No More Wasting Time


Sitting in my bed with a beautiful women naked by my side, I fiddled with a crystal blood Sword in my hand.

Using a barrel of low quality blood, I used it as training to better master crystallisation, and my ability these past two days improved drastically. I can now form proper weapons, as well as return a crystalized weapon back to liquid blood.

Learning that, I chanced upon an interesting discovery. If I charge mana into the blood, it actually stays there for a bit enhancing it greatly, before dissipating.

After a bit of experimentation, I finally achieved something extraordinary. By infusing highly concentrated magic into my finger and using that as a carving tool, the magic actually stays in the object, granting it a property.

That's right.

I just discovered enchanting motherfuckers.

I quickly read about some rune languages from my knowledge sea, and picked out what I thought was most efficient, it resembled how Minecraft's enchanting works, yet instead of an enchantment table, I carve runes instead.

At this moment, I have yet to be successful in carving a rune. The skill for that is too expensive for it to be worth it, I'll just learn it myself. I got the basics down, but my precision was a bit off. Practice makes perfect.

Over these past two days, I decided to finally take some drastic measures. With me already being a celebrity around Pentos, what came next was easy.

I sneaked my Dothraki soldiers through the night, and with my aid, we took over the city. And while I wasn't sure which Magister was responsible for my mothers death, I did the only reasonable thing anyone in my situation would do. I demonised them as the healer, some WEATHER CONTROL certainly helped, and prepared a public execution for every Magister in the city.

Oh how easy it was to manipulate the masses. Not only did I take over the city, I killed all the magisters, and was loved and supported by the people. I got a dragon egg and thousands of Gold, now I have a whole harem worth of virgins, as well as a massive supply of Blood stored.

Using the money I seized from the Magisters as well as some of the money I got from my healing, I immediately put them to work. I know basic modern economics, which is more than enough to redefine this whole era's concept of making money.

Instead of investing hefty amounts of resources to train or hire a single Master swordsmith, having 5 begginer smiths and specialising them to specific aspects of sword making then putting together a product line, is far more efficient and cost effective.

Not only will they be more adept at the thing they specialise in, but I can also rotate them through the steps so as by the end of it, each one is better than a Master, in addition, rotating their tasks will help relieve their boredom so their efficiency stays up.

All of this, is only one aspect of what I invested in. Besides blacksmiths, I started laying the foundations for factories in the wine, beer and bread-making industries. I have more in mind but there's only so much I can do in 2 days.

"Can't I come with you?" Asked Pylis as we stood on my manor's doorstep.

"I'll go there at full speed, if you think you can keep up, you're more than welcome." I shrugged.

"Ah-....." Speechlessly, she looked at me with desire.

"Haha, now now, it'll only be for a few days, don't get too horny while I'm gone", I whispered into her ear. She blushed, and I swiftly turned around and left.

The crowd gathered outside all knelt down on one knee in respect, I can't lie, this feels pretty good, I thought it'd be awkward but apparently not, I can feel their sincerity.

Well, I guess one last spectacle would hurt no one.

"People of Pentos" I spoke with a kind, gentle voice, and they looked up at me.

"May you be blessed with clear skies and soft winds."

Instantly, the clouds in the sky disappeared, and a cool breeze swept over around us, I maintained a divine expression as I closed my eyes.

The people gathered got overwhelmed with emotion and awe, that they started reaching out to me to at least touch me, kind of like that one scene with Danny. However, I wasn't so welcoming.

'Oh hell no, get these dirty hands off me! I know you guys don't wash these after you shit!'

I was tempted to let a little of my bloodlust leak to shake them up a little...sigh, nah, that would just ruin my whole image, and for now, it is crucial to my plans.

Instead, I used the crowd to use vamp speed and disappear.

With that, I left Pentos and entered a mad dash towards my khalasar, I kinda of missed my two bundles of joy. I wasn't simply planning on taking over cities, I'm making my own mark in this world bitches.

But first, this place is too small for two khalasars to exist. I ought a fix that.

It would be faster to just go there and kill their khal, but I might as well take this opportunity to train my soldiers. They're still not quite used to fighting with armour nor are they adept at utilizing strategies.

