Name:Erick Thawne
Portrayed By:Lucas Till
Father:Eobard Thawne
People Who Trust Him:
Mia Smoak Queen/Green Arrow:
Imra Ardeen/Saturn Girl:
People Who REALLY Hate Him:
Nora West-Allen/XS:
Central City..home of the once great hero known as the Flash, a beacon of hope to many people and one of the greatest heroes ever known..but this isn't about him. No..this is about someone else..
Somewhere in Central City we see two different streaks of colorful lightning racing down the streets; one of them being purple and orange..the other black and red..
A dance of pure light to many..yet a few steps to those that are in control of such power, two force rivaling one another. One of pure light..the other of darkness; a positive and negative, a good and evil, ying and yang..
The windows were shattered all around them as we see the two beings of pure light and electricity fight against one another. On one side a woman with short brown hair dressed in purple and white with a yellow lightning bolt emblem on her chest, on the other a man covered in red with winged bat like ears his emblem a cross of a bat with a lightning bolt carved in the center of the animal, truly a sight to behold
If you listen closely you can hear the lightning crackle from either of them, a hero and a villian..the protector and destroyer of Central City, or so that's what we think after all looks can be deceiving for those who don't look hard enough