
I completed the shop function after meditating for 10 hours straight, so it's now around 3 p.m. (15:00). Unfortunately, the number of skills stored in my singularity(soul) is too large to organise in such a short period of time.

So I skimmed through them and chose the ones I think are cool, low-cost, and most useful for my current strength level.

I finally get out of bed, grateful for my increased strength and Blood Restoration for my lack of numb legs.

Speaking of which, I have yet to test how blood restoration works. With that thought, I grab a knife from the table nearby, why was there a knife on the table? The better question is why wouldn't there be! There are literally weapons scattered all over the whole Khalasar!

These Dothraki are something I dissing myself? Anywho, I bring the knife to my wrist...maybe not the best location. I bring the knife to my palm but was interrupted by my rational side.

My Rational Side: "Really bro? Self-mutilation now? All to test an ability? What if something goes wrong, what will you do then huh?!"

Me: "But..all those other MCs did the same when they got a regeneration-type skill-"

My Rational Side: "Oh~!! So you're copying other people NOW! Since when did you lose your originality, don't be a mindless sheep that follow the rest, be the wolf!"

Me: "But!...I really want to try it too... regeneration~ hehe.."

My Rational Side: "Bro, just think about this calmy~, and rational-"

*Swish* *Cuts palm*

Me: "..."

My Rational Side: "..."

Me: "I couldn't help myself"

My Rational Side: "Oh how the mighty have fallen. Sigh, I ain't got enough brain cells for this, fuck this shit I'm out~"


Cutting my palm with a shallow cut, everyone thinks they can cut themselves until they actually do so, but I didn't freak out, I was cut hundreds of times before.

*Remembers training* *Shudders*

A-anyway, it was a weird feeling, I felt my blood move to the exposed wound, and fill in the gaps, and the next moment, it was as if it was never cut.

I felt butterflies in my stomach, I have superpowers!! Oh yeah! Even though I literally reincarnated, I never had anything to show for it except my blood strengthening. But now I can heal my wounds! Fuck natural selection!

Okay, now lets try out the other ability I gained, Sense. With a skip in my step, I left my room and into the empty main tent area, kind of like the living room, and proceeded through the tent curtains.

A distinct feeling washed over me as soon as I stepped outside, into the bustling Dothraki plains. Something wasn't right. No, it wasn't my surroundings that changed; it was my perception.

This is definitely my Sense trait at work. My five senses have nearly doubled. And I can sense what's going on around me more clearly.

I close my eyes, at first all I saw was black. But then, red bodies illuminated the dark space. It was as if every drop of blood in my vicinity was highlighted a luminous red, making me see the shape and distance between any being and me, should they contain blood.

I can feel their presence, or more precisely...their blood. Getting back to the current situation, I'm drooling.

I felt hypnotised, like a man in the middle of the desert with a glass of cold water in front of him but unable to move. He just wants to drink it.....taste it... savour the sensation of it going down his dry throat...

Shaking my head and waking up, I see myself holding the neck of a horrified slave woman, my mouth just a few inches away from her neck..

Cold sweat ran down my spine, it wasn't the fact that I was about to drain a slave dry that terrified me, I don't give two shits about her life, it's that I didn't notice when I moved and grabbed her. It happened almost unconsciously.

I let down the trembling slave, who immediately started coughing violently then hurriedly scurried away, and closed my eyes and crossedmy arms in contemplation. I need more information about the effects of the Berserk Curse, I can't form a counter-measure without sufficient research.

This could go in one of two ways, I don't know which one to go for first. Plan 1, I can tie myself up near the deathmatch arena, so I could get used to the scent and allure of blood quicker. It will also help me in figuring out a lot of unanswered questions.

Does the pull the blood have on me, which I will call bloodlust from now on, increase or is it always the same? If it does increase, is it due to the number of people, quantity of blood or is it perhaps the strength of the person?

Alternatively, in plan 2, I could go to the quote-unquote, 'prison', that contains the slaves, mostly male, from raids aw well as prisoners. Although it's called a prison, it's just a glorification of a hole in the ground with wooden bars sealing the top.

