A Gory Fight

A/N: Check Auxiliary Chapter for Real Life photos of Pylis. 😏









This is what I felt now.

Though Cierra is not what I was angry about, she is a friend but hardly someone I knew well enough to be angry over. It was that they targeted Pylis who has NOTHING to do with this! Now this...this made me pissed.

When a person's anger exceeds a certain limit, only two things may happen. One, they lash out and go on a rampage in an attempt to release their anger. They will search for absolutely anything to take it out on.

And aside from wuxia novels where someone pukes blood or randomly gets a power up from under his ass, there is the second thing that may happen.

Complete Calmness.

The anger is still there, however it is hidden, this allows for a more rational solution and a temporary halt from taking the anger out.

And right now, I am frighteningly calm. I couldn't hear anything around me as if my senses have filled, but only I knew I was as sharp as ever. I was tuning everything out, completely directing my anger. Even as the Magister Cruze called out for the gaurds outside, I waited for them.

Bring everything you have on me, I will slowly make you realise just as I did to the ones before you that you are completely and utterly outmatched. Am I the strongest? Highly doubtful and unlikely, but he is still an ant before me, an ant that I can simply step on. And the moment this realization hits him, I want to be there.

I want to see the horrified and despaired expression, I want to see him beg for his life like the pathetic roach he is.

_____Third Person POV_____

The gaurds holding short spears surrounded the silent, standing Virsal and remained still.

Seeing this, Cruze shouted with rage, What are you doing standing there?! Kill him!"


Everyone stood still, and if you paid close attention, you could see their legs shaking as Virsal stared at them with luminescent Red eyes and Black sclera.

His eyes were wide yet calm as they swept the soldiers who were frozen with fear. He calmy took two steps forward until one of the spears was pressed to his chest.

Looking around at the 10 men surrounding him, he said coldy, "Do you think this meager amount of men can harm me?"

As if on cue, another 10 bowman appeared on the upper deck of the dining hall with their aims locked onto Virsal.

"Mm? Now this is interesting" Virsal smiled. To him, this was amusing. By logic, if a 4 year old child punched you, will you get hurt? No. Now if 5 of them punched you? Six? Seven? 20? Get the point?

Admittedly, his skin is currently not strong enough for bladed weapons to not pierce. Now this isn't some wuxia shit were he has iron skin or his skin transforms the stronger he gets. It only gets tougher and thicker.

The mayhem began with a bowman who shot an arrow. Due to Eyes Of TheHint being active, Virsal saw everything in slow motion, similar to when MC's use thought acceleration and not like everything really got slower.

What will be described next happened in a very short timespan.

[A/N: Imagine what happens next in slow motion]

Virsal, using Greater Sense, already knew of the arrow heading for the back of his head. So he turned around and caught it by the middle.

Without breaking momentum, he redirected it towards one of the spearmen surrounding him, going through his brain and killing him.

Grabbing the spear of the fallen man before it reached the ground, he aimed and threw it a different bowman who looked like he was just ready to let his arrow loose.

Due to the spear going through the bowman's chest at such a sensitive moment, the arrow's aim was off and it ended up in the arms of a spearman.

By now they were all out of their stupor and striked towards Virsal, who simply sat on the ground letting the spears pass above his head while grabbing the spear of the wounded spearman who let go of it.

Using said spear, he struck at the legs of the soldiers with enough force to amputate both legs of three of the spearman, by the time it reached the fourth, the force behind the strike was greatly dwindled and it cut into the leg halfway through.

The three amputated men and the one who was injured screamed and their faces twisted in pain and agony. Due to the close proximity of the fight, the remaining 9 bowman couldn't get a clear shot.

Taking another spear by the tip, he cut it off from its shaft and used it as a makeshift dagger. Holding it in reverse grip, he went after the remaining 4 battle ready spearman.

Deflecting an incoming spear strike with his free palm onto the path of a second spear strike left him with an exposed opponent.

Taking advantage of that, he thrust his dagger between the eyebrows of the man who's spear he deflected and with a side kick threw the other man off the ground and with cracked ribs.

