Invitation, Ahappy time with Pylis, A Mysterious Traveler

Here's a little spoiler, part of the next arc is about capturing all the khalasars, but I have a dilemma.

What to do with khal Drogo?

Let me know your opinion and enjoy the chapter~


Opening the door, I had one thought. If it was a man, I'll cut off his balls... I'll have someone cut off his balls then kill him. If it's a woman, we could talk.

What greeted me was a petite beauty, with shoulder length milky blue hair and eyes, with an expressionless face that made my cock hard. To tell the truth, I always had a thing for cold, apathetic looking woman since a long time ago.

However her eyes seemed to widen just a bit when I opened the door, it was then that I noticed I was still topless. I smiled under the mask, and inquired...heh, inquired, my common tongue is coming along.

"Like what you see?"

She scoffed and I spoke.

"What might a beauty such as yourself be doing here in the middle of the night? And all alone I might add?"

With a noble bow, Cierra responded with a soft yet expressionless voice, "Greetings, my name is Cierra, daughter of Magister Cruze. I have come to apologize on his behalf. It was not his intention to pursue you, but my idio- my older brother."

I honestly already knew it was Magister Cruze's men,forgot all about it, they were pitifully weak too, not much of a threat. Even the man I tortured 'slightly' gave up quite fast. But the brother of hers will have to pay. I continued listening.

"Nonetheless,we have wronged you. As such, Magister CRUZE formally invites you to attend a feast tonight." She finished and stared at me.

"Mmm... It's too late now, I will attend your feast tomorrow night, but you will have to accompany me tomorrow for the whole day"

She remained apathetic and replied, "I'm afraid I must declin-"

"If you don't accept, I won't attend the feast"

She remained silent for a bit then did another bow.

"Then, I look forward to it."

She then left, and I noticed some shadows following her. So she wasn't alone after all.

"Who was it Master?" Pylis behind me asked.

"I was invited to a feast tomorrow, you're coming along too."

Pylis was flustered, "Whaa- how can I accompany you! I mean, I'm just a-"

I placed a hand on her lips and stared at her with calm eyes, which seemed to calm her down.

"I was not asking" I said cooly.

She flushed a little and nodded meekly.

We then continued our path up the floors until we stopped at the third floor's balcony. The ground was laiden with polished wood and railings made of stone to prevent us from falling.

"What are we doing here?" A confused Pylis asked.

Smiling, I exclaimed, "Watch!"

Pointing a finger upwards, I began moving it in a circle, at the same time I activated WEATHER CONTROL and some clouds began forming high in the sky above us. Swirling along the movements of my finger.

Pylis had stars in her eyes as she stared upwards in wonder and amazement at the marvelous phenomenon.

"H-how! Are you a GOD!!" she asked, somehow even more thrilled at the prospect.

I shook my head, "Unfortunately Not. This is simply called...Magic!"

"Magic.." She hummed after me and enjoyed the phenomena...well until I continued undressing until I was naked, even my mask.

Upon seeing me she froze, her face flushed and she shamelessly stared at my cock, following it's movements.

"Ahem" I cleared my throat.

This shook her out of her stupor as she hurriedly looked down, still stealing glances as of unable to look away.

"Your turn"

Despite her shamelessness, upon hearing this, she flushed in embarrassment and slowly undressed, while covering her niples and crotch with her hands. After all, she was still an inexperienced, virgin, no matter how lewd.

Even though her body was covered in some dirt and grime, her curvy body and the boobs that were so large they spilled out despite her arms covering them were enough to make me hard.

I then raised my hand and snapped my fingers, which prompted warm rain to descend upon us, it was as if we were in a very large shower. This was the neat trick I thought of once I saw the empty pool downstairs.

Feeling the satisfying warm rain washing her self, she smiled a genuine smile and swirled Luke a little girl under the rain.

"Hahahaha hahahaha" she laughed jovially and hopped around. I stared at her without blinking.

Since when...did I have so much fun... it's been so long. And for once in along time, I let go of my shell and ran around with her, laughing along and playing under the rain.

My cock lost it's hardness as happiness took overcame my lust.

This continued until we were both out of breath...well she was... And we collapsed on the wooden floor smiling.

