could really start his plan, or rather, his life plan. grandfather.

WHEN WILLIAN JOHNSON learned that he was the grandson of Adolf Hitler — the best— known man of the 20th century, he would undoubtedly be better known than Jesus Christ himself.

Before and after William Johnson... (A.WJ — D.WJ)... finally, the thousand— year Reich would be effective...


WILLIAN JOHNSON SINCE a child he had felt that his destiny was greater than his own existence, and this was confirmed when his grandmother said — in her most perfect and absolute madness — that he was the legitimate grandson of the Führer, Adolf Hitler.

The feeling of superiority began to take over the hitherto disgraced William Johnson, who had always been seen by the family as the poor guy who would never get anywhere, the boy who was born to fail.

The life of the useless family member was not easy at all, his parents constantly beat him for not being able to understand things like his brothers, he also did not have good skills with tools, which made life difficult with his father, who was a car mechanic.

But the revelation made by her grandmother completely changed her story.

Willian began to study hard the history of his grandfather and all the great men and generals in history and realized that, like them, none of them had had such a good childhood, they all had a complicated path, full of ups and downs, but all persisted in their dream.

From that fact, little Willian started to make plans and, coincidentally, they all started to work out, the first of them was to kill his two brothers, it was really impossible to get exclusivity with those two meddlers in his life.

Jean, the oldest and most talented of the three Johnson's, had an unbearable stomachache one night and was taken by his father to the hospital closest to his home, doctors tried to do a stomach wash saying that the young man had eaten something. spoiled, or even poison, but it was no use.

His parents bet all their chips on Jean, for them, the firstborn would be the person who would get them out of the mud, but frustration took over the family for several months.

William felt like Caligula when he killed his own father who was one afternoon working under a car.

William kicked the safety pin that locked the easel and the car descended on his father who died crushed by the pressure that the car had put on his chest.

While his father was dying, the young man looked carefully at his father's slow death, smiling when he saw the disgrace of that damned man who always compared him negatively to his other brothers.

HIS THIRD VICTIM was his younger brother, John, he had really pity on him, William liked his younger brother, he was always dependent on him, they played together, he was the only one in the family who showed a certain appreciation for him, but conquering the world needed certain sacrifices, and the little brother would be perfect, just like the daughter of Agamemnon, as much as it hurt in his heart, the world was still more valuable.

Little John died of asphyxiation in his sleep, William put a pillow over his face, pressing until the young man did not struggle anymore.

WILLIAN'S MOTHER didn't know what to do with her life anymore, her world was crumbling around her, the only person left in her life was the only one she desperately wanted to see dead and buried, the shame that had made her so bitter, because William was the result of a rape that she always hid from everyone, her own father had raped her in her drunkenness, and Camile Schidth Johnson, William's mother, had always blamed William for the misfortune that befell her.

Camile died in a traffic accident on his way home, it was an occasional accident, however, William knew that the world conspired in his favor, the good winds that would take him to Troy were already blowing...

AS MUCH AS WILLIAN JOHNSON found Catherine a door — intellectually speaking — his desire to have that spectacular body wrapped around his always spoke louder, he thought she exuded a unique aura. It would be perfect to be by your side in your moments of glory.

William knew that Catherine went out with the smartest boy in school, his friends called him little Einstein, but Carlisle Burke wanted to go far beyond what his idol was.

Despite her breathtaking beauty, Catherine was the most unbearably vain person on the entire planet. Her life boiled down to three things: money, wild sex, and frivolities that only money and wild sex could buy, and through that, she ended up being one of the richest people in the world.

All three, coincidentally, went to the same college, but only Carlisle Burke got in for the right reasons.

CARLISLE BURKE KNEW from the beginning that he would be a famous scientist, after all, at just eighteen years old, he discovered countless ways to cure some types of Cancer with fruit peels, until the day he accidentally discovered the Omega Virus, which accelerated the degenerative process of almost all existing diseases, especially cancer and AIDS, even if they were at an early stage of the disease. The Omega Virus quickly accelerated the degenerative process of the human body and animals in general, not all, since marine animals were not affected, for some reason that Carlisle could not discover, the VO (Omega Virus) did not interact with salt water..

The further he went in research, the more Carlisle discovered that his experiment was a powerful weapon against society, and he often thought about abandoning research, but his curiosity knew no bounds, and he wanted to know how far his discovery could go, in his innocence, he was looking for a positive factor of the VO, but it all boiled down to death.

CATHERINE BRADERY went to college because she was head over heels in love with the scrawny, cocky scientist she'd just met, Carlisle William Burke, despite him having absolutely nothing to look forward to-physically speaking, apart from a single detail.

The drafts of a novel he'd written for her had completely fascinated her, not that she cared for poetry and novels, but this was the first demonstration of true love she'd received in her entire life.

When Burke finally finished the novel, she bribed him by saying that she would sleep with him if he gave her the novel as a souvenir.