He then held the dagger in a normal grip and slit the throat of another man, he was about to do the same to the remaining man standing Infront of him when the spearman who was injured in the shoulders by the stray arrow used another spear to attack him from behind.

Next was a feast that will make acrobats proud, Virsal's body twisted to extreme lengths and the spear passed by harmlessly.

However this have enough time for the remaining man who's neck was saved to leave the spear and punch Virsal square in the chest.

Virsal didn't even flinch while the man felt his now bruised hand had just met a large boulder. He then bitch-slapped the man, breaking both his neck and skin while sending the man's head straight of.

Then he held the shaft of the spear he just dodged and thrust the blunt end back with enough force towards the injured man's throat it passed through, he then pulled it back, leaving a gaping hole behind in the man's neck.

By now the ground was filled with pools of blood, scattered limbs and screaming men.

Even the two brothers on the side started puking.

The psychological trauma from having both legs amputated was enough for Virsal to charm all the four remaining men on the ground.

And with a cold voice, he uttered equally chilly words, "Kill Yourselfs."

Their eyes turned dull, the two who had weapons slit their own necks, of the two with no weapons, one chocked himself and the other began banging his head into the floor, slowly cracking his own skull, making his blood splatter everywhere.

What remained was a Virsal who was bathing in blood, which was slowly leaking onto the ground. The sound of the man constantly and viciously banging his head into the ground echoing eerily being the only sound heard.






Although a lot happened, it all occured in the span of less than a minute. Virsal was moving at humanely impossible speeds, though he didn't use his full speed, it was still incredibly fast and incredibly difficult for the rest of the spectators to follow completely.

Seeing all this happen, and how hardened veteran spearman were slaughtered like chickens, the bowmen were now royally terrified. And with his SENSE, upon realising this, Virsal turned and stared at them, further instilling fear into their flabbergasted selves as they saw his striking demonic eyes.


"Kill the one next to you"

Virsal had to say, the combination of Eyes of The Hunt which instilled fear into people and Charm was convenient.

The bowman aimed at each other and released their bows, unfortunately that wouldn't be the end of it as most of the arrows missed. And soon, it turned into a bloody brawl as they all began to inhumanly and desperately try to kill each other as if it was their soul purpose in life.

Since Virsal didn't ban speaking, all the screams of despair and agony still reached the frightened family below, who simply watched with trembling bodies as their own soldiers massacred each other.

Not long after, what remained were two bowman who fell from the upper deck and in straight view of Virsal.

When only one was left ,since Virsal said kill the one next to you and that has been fulfilled he was no longer being COMPELLED and regained his bearings.

The memories of what he just did assaulted him, PTSD at its finest. The man uttered a blood curdling scream as he held his head and fell to his knees. His brothers who he ate and laughed with, who he drank and trained with, killed, and by his own hands...

Virsal headed towards the man, who was now silent and still, only tears were incessantly flowing out of his eyes.

Holding the man with both his hands, he lifted him up holding nothing but his head and moved his thumb slowly over the man's eyes.


An ungodly scream followed and Virsal dug his thumbs into both the man's eyes, popping them. However it didn't stop there, now holding him by his eye sockets, he proceeded to pull them apart.

And the sickening cracks of his skill literally being split in half like one does to an egg was enough to send even a veteran into hyperventilation.

It didn't stop there, the brain proceeded to fall off of the cracked skull onto the ground and rolled over to the brother's feet.

The two brothers passed out, Cierra sat there on the ground with a shocked face, while Magister Cruze's face trained of colour. His lips whitened and his body trembled non-stop, even his teeth were clanking faster than a fucking vibrator and his body was full of cold sweat as if he just came out of a pool.

Virsal, noticing Cierra wasn't there though she had ran away from fear. He wouldn't blame her, even the battle hardened men lost their shit, nevermind her. But he couldn't help feel a little sad.

That was until two warm hands wrapped around him from behind. His Senses didn't go off since there wasn't any bad intent behind it.

