A show of power(Showing Off)

The stars in the night sky, according to the Dothraki, are the fiery khalasar of the Great Stallion. They also believe that when they die, their souls will ride in the Night Lands with their ancestors, but only if their bodies are properly burned. Burning a Dothraki's body allows their ashes to rise to the heavens, where their spirit will join the Great Stallion's fiery khalasar.

The moon is said to be a goddess and the sun's wife in Dothraki belief, apparently part of the Great Stallion's starry khalasar. This also implies that the Dothraki consider the moon to be female and the sun to be male.

Children are considered "blessings from the Great Stallion".

The Dothraki believe that a prophesied leader, the "Stallion Who Mounts the World", will one day unite all of the Dothraki into one khalasar and conquer the world.


In a desperate attempt to gather support from the crowd, the man started spewing nonsense.

"Hey! Are you sure you want to do this to go against me? Do you know who I am? I am blessed by the Great Stallion and is the Stallion who mounts the world!"

Why the hell is this guy acting like he's hot shit? You'd think he was important by the easy he spoke but I never heard of the guy before today.


It seemed he wasn't done as he threw something to the ground that exploded producing small sparks with an unnecessary loud sound.

The crowd was astonished by his trickery, but to my modern eyes, I could see it was just a little gunpowder wrapped in foil together with a reactive material.

"Petty Tricks" I spoke coldly.

Time to test out Weather Control to its full potential.

I controlled the droplets in the air way above to condense rapidly into clouds. The radius and density of the clouds kept increasing every second, making the clouds darker and darker while covering a larger space every second.

The truly terrifying thing however is that I found that this ability can do so much more than change the weather. With a smirk, I controlled the clouds to spin, with me in the center, forming a spiral high up in the now sunless sky.

The face of the pretentious fuck was draining of its colour by the second along with his brothers and followers.

All the while red lightning, which I assume is an effect of blood essence on the skill, was dancing like hundreds of snakes amongst the spiral of clouds.

Thundering in and out of the clouds, the ominous red lightening made some of the Dothraki crumble to the ground, as with every BANG of thunder the earth underneath us would shake and tremble.

This spooked the horses, who upon hearing the thunderous lightning, began to cry out and go on a rampage throughout the Khalasar.

I released my right arm from the shocked Dothraki holding me, and raised it in the air. Making tens of tendrils of red lightning descend and strike my hand, seemingly connecting it to the heavens.

"Now kneel," I said with a heavy voice in a domineering tone. My being still covered head to toe in blood and eyes shining red at the same time, and with the thundering, swirling thunderstorms above me, I looked like a true demon that descended.

Seeing him hesitating, more likely frozen with shock or fear but I really can't care less, I drove the dagger in my belt through the side of his head, killing him.

It is well known Dothraki don't fear much, even when they thought I was using blood magic, they didn't cower and instead rushed at me head-on. But it seemed all this was too much even for them, as they started shaking and looking at me with horror, and some reverence?

Come to think of it, Dothraki respect strength, and with this I was, in their eyes, the most powerful here.

The lightning currently striking my hand, was not hurting me at all, barely a tingle. This is not because I'm strong enough to withstand this amount of lightning unharmed, but because the lightning was pitifully weak. Weather Control is not meant for attacking in the first place so this is to be expected, however, I believe that with enough practice and a little upgrade, I can make it work.

I now have the Khalasar in my control, but my work is yet to be done. Stopping the lightning striking my hand, and coming behind the still awestruck 'X' tattooed Dothraki, I grasp his neck and raise him up high. Veins started appearing on his neck while his face turned blue.

"Cough, hck! Haa." He immediately began choking until...


His head flopped to the side after I crushed his neck, and I let him fall to the ground, gazing at his body with cold red eyes.

I bend down and grab his arakh(sword), and move on to kill his brothers, oh right, torture. Thinking this I threw the arakh away again and approached the three brothers, who by now have awoken from their stupor.

"You killed Gar!" Shouted the one in the middle with a face full of rage.

