JENNIE HERINGER WILKINSON was waving to the American people...

Your people now...

The vote had broken all possible and impossible records, her turnaround in the elections against the current president had made her a living legend of politics, in addition to being the first female president of the United States of America.

Jennie, John and their three children were together on the presidential platform, John was extremely charismatic and funny, he knew how to get out of the most embarrassing situations with mastery, he was a true genius in the art of talking and entertaining people, with absolute certainty, if it wasn't for John, Jennie would never have won the election, at least not like that.

For a long time people were wondering why the beautiful Jennie married that redneck, that year, everyone found out why it all.

Countless famous bands played at President Wilkinson's inauguration, even a lead singer in a band her brother played in.

— Dear friends and brothers — Jennie began — today is an unforgettable day for everyone, the beginning of a new time, the watershed of a new era in which we all have to prepare...

WHEN JENNIE FINISHED her speech, everyone cheered her tirelessly as if she were one of the crew of Apollo 13, Jennie was arguably the world's hope to supply the unwillingness of politicians to help those most in need.

— Today is the best day of my life, John — she said, giving him her prettiest smile.

John couldn't explain how, but... once again he had fallen madly in love with her.

Jennie looked to the horizon and saw countless explosions and thousands of people suffocating around her, suddenly she realized that a long nightmare was just beginning.

Security quickly removed President Jennie Wilkinson along with her family members from the podium as fast as they could, Jennie's last sight was countless people who were around her suffocating and dying.

JENNIE AND HER FAMILY escorted from the presidential platform and were protected in an underground room against nuclear attacks.

— Madam President... — said the Secretary of Homeland Security of the United States of America, Richard Carmington, as he entered the room.

— For God's sake, Richard, what's going on?

— Madam President, I have just received news from almost all the capitals of Europe, Asia and South America. There were chemical and nuclear bombings in many places across the planet. In Africa, with the exception of Egypt, all countries were targeted with nuclear warheads, but the main attack has been a chemical bomb that kills in a few seconds, the strange thing is that not all people are affected, many soldiers saw ulcers explode on people, even in many of his companions.

— This is unbelievable — said John Wilkinson — we have to act immediately.

— I have already taken all the precautions that were in my power, the entire army, the police, NASA, all the hospitals and the fire department are working with all their efforts, the problem is that many of them end up being affected by this virus that kills in a matter of seconds. Another problem has been communications... they are too slow, I believe that the person behind this has so much power that he has the means to cut our communication, the government still manages to use some gimmicks, exclusive secret lines, but the population is incommunicado, generating even more despair, many, not to say thousands, are killing themselves thinking that this is the end of time.

— First, Richard... what's our real situation? — Can we fight this enemy?

— Nobody knows who this person is, or, these people, it can be an organization, Madam President, this is the big "X" of the issue in this problem, until this exact moment, no one has contacted, asked for any financial amount to stop with the attacks... it looks like it's an ideological attack, a billionaire secret sect that wants to form a new society, or something like that.

— Which countries have not been reached yet?

— As far as we know, Australia, Egypt, France and England are suffering only from human casualties, the cities themselves have not suffered attacks, but many countries, according to NASA, have completely ceased to exist, Cuba, Argentina, Chile and more than thirty countries are those on this preliminary list, but, I believe that in less than an hour, at least another twenty countries will also top that list.

— My God, what are we going to do?

— I have already prepared a national speech for you, it will be on the air in four hours, it should be enough time for us to correct the technical errors caused by the enemy, but before that, we have some presidents waiting for you for an urgent meeting, forty— three countries per While.

— John, what do I do?

— Love — John hugged her — now is the time to do what you must do, you are the most powerful person in the world, believe that you are not in power for nothing, God has a purpose in all of this, use it in your favor.

— John, we don't know what — what-or-who — we will be fighting, it's practically an invisible enemy.

— Jennie, if anyone is highly prepared for a situation like this, it's you.