Pylis stood behind him and hugged his blood soaked self, which ultimately made some blood stick onto her too.

"Calm down please." She said softly.

Virsal's eyes widened yet he smiled and turned to look at her. He was slightly curious though, did this woman have some hidden balls of steel?

"Aren't you afraid" he said helplessly, shaking his head.

Pylis in his bloody arms nodded slightly, "I am."

She then tightened her grip around him.

"I understand" he said as he caressed her hair.

Seeing her bloody appearance, he then bent down slightly to her level and whispered, "But get ready for another bath"

Pylis looked at his still red eyes in shock and blushed, she then nodded meekly.


Seeing her attitude, along with her faint pinkish cheeks and blood that trickled down to her cleavage, Virsal gulped as he felt his member becoming hard.

'Now isn't the time' he thought then shook his head.

He took off his right glove and cut a small opening in one of his fingers with his nail, he then headed to the ghost like Cruze and squeezed his mouth open and fed him a drop of his blood. Now he can torture him in the future to his content without worrying about him dying.

Looking over at the knocked out brothers, he thought, 'It sort of isn't their fault they grew up shitty like their scum father, but they still raped Cierra's mother and were in on this plot to harm me.'

'So I'll just leave it to Cierra to decide. Even if she spares them, I can just catch up to them later and kill them.'

'Speaking about Cierra' Virsal looked to the side and saw Cierra's petite body with barely any cloth on her hot body.

He removed the table cloth and handed it to her, she took it stiffly and wrapped it around herself.

"What do you want to do to these to pieces of shit?"

Cierra looked for a second and replied almost instantly, "Kill them"

Her voice was hoarse from crying and her face was switching between anger, frustration and sorrow.

'Hmm, unexpectedly, she chose to kill them, and so quick too. Me likey.'

Finding it a perfect opportunity to test Pylis, he said, "Pylis, kill them for me will you dear."

Pylis appeared distraught for a moment before she wore a decisive expression. Her eyes narrowed as she took one of the bloodied spears scattered on the ground and headed towards the pair of brothers.

She aimed for the oldest one's neck and was about to strike when she suddenly stopped.

Virsal seeing this thought she was hesitant and shook his head, 'Maybe she isn't ready' he thought.

Only in the next moment, she thrust the spear into the man's crotch, cutting it off.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" He woke up from the pain and uttered a scream that will put woman to shame.

"HahahahababahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Virsal however uttered a bellowing laughter and grabbed Pylis.

Lifting her in the air, he said "I underestimated you!"

Pylis smiled warmly and laughed along too. Only Cierra was confused at their wierd interaction. 'Did they bump their heads as children?' she thought.

Ignoring the screaming, Virsal placed Pylis down complete her task and headed for the Magister. He held him by the back of the neck and walked until the Magister was face to face with his daughter.

"Cierra, I-I love you..." Said a desperate Cruze.

Cierra bit her lip and screamed to her fathe- no, to this scum of a man "NO! This... isn't what love is."

Virsal ten broke his neck, he would be asleep for a good while, then be reborn as a vampire. Oh what lovely 'sessions' they will enjoy together.

20 minutes later and the brothers were long dead, all three of them could be seen walking out of the dining hall. Virsal was carrying what seemed to be a human shaped potato sack, which of course contained Cruze. He had come to an agreement with Cierra.

They will say the Magister left tonight with his two children and then never came back, Virsal easily desposed of all the blood and bodies so no evidence was left behind.

Since Cierra was emotionally unstable after what she went threw, she will be living with him until he leaves Pentos. He already replicated Cruze's handwriting when Cierra showed him a document before along with the seal of her family, and signed on a paper giving all of Cruze's assets and property to Cierra. With his backing and new influence, no other Magisters or relatives will dare threaten her position.

Using this, along with his own new properties and with both their accumulated resources, she will have enough with her to implement his plans in Pentos. But that's all to be discussed at a later date.

And so, they all headed to his own luxury manor.