So his name was Gar huh? A stupid name for a stupid man.

Then all three of them rushed at me, but I remained in place, I didn't test my 14x strength yet, and this is a good opportunity to do so.

The first punch landed on my chest, followed by three more punches to my head and waist by the other two.

Yet it proved futile as I barely felt a tingle, while all three winced in pain. This is real life, not some video game, being 14x stronger also means your muscles, body and bones are also 14x stronger.

As unrelenting and idiotic as ever the three continued to rain down punches at me, all without success I yawned, this is getting boring-

*One of the Dothraki punches the no no square*

*Dothraki looks ahead into my red eyes*

*I squint* *PUNCH* *Crack--Splash*

Looking down at my fist getting an extra layer of fresh blood, and at the headless corpse in front of me, I ponder. 'Tsk, Well...no torture for this guy. But damn! A single Puch blew his entire head off! What can I say, humph, I'm too strong! *Smirks narcissisticly*'

*Slash* *Splatter*


I look down to my chest, only to see a slash wound gushing out blood coming from my right shoulder to my waist.

Ouch!! This hurt like a bitch! I never really got this injured before, what a wonderful first experience!

Looking ahead, I see one of the remaining two Dothraki holding an arakh and staring at me with a triumphant smile.

Which soon turned into one of horror as the wound started closing right infront of him at a visible pace. Normally, such a deep cut would take much longer to heal, possibly days, but with every drop of blood I drink, my healing accelerates temporarily, and with the amount of blood I consumed not long ago...

Holding two fingers out, I flick the foreheads of the remaining two Dothraki with enough speed that they are unable to react, which threw them off their feet and onto the ground, unconscious, with a nasty bruise on their foreheads.

*Crying sounds*

Glancing at the source, I see a crying Mia with an unconscious Mary next to her. She was holding onto her sister, possibly thinking she was dead. But I can sense her weak breath, she was still alive and fortunately just extremely tired, nothing life-threatening.

Those bastards beat her black and blue, her face was swollen and her dress torn... fortunately I arrived in time as I can see her undergarments still untouched.

Seeing Mia cry somehow ached my heart, I've only known her for a day but she somehow grew on me.

I flick my hand in the air, gaining her attention and at the same time, dispersing the earlier thunderstorm. The sunlight started leaking through the clouds, landing on my blood-covered figure, my eyes returned to their peaceful blue.

Surprisingly, my bloodlust was in check and didn't act out in any way, is it because I just vented or because I just consumed large amounts of blood... probably the latter or a combination of both but a good thing nonetheless.

Mia, upon seeing me froze, her teary eyes widening in fear, but upon seeing my calm blue eyes, she seemingly forgot her trepidations and flung into my arms crying loudly.

"Waaaa, Mary..*sniff..Mary she...*sniff waaa" she sorrowfully cried.

Placing my blood-covered hand onto her golden yellow hair, I ruffle it, kneel down to her level and whisper in her ears.

"It's okay, Mary is still alive, now calm down, you need to be brave for your sister isn't that right?"

She nodded slightly in my arms and stopped crying.

"Now can you tell me where the hell are my parents?"

"??" She looked at me, and tilted her head slightly to the side. Cute but what made member stand was the sight of her lovely face covered in blood...I think I discovered a new kink.

"You know, the big man, long hair, bushy eyebrows?"

Mia looked as if realisation struck her, held my hand with the two of hers, and pulled me along. But then stopped and looked on her sister worriedly.

"You there" I point at a nearby female slave, making her shudder.

"Take her to my room and wash her up, then place her in my bed." She nodded hurriedly and sprinted to Mary, handling her body as if it were the Mona Lisa. But her trembling hands revealed why she did so.

Without another word, Mia started guiding me to where my parents were. Well, well, smart, behaved and caring, a good child.

She led me to the main tent, and into the back where my parents' room was it.

Walking inside, my legs grew weak and I crumbled to the ground, and for the second time in this life, I started to shed tears.

Who..Just who the hell DID THIS?!!!?!