Visiting the Allen's!

Barry woke up with a smile on his face. He had his arms wrapped around Kara and she was snuggled up next to him. Kara slowly opened her eyes and said "hey Bar". Barry pecked her on the lips and said "hey Kar, how are you". Kara smiled and said "I'm great, I have everything I need with me". Barry asked "yeah". Kara nodded and said "you're all I need Bar". Barry smiled more and said "and you're all I need". Kara smiled and closed her eyes again. She asked "are we going to visit your parents today". Barry said "yep". Kara smiled more and said "after breakfast or after lunch". Barry replied "after breakfast, they are going away on holiday today, I heard that they are going over to Spain for a week". Kara smiled and said "yeah". Barry nodded. Kara asked "will we ever get out of Central for a week". Barry smiled and said "I've been thinking, do you want to go to my dad's  cabin out in the woods for a week, we could go hiking and we can have campfires and it would just be the two of us away from civilisation". Kara kissed Barry on the cheek and said "that sounds like a great idea, let's do it, I'm on holiday in a couple of weeks anyway and you are self employed so you can as well". Barry smiled and said "I can ask my dad if he can let us use his cabin for the week". Kara smiled at Barry and said "it sounds perfect". Barry said "I certainly hope so".

The two had breakfast and then were getting ready to head to see Barry's parents before they leave for their holiday. Barry finished putting on his shirt and walked over to Kara with a smile. Kara asked "can you help zip up the back". Barry nodded and zipped up the back of her dress. Kara said "thanks Bar". Barry wrapped his arms around her waist and said "no problem Kara honey". Kara smiled and rested her back against him and said "I love you so much Barry". Barry said "and I love you too". Kara said "I know Bar, but... With everything that has happened with you recently, finding out that you are married to me and being so ok with it, I love you for it". Barry smiled and said "Kara it's not hard to love you, I knew when we first met". Kara smiled and said "me too". Barry smiled and asked "do you want to walk or do you want me to". Kara said "can we walk for a change, I want to enjoy my time with you Barry, not that I don't enjoy being carried by you, I do, it's just". Barry smiled and said "I get it Kara now we should get going, maybe we can go to big belly burger on the way, I'm starving already". Kara giggled and took his hand and began pulling him towards the door.

Barry knocked on the door to his parents house. Nora answered it and smiled. She said "hey Barry, hi Kara it's so good to see you again". Nora have them both a hug. Kara smiled and said "it's good to see you too Nora". Nora said "come in". Barry and Kara entered the house and headed through to the living room. Henry stood up and smiled. He said "hey son". He gave Barry a hug and then he said "Kara it's lovely to see you again" and have her a hug as well. The two sat down on the couch beside each other. Henry and Nora sat on the other couch. Henry said "you know, you two should get out of Central City for a week as well, you two deserve it". Barry smiled and replied "I was going to ask you about that, can we use the cabin for a week". Henry smiled and said "of course you can son". Barry smiled. Nora asked "so how have you two been". Kara took Barry's hand and said "we've been great". Henry smiled and asked "so.... When can we be expecting another Allen". Nora elbowed Henry and softly said "you say that every time". Barry looked at Kara and smiled. He said "we've been talking about it for a while, maybe soon, we don't know yet". Kara smiled from ear to ear. Henry smiled and said "glad to hear". Barry squeezed Kara's hand and said "I mean I think we are ready to take that next step and I would love to have a little girl, I've always wanted one". Nora smiled at the two and said "I'm happy for you two then, and I hope that you both have fun with it, I mean parenthood is no easy thing". Kara nodded and said "but we will handle it I mean me and Barry can handle anything". Henry said "and we have no doubt about that, we think you two would make amazing parents". Barry said "thanks dad".

Barry and Kara were walking back home hand in hand. Kara asked "did you mean it Bar". Barry asked "mean what". Kara smiled and said "that we could try for a baby soon". Barry smiled and said "of course Kara, I mean we both want one, maybe two in the future, but yeah, I didn't tell you but a bunch of memories from this new timeline came to me during my sleep". Kara smiled and asked "they did". Barry nodded and said "yeah Kar, and I do mean it, if you are ready to try for a baby at somepoint, we can because I love you and I think we are ready for it". Kara kissed Barry and said "me too Barry, we can talk about When we want