In this way, Carlisle Burke and Catherine sustained the novel for more than thirty years, as well as their brilliant and false writing career, until Carlisle plunged once and for all into his — Adam and Eve — project, seeking to save the future of humanity from the imminent destruction of the most fragile people.

William, on the other hand, wanted Catherine anyway, not just to go to bed with her — this he had already done many times, not only him, but many others as well...

He wanted her body and soul...

WILLIAN JOHNSON HAD DISCOVERED Carlisle Burke and Catherine's little romance and blackmailed her, saying that if she didn't marry him, she would surely reveal to the whole world that the new lady of world literature was actually a fraud. She could barely speak and write her own name without thinking too much, and above all, she was a luxury prostitute, who sold herself for any cheap crap written by a scientist— like lunatic.

Their wedding was a world landmark, worthy of British royalty. William Johnson and Catherine Bradery have been a constant part of New York's big celebrity events lately, their names plastered all over the covers of newspapers and magazines around the world.

With the birth of the couple's first child, their names began to fetch the money they thought they were.

For a short time — during her first pregnancy. Catherine and Burke were unable to meet due to pressure from William. When Catherine became pregnant again, William discovered that a few times they met, one of those times, Ivy was conceived, this was easy to see, as Catherine had been avoiding William for a long time.

William nearly killed them both when he learned of their betrayal, but Catherine had an idea when William was going to pull the trigger of his pistol. She offered something that would make him the richest man on the planet, perhaps in history.

— Do we have something that will interest you, Will? — Catherine said in a last desperate act.

— Nothing that comes from you interests me...

He created the most perfect weapon since the atomic bomb — said Catherine.

Despite Carlisle Burke's protests, Catherine offered William the Omega Virus in exchange for their lives, including their baby in her womb.

When Willian saw what the Omega Virus was capable of, he was completely stunned, and completely forgot about Catherine and Burke, after all, William has been going out with luxury prostitutes and pornographic movie actresses for a long time and he wouldn't leave the bitch of his wife manipulate him again, never again, this time she was where he really wanted her to be.

IVY WAS TWO YEARS and six months old when William arrived home completely drunk and raped Catherine in the mansion's living room. His eldest son, Victor, was almost seven years old when he saw his mother brutally raped by his own and swore on his life that one day he would kill that bastard with his own hands.

After that day, Catherine never slept with William in the same bed again for two reasons: first; by the violence itself, she never imagined that one day he would do such a thing to her, and second; because from this cursed act was born her third child, Ted, the son she never said a word to him, a show of affection, affection, nor even breastfed him.

Over time, the two learned to live apart from each other, smiling out of convenience for the cameras so the whole world could see what a happy and prosperous family they were, when really, all that referred to the Johnson family, they were. complete wretches of the lowest class that ever existed on the face of the earth.

Ivy and the brothers had everything the world could provide, lots of money, fame, they were VIP's guests for the biggest parties and ceremonies, but something neither of them felt, from birth to their deaths, was paternal and maternal love.

The Johnson family itself wasn't bad, everyone had strengths and weaknesses, the only one who had more strengths than weaknesses was Ivy.

Ivy won every contest she entered, whether beauty or poetry — many thought her mother was the one who wrote it, but time proved the unquestionable truth — she radiated a joy and strength that no one knew where it came from, had nothing to do with it. to do with the charisma that her family radiated, maybe deep down, everyone knew that the Johnson family was pure cheap marketing, but Ivy always showed the best part of her as one of the most expensive perfumes available.

Ivy moved to college and never came back to the Johnson family mansion, she realized that living without love was complicated, but living without love and peace of mind at the same time was really impossible, and she realized that moving had been difficult. The best choice I could have ever had in my life.

During one of the few dinners with the whole family together, Ivy announced that she was going to live alone, after all, she was already halfway through law school. She got a part — time job at a law firm as an intern and needed some privacy to study — not that she spoke in those words, but everyone perfectly understood her real intention.

Life without her family — if it could be called that — was wonderful, her professional life was also on the rise, unfortunately her first book didn't get the recognition she expected, but almost no one was a fan of poetry either.

Ivy had always admired the intelligence of the Johnson family, her brothers had always taken her by surprise, she had never understood why in front of the whole society they were always, psychologically, almost amoebas, but at home the two were true geniuses, creative, they helped her in her homework, especially math — that she was insanely bad — but that doubt was always in the air.

Everything around the Johnson family was a mystery, her father never revealed where he got the money to set up his first factory, her mother was a phenomenal writer with her mouth shut, and most amazing of all, Ivy never saw her in front of the typewriter. or computer, and never heard a single typewriter sound... absolutely nothing...

Ivy always kept thinking that if her mother were as good a friend as she was a writer, she would be the most fantastic friend in the whole world and she would be the happiest person, but of all evils the — least of all — Worse — her mother had always treated her differently, in her own way, considered her her favorite.

Despite the emotional distance — which was characteristic of her family — Ivy had always been treated like a princess by everyone, she couldn't complain about that.