Dothraki are divided on the treatment of their prisoners and war slaves. A khal may be treating his prisoners well because he knew that if he kept them alive and healthy, he could sell them for greater profit to slavers. Some instead preferred to torture and kill prisoners for fun and entertainment, or to simply avoid the cost of feeding them.

Luckily, my father's take on this is the former, and if I went there and experimented on one or two, my father won't bat an eye. I was good to go.

Okay, I only have around 4 hours till the sun is down, I think plan 1 will have to do for now, and tomorrow, I'll dedicate an entire day to finding the effects of my curse when fully let loose on a prisoner. Since I don't know if there are any negative side effects, having an entire day on my hands will be optimal.

I head over to the arena, not every match ends in death, but it's safe to say blood will be spilt, Dothraki don't hold back...I'm talking from experience...*shudders again*

I can already hear the deafening cheers from the distance, as rowdy as always huh. The crowd was gathering around a dirt arena the size of a boxing ring, I noticed one of the bloodriders standing there and watching the fights.

I head over to him and start, "Hello Villo, can I ask for a favour?"

He looks over at me, there was a hint of respect in his eyes, guess my 'show' yesterday already started it's magic, and replied "Son of the blood of my blood, ask what you want"

[A/N: please keep in mind they are speaking in Dothraki, I just didn't find a reason to write it due to it being the only language spoken there, but when someone who doesn't speak Dothraki appears, I will then write in Dothraki]

Nodding, I look over and point to a large tree a couple of meters away from the arena, "See that tree over there? I want you to tie me up to it until all the fights...a-are over, also, cover...mmy face with a black cloth"

I was already speaking with difficulty, being so close to the arena, I was able to detect the oh so sweet scent of blood, and it took all I got to not rush there and feast.

Covering my face will prevent anyone from seeing my expressions, which I imagine won't be pretty....and quite predatory.

He looked a little confused at my request, but still nodded. We headed there, and a few moments later I was tied up and ready.

I told him to tie me up with iron chains, as I could simply tear through any normal ropes. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it looked like the BLOODLING race didn't have come with elongated canines or sharp claws, which will only serve to make the scene more gruesome should I lose control.

I can feel myself losing my rational thinking every second I spent here, the scent of blood invading and enveloping my senses. I was shaking slightly, not from fear, but in order to stop my arms from lunging forward.

Anyone who passed by me gave me strange looks but ultimately ignored me, a thrilling fight was always better than a lunatic that tied himself to a tree. Luckily, they didn't know it was me, or all the respect I gained yesterday would've gone up in smokes.

As I kept resisting, barely keeping myself sane, I felt the urge to feed slowly diminishing, and after two hours of smelling blood, I managed to calm down a little.

At least my arms aren't shaking anymore, but I still wouldn't call myself calm, I knew that if it wasn't for those chains, I would've lunged towards the arena like an Otaku at Romcom.

But now that I could maintain somewhat conscious thoughts, I started gathering information. The fights carried on, One Vs One, 2 Vs 2 and even Villo, the bloodrider, joined in the fun.

From this, I figured out a couple of things. The more people present, the wider the range of the pull. Meaning the bloodlust doesn't become stronger, it just comes from multiple sources.

I also discovered that the higher the amount of blood essence someone has, meaning is stronger, the stronger the pull. This is because I found myself resisting harder when Villo was fighting, and Villo is obviously stronger than the rest of those fighters.

All in all, the experiment was a success, although I still didn't find a way to control my bloodlust, I managed to identify the factors that affect it. A step in the right direction.

That was until somehow, a drop of blood splattered from the arena and landed between my feet. Unfortunately, if I look down, I could still see underneath the black cloth covering my face.

And as soon as I saw that drop of blood, my eyes narrowed, and I lunged forward with every ounce of strength I had, which was now 3x that of a normal human due to me completing my Race transformation.

"Clang" *Bang*

While the chain held up nicely, the tree wasn't in such a good shape. With every lunge, the chain would hit against the tree, breaking a chunk off.

I need to find a way to calm down, or something horrible will occur, something that can destroy everything I had planned...