Pylis hopped onto me and smiled happily with a slight pink blush that coloured her cheeks, the water droplets sliding down her skin and hair, it was my turn to be mesmerised.

I didn't notice that much before but a one of a kind beauty. Her skin that was flawless due to my previous healing, her body that was free of access fat, her boobs that were large but not large enough to be ugly and the two pink cherries on top of them.

"Thank you!" She said in the most genuine voice I have ever heard.

She seemed to be on the verge of tears as she spoke, the soft droplets of rain echoing in the background, "Life had been unkind to me. Really REALLY UNKIND. I have seen nothing but suffering and hardship..until I met you. In but a day you made me smile more than I had I'm my entire life...Thank you."

Hearing her, I smiled too. Her words somehow warmed my cold, twisted heart and I pulled her down for a deep kiss. Unlike the previous kisses on the couch, this one was heartfelt.

Afterthat I stopped the rain and we headed into the bedroom. I used COMFORTABLE to dry us up, but before Pylis could dress up in her torn and muddied clothes, I held her hand.

"Don't. How can someone as gorgeous as you wear such an unsightly garment?"

She blushed but remained silent.

"I'll buy you a new one tomorrow, for now, let's sleep."

I then pulled her into my naked embrace and fell unto the bed. Resting back on the bed's headboard, I positioned the naked Pylis so that she was in between my legs, leaning her back onto my chest.

"Pylis, I know you're tired but I have someone to talk to before I head to sleep, you can sleep if you want."

Seeing her nodding, I grasped her pillowy breasts and began to gently fondle them, molding them into a variety of different shapes. Pylis's breathing was a little ragged, but she he'd back her moans.

Before leaving, I have already left with Mary plans to construct a city, fortunately we had a forest nearby, so all the materials were ready and easy to reach. I instructed the bloodriders to follow her command so everything should be set.

While enjoying the heavenly, warm sensation on my hands, I activated Mind Link with Daenerys, and we bagan our lesson on basic economics and politics.

Two hours later, I cut off the link and finally focused into my arms at the sleeping Pylis. Underneath her was a soaked bed. Sigh, she orgasmed..and multiple times by the looks of it.

Nothing COMFORTABLE couldn't fix. After drying the bed, I crossed my muscular arms around her comparatively smaller frame and rested my head on hers.

With such a tight cuddle, she smiled sweetly in her sleep, cute.

Though I can't sleep, I closed my eyes and continued making plans. This has been my routine since I became a vampire.

I also started eating the blood marbles like candy while I was thinking up plans. After finishing all 150 marbles, I gained a total of 600 blood essence. Seems like the average blood Essence gained by each marble is a little higher since these were trained individuals and not civilians.

Adding that up to the thousands of marbles I consumed during the day.

[A/N: here is how I will calculate it, let's say he took 2 minutes to ask, heal and receive payment from each person. And he kept doing so from 5 am to 9 pm. That's 16 hours or 960 minutes. Divide by 2, that's 480 people. Since they were civilians with an average of 3 blood essence per marble of their blood.

That's 480 × 3, so a total of 1,440 B.E. keep in mind he only took one litre/one marble per person while he took 5 litres/marble from the soldiers till death.]

That's a total of 2,040 B.E. Nice. And so, I spent the rest of the night searching for a way to stop my magic from leaking, no matter how I spin it, it's definitely not good to have it leaking.

___________The Next Morning____________

I was deep in my soul sea searching for information or a method to stop the leaking when I felt movement in my arms.

Coming out, I noticed the beaming rays of the sun outside cascading through the open window. So it's morning already.

I used vamp speed and using the shadows ,quickly arrived at the morning market. I fetched some eggs, bread and hand made butter (well everything was hand made), an apple and a clean change of clothes for Pylis then speeded up back to my manor, or is it called mansion? A villa? Don't know, don't care.

Before going upstairs, I prepared a campfire over the back lawn and cooked some the three eggs I bought. I then cut the bread like toast and spread butter over it. Then cut an apple using my sharp nails and created an ideal breakfast.

Upstairs, Pylis panicked when she didn't see Virsal, she looked around in worry until she saw him entering with a strange pose.