JENNIE WAS SITTING in her presidential chair waiting for the moment to go live via videoconference and try to solve, or alleviate, that unique catastrophe that someone had caused.

— Two minutes, Madam President — said Richard.

Jennie nodded and straightened in her chair, straightened her posture, cleared her throat and gave the assistant a thumbs up.

— Good night everyone... — she took a deep breath, trying to show confidence — as you know, the world faces a crisis like no other... we need...

Suddenly, all the channels went down and reassembled into a single figure.

— Hello, Madam President, how long, I think you know who I am...

— William Johnson… — she said in complete disbelief — my brother's father— in— law.

— Your ' half ' brother to be exact, but I'm not here to talk about David, I'll work things out with him in a few years.

— Which?

— David is alive, Madam President, but for that matter, talk to your father about it, I didn't come here for that… what I have to say is more important.

— You can only be crazy, William... I'm going to have you arrested and shot in the public square.

— Don't make me laugh Jennie, I own this world as well as being your real one. — father... I came to warn you that soon the world will know the New World Order, or the IV Reich, however you want to interpret it, the new Reich will be established, billions of people are already out of my way, millions more will suffer the same penalties, I already advance that no army in the world is a match to stop my power, and another, I annihilate the rest. of humanity if need be, that's not what your God did when he chose Noah, I'm just copying the idea.

— Like you...

— Don't interrupt me... I 'm the one in charge now...

— If you think we're going to get down on our knees and beg for mercy, you're sorely mistaken...

— I know... I know... I know... that kind of speech is outdated, Jennie, and another, what do you especially gain from begging for mercy? — I am forming a new society, the world is already at my feet, I will be the Christ of the new generation of human beings, I will definitely change the history of humanity, your great-grandfather was a useless fool, but I did what III Reich should have done.

— Nazism is a cancer that to this day we struggle to completely exterminate.

— If something as ridiculous as Nazism bothers you to this day, do you really think you can stop me, Jennie? — I am the first to want to end Nazism, not only Nazism, but Christianity, Buddhism, Spiritism, Judaism, Freemasonry, Candomblé and so on... of the situation once and for all...

Jennie was looking at William with a fury she had never felt in her entire life.

— There Plaga is unbeatable, Jennie, consider yourself a lucky woman, I say more, one chosen for having saved yourself, you are part of our "Race Superior"...

— Good evening Madam President, or should I call you daughter? I will send my regards to your little stepbrother while I am killing him in the future.

Jennie was about to protest when the televisions showed the faces of all the presidents again.


JENNIE WORKED RElentlessly night and day to recover her country from the chaos William Johnson had caused. All possible and impossible means to find William Johnson were taken, but as if by magic, the bastard disappeared from the face of the Earth.

It was impossible for her that Johnson was her real father, but after the letter he sent with all the documents and photos of her and her real mother, it was impossible not to believe that damned bastard.

For three long years, the world was focused on rebuilding and regrouping people. Thousands of cities were completely deserted, in the United States, one city for each state was concentrated as the headquarters of the regrouping, but even so, there was still a lot of space left, the damage had been very great.

The same efforts for the reconstruction of his country were given to the capture of William Johnson, but it was impossible to detect where the recordings were being made from.

Jennie had devoted her entire life to society, and her efforts to rebuild her world anew, and it hadn't been in vain, even giving up family moments.

JOHN WAS A WONDERFUL, COMPLETE MAN, he took care of everything around the house, he was something of a psychologist and political consultant at the same time, helping Jennie stay in good physical shape too, but his greatest talent was having the right word at the right time.

— I feel so fragile, John, seeing the world as it is and not being able to do anything... absolutely nothing...

— There are times when there's nothing to do, Jennie, it was something bigger than all of us, you still managed to do more than you could, we can't keep thinking about what happened, but what we should do.

— But Johnson is still at large.

— Would it change anything if he was arrested? — Or dead? I know he must pay for what he did, but let God judge him, don't want to worry about what you can't do, but worry about what you must do... and that includes helping humanity rise again for the future.