3... 2... 1... In the air...

— I WANT EVERYONE TO PAY close attention to the words I'm going to say — William Johnson's worldwide broadcast began — from that moment on, the future of the world begins, a humanity where there will be no more sick, poor, unemployed, social inequality, gender differences, socialism, Christianity, Judaism, Muslims and not any kind of political philosophy or situation that makes all chosen human beings not the true kings of our new world.

— We all know that humanity is destroying itself due to the range of diseases that have affected us over the centuries, and the Omega Virus will bring the solution to all ills, as we are truly making the future of healthy people, not there will be more diseases passed from generation to generation, there will be no more pests, drug addicts, we will literally be a free and evolved people. —

— Nevertheless, we will also exterminate social cancers from the face of the earth, such as religions and political philosophies such as socialism and savage capitalism, because it is incomprehensible to be human beings who are enemies of each other, and unlike other rulers, we will have no mercy on those who do not respect this, the peoples from now on will follow in the same direction, those who do not accept will feel the power of the New World, reminding everyone that we have all the nuclear warheads in our hands, we use only 1% to eliminate most of the problems and we will not hesitate to use them again.

— The future is being built again, but this time with the right compass, the one that points to the true north, the north of hope that human beings don't go hungry, have fulfilling jobs, can be sexually satisfied with whoever they want without having the imprisonment of a ring on the finger to remind them that they are attached to someone and much less the problem of acquiring any sexually transmitted disease, all of us, the chosen ones, were freed from everything that held us, now it's a new world, a new reality of achievements, the homo sapiens as we were called will have a new name.

Homo Omega...

— As well as a future where there will be no prisons, simply because there will be no bandits, rapists, murderers, madmen, and much less weapons for good citizens to defend themselves, because there will be no threats, whatever, the future that awaits us is a future of peace, harmony and hope, which we conquer by making all the sacrifices that were necessary to make it real for us.

— Seven great city-states are being the shelter of the NWO, were meticulously prepared for such an event, New York, London, Sydney, Tokyo, Beijing, Paris and Moscow, particularly I chose Rome to be the seat of human memory, a great museum for we start the new human race that rises, we will no longer look to the glories of the past knowing that an even greater future awaits us.

— Welcome everyone to the future, to a new humanity that is reborn this morning, you yourselves are no longer the same as you were yesterday, you have been proven and approved to inherit the future that we will build together, I really believe in humanity, but in the one that we will create together.

At the end of the transmission, a symbol appeared that would be linked to that moment until a thousand years in the future, the Symbol of the New World Order, NWO.


— I'm sure it is, my whole life has been geared towards this moment.

An assistant came up behind Ted and spoke in his ear, he gave some secret directions and the assistant left.

— Did something happen, Ted?

— Nothing for you to worry about.

He took two glasses, filled them with champagne, and handed one to his father.

— To you and the future you created.


WILLIAN JOHNSON was in his office admiring — His — Holocaust, a private spectacle. His grandfather had been wrong to go after just a few insignificant little Jews...

Six million Jews is nothing compared to what I'm doing... billions of weaklings succumbing to my feet, that's racial supremacy, it's not skin color, it's the immune system that rules the genetics chair, history proves it...

For William Johnson, all races had their superior beings, Jesse Owens had proved that in the middle of Nazi Germany...

A black man winning several gold medals...

Willian jumped with joy seeing the chaos he had installed in the world, finally the IV Reich started in the world, the New World Order was acting in full swing, his dream was coming true, unfortunately, he didn't have that much time to put the rest of his plan into practice...

Every person who died live on television was one less weaker person for the future he planned, there was no room for these people, only the strong had to survive, the future of humanity depended on it.

William Johnson had discovered that his bastard daughter, Ivy, was still alive, and that his rival, Carlisle Burke, had made a secret project, preserving Christianity for the future.

He didn't know how Burke had predicted his next move...

End all religions in the world...

But the future of all religions, beliefs, sects, secret societies, gods, myths, etc. Their days were numbered, and it would be nice to have someone to admire their great triumph...

If God really existed why wouldn't he stop him, isn't that what they preached?

A God who opened the sea for Moses... who responded with fire when Elijah cried out? Who raised the dead through the apostles...

This world as we know it had its days numbered.

He would be the myth... He was the god in the new times, Moses two thousand years before Jesus divided the world and ended up with Egypt, Jesus divided history, two thousand years later, he would divide history too, the cycle was complete...


THE IMAGES OF THE NEW World Order domain were all over the world's television and internet channels. Some were horrified and sought to hide for fear of persecution, others were indifferent to the situation, letting the current take them where it would take them all, but the vast majority were in anticipation because of the radical change that the world would face.

With the New World, everyone would be rich, they would live in mansions, there would be no more poor people, beggars, physically and mentally ill, prisoners... only the best of each species would be part of the elected minority, the privileged, the chosen.

The New World Order infested the world with its doctrine that eradicated every kind of disease and belief.

His motto was:

We are free, gods of our own kind...

God is for weak people... become your own god...

Even the most ardent believers disappeared, began to live in caves, in abandoned cities, but when they were discovered, the New Order police killed them in the public square.

All prisoners were released, but those who committed new crimes were given the death sentence, with this, the crime rate began to drop considerably, a few cases still happened.

With the drastic decrease in population, natural resources returned to normal in a short period. The rivers were clean again, the air was pleasant again, the forests began to bear fruit...

In many ways, Black Week and the Witch Hunt was a relief for humanity — at least for those who survived.

WILLIAN JOHNSON and his sons, Ted and Victor were celebrating their victory.

— Now the great finale...

CATHERINE WAS SITTING by the pool when Ted came over and said,

— It's time to pay for your sins, Mom... — Ted said sarcastically.

Catherine silently followed her son to where William and Victor were.

Victor, as much as he loved his mother and knew how much she had suffered in her life at the hands of her father, he understood that his mother had done something unforgivable, had brought shame to the family.

William Johnson gave the gun to his eldest son, Victor, and said:

— Show me I'm leaving this world in good hands.

Victor took the gun and shot his mother twice in the head without hesitation.

Catherine fell lifeless, with no emotion at the end of her pathetic life.

Victor took a few seconds to absorb the impact of his attitude and then he fired two more shots.

Now in her father William Johnson