It wasn't long until I arrived, with the sun blazing directly above me, my mood wasn't in its best state, however, that changed once I saw my khalasar.

Hundreds of organised soldiers, in full armour, swinging their swords, some riding their horses and some practicing their marksmanship. It was really a sight to behold.

I didn't want a commotion yet, so I sneaked past the guards into my tent. Looking at the familiar decoration, the soft ground-level seats, and the soft fabrics covering the floor, I felt nostalgic.

It was a world of difference between this and my manor in Pentos. The main area seemed to be empty, with the exception of a maid...which one was she? I only have 3 maids so I feel like I should know this.

She appeared shocked at my sudden appearance, yet remained absolutely silent. Ohh, I remember, she's the mute one. I recall choosing her 2 years back because I had a kink for that. Man, I was messed up, I still am though.

Seriously though, what drew me in was her beauty that was one of a kind, a kind I have never seen in both worlds.

With dark skin with a color as beautiful as polished bronze, an hourglass yet petite figure, and exotic green eyes, she was definitely a sight to behold. Her chest and ass were'nt too large, just enough to overwhelm my palm. What's more, she's still a virgin, that's right, I didn't touch this one.

Emerald was her name. Technically, it's the name I gave her, but that's ultimately what matters.

I motioned to her to remain quite with my finger on my lips, she nodded and respectfully took a step back with her head lowered. Satisfied I was. Hmn.

Walking over to my bed chamber, I began overhearing a conversation. From the sound of things, Mary and Mia were having a bath together.

Mary was brushing Mia's hair, and then spoke to her gently, "Why do you..why do you like Master so much Mia."

"Huh?" Mia glanced behind her a little as she questioned.

"You were only ever close to this extent with mother, it just made me curious what you see in him." Mary quickly explained.

Mia remained still for a moment, just staring at her own reflection in the water below her, before speaking, "I guess, even though he is cold, he's also kind of warm?"

Mary's eyes opened wide. Although described a bit crudely, what her sister just perfectly described Virsal. His body was indeed cold, as well as his actions towards others, even a bit 'roughly' to themselves, but, he felt warm, he treated them very well.

Mary continued with the conversation as she brushed, "Then what do you like about him."

"Hmmm, I like how he hugs me to sleep! Oh, and how he sometimes carries me and brushes my hair! And how he does something silly sometimes and makes me laugh! Especially his pats!" Mia spoke care freely, with a smile on her face and her legs moving around in the water from excitement.

Mary had a gentle smile and giggled.

"Oh sister, I already know what you like about master!~" with a sneaky, teasing smile, Mia held up a hand and made a zero(👌🏼), with the other she started inserting her finger in an out of the hole.

Mary's face underwent a color patch update, as it changed into red.

"Miaaaaa!" She embarrassingly screamed, and they both started laughing.

"Well, you can't blame her, my cock is pretty awesome." A deep sound suddenly appeared between them, they both flinched but quickly turned around, recognising the voice.

Seeing Virsal, they were speechless for a moment, and before they could respond, Virsal held Mary's chin and pulled it in for a passionate kiss, five seconds of intense oral activity later, their lips separated, and he turned around and gave Mia a quick peck on the lips, leaving her overjoyed.

Virsal quickly undressed and hopped in behind Mary, hugging her tightly and resting his chin on her neck.

"Oh how I missed you." Virsal spoke.

Mary blushed a bit, then with a sound so low that even Mia on her lap didn't hear, responded, "I missed you too.."

Virsals sky-blue eyes stared at her for a bit, and a sleeping dragon decided to roar for its old friend. Mary's eyes widened as she felt something hard poking her.

She instantly lowered her head in embarrassment, easily realising what it was.

'Let's see, I always wanted to pull off one of those "sneaky sex" things. Yup, I'll try doing this without Mia noticing.'

Mary slowly looked back at Virals and her shy, lustful eyes met his teasing ones. With a toothy grin, he made a shush sign over his lips, before she can comprehend what that would entail, he spoke.