His left hand behind his back and his right holding a metal plate with two fried eggs, one hard boiled egg, fresh toast and cut apples. The smell wafted over to her causing her to drool from the mouth-watering smell.

"Breakfast is served"

Pylis smiled happily like a kid recieving a present and started eating, as soon as sh took a bite, her eyes widened and she began to wolf down the food, disregarding the fact that her master was watching and that she was completely naked.

Virsal couldn't blam her, his modern cooking methods are unrivalled. Even his old friends from Earth said his cooking was good, nevertheless here.

As she was eating in a jolly mood, she suddenly stopped and looked at Virsal, then with her cheeks puffed out like a squirrel from the food she asked,

"Wheresh yhour bakfast Mashter?" (Where's your breakfast Master?)

Virsal smiled slightly and placed his hand on the base of her neck. He tilted her head slightly to reveal her creamy neck, then whispered charismatically, "You're my breakfast"

He then gently bit down on her neck.

"Mnh!" Instead of the pain she expected, Pylis was hit with a wave of pleasure the likes of which she hasn't experienced before.

She also felt her blood moving from all over her body onto his mouth, getting sucked out. Feeling her blood rushing like this was a peculiar feeling, not a bad one.

Virsal also quite enjoyed the taste of her virgin blood, reminded him of Mia's blood a little. However Mia's seemed a little tastier. Since everyone had a unique taste that is enhanced by their power, magic, age and virginity, he still liked what he tasted.

When he felt he drank enough, he stopped and used his BLOOD REGENERATION to heal his bite mark. Liking his lips, his now red eyes stared at Pylis and he said, "Sweet"

Pylis blushed and ignored the comment, opting to continue eating. Yet Virsal still saw the corners of her mouth lift up.

Ruffling her hair, he stood up and left, leaving behind some words of instruction "Eat, get dressed, and meet me at the door in 20 minutes."

Pylis who had already stuffed be face with food again nodes hurriedly, but she couldn't help but wonder how long is 20 minutes.

---30 minutes later---

Pylis who was dressed in an exotic white dress arrived downstairs, only to be reprimanded.

"You're late."

She looked towards the source of the voice to see Virsal sitting on a comfy looking couch and resting his head on his fist.

Pylis looked down, "I'm sorry,I didn't know wha you meant by minute"

Virsal face palmed, 'I forgot there is no concept of minutes and hours here' Seeing Pylis looking down and disappointed in herself, he felt guilty and rubbed her head.

"It's my fault, I didn't clarify. Now come along, we have healing to do."

It was a couple of minutes later that they arrived at the already crowded apothecary building, this time, having already gained experience, the process was much smoother.

He began healing patient after patient, only taking one minute per session. He also advertised that anyone willing can come along with him when he left Pentos, and that he will provide them with food and clothing upon doing so, as well as free treatment.

And so, all who couldn't pay up were 'forced' to join, as well as hundreds of other people who were either homeless or poor.

This routine continued until Virsal came across a peculiar man. Unlike the rest, he wore dark purple attire that Virsal had never seen before, not even in the show.

He was bald and had unique tattoos across his bald head and limbs. The man had black tattood circles around his eye and carried a wooven basket on his back.

The peculiar thing is that the man didn't appear to be infected or injured, and despite being a little thinner that average he was completely healthy.

The man spoke, "So you are The Healer, I heard words of praise about your exploits. I am a traveler from afar, and I come with a request and an offer."

The man's accent was broken Valyrian, it was obvious he wasn't from here.

"Speak traveler, whereare you from and what do you seek?"

"I come from Great Moraq, from a large clan of ancient Dragon trainers. My clan used to raise and train dragons fo others, however after the dragons disappeared, we have declined."

No wonder I didn't recognize him.

"I've come asking for you to heal my...u fertility so that I can have descendants, and for 960 gold coins(worth 1.2 million dollars), as well as a strong horse and in exchange..."

The man then reach into his straw basket and got out a White Dragon egg. Virsal's eyes widened seeing this, so he tried to conceal both his shock and excitement, as well as greed.


A/N: "......."



A/N: Fortunately for you, I posted two consecutive chapters, so you won't have to wait at all~

Fun fact: This chapter is 2583 words long.