"Oh dear, are you comfortable sitting like that, let me just-" he then picked her up from her smooth waist, then sat her back down.

"Hng!" A quick, short moan escaped Mary's mouth, which she quickly concealed, Mia didn't seem to notice. Virsal breathed a sigh of relief, he took this challenge very seriously.

Which is why, he was still holding Mary a bit upwards from his lap, so that as he moved, she would remain perfectly stable. Mary relaxed her back into his chiseled chest.

Virsal, feeling this small, smooth and warm body like a little bunny in his arms, against him, wanted nothing more that to squeeze and ravage it.

From his point of view, directly under his chin was Mary's wet yellowish platinum hair, and that meant, as soon as he glances down, he could see her wet glistening skin and breasts, smooth and perky, with water droplets running along them.

He gulped. This challenge might be harder than he thought.

Focusing on the intense tightness from a hole that remained uninvaded for days, he noticed it was tighter than he last remembered, not that he was complaining. His cold body made hers seem like it was on fire, which only added to the incredible sensation his dragon was enjoying.

He humped his hips upwards once, yet the water visibly and audibly moved. This won't work, it's too silent, the small talk from the Dothraki outside wasn't enough.

"So Mia, did you miss me too?" He said playfully.

"I did!" She exclaimed, full of energy.

'ughh, this won't work, I'm too bad at conversations. I'll just recount what I did in Pentos'

"Let me tell you about Pentos, it is a etc.."

As he spoke, he carefully timed his movements, it was tiring, he wasn't used to going at it this slow, yet it was also extremely exciting.

Mary was holding strong as well, her mouth was open, gasping rapidly yet as quietly as she can manage, her eyes unfocused. This sensation that she didn't know she could miss, oh how she craved for it these past days.

At night, she had tried putting her fingers in there secretly when Mia was asleep, yet it came nowhere close to what she was used to, and she remained unsatisfied.

By the end of his story, ten minutes later, Virsal decided this was long enough, his movements grew rougher and harder, and Mia even noticed she was shaking slightly.

A few sounds couldn't help but escape Mary's lips, beckoning Mia to turn around and look at her.

"Huh? Sister, are you sick?" She had her hands on Mary's forehead, she was flushed with her tongue out slightly, in fact, she was so out of it she didn't even respond to Mia. Virsal quickly answered.

"Don't worry dear, she's just been in this hot water for too long, we ought to leave now, go get the towels ready."


Once Mia left Mary's lap, it was like chains finally left Virsals body, he immediately raised Mary and held her in a standing position, since her legs were too weak to walk.

With a few final pumps deeper than all the others, his dick was showered by her squirt, right after that, he unloaded inside of her with all his might.

"Hmmnnrg" he groaned in satisfaction.

"I got the towels!" Mia exclaimed, holding two pieces of full body cloths.

Virsal smiled, "Well, get yourself dry then."

"Huh? What about you?" Mia asked quizzically.

"I still got unfinished business with your sister." He smiled innocently, right before that smile switched to a devilish one as he flung Mary onto the bed.

He ran to her, spreading one of her legs 90 degrees upwards, and proceeded to fucker her brains out. This time, her moans were unrestrained, as were his thrusts.

Mia was left blushing and speechless.



"DOTHRAKiii !!!!" A powerful voice hollered.

Thump Thump

The ground shook as thousands of spears and legs stomped the ground twice in response.

Walking infront of the Dothraki army, which was organised into a central main army as well as left and right cavalry companies, was Virsal, in full body, Knight-styled crimson armour he had made of werewolf blood. His helmet only allowed for his mouth and eyes to be seen, while red horns protruded from the helmets sides below the ears and ended at the tip of his lips.

Under the sunlight, the armour shimmered due to its material being large made of blood crystals, giving it a supernatural look with an air of majesty. Due to the way it was formed, it was tight-fitted to his body, so Virsals outstanding physique was on full display, impressing even the other Dothrakis.

After this day, history would bear witness to a great change. Dothrakis on their own and with horses in an open field were already renowned all over the world, yet Dothraki with armour, strategy, and organisation? Now that, was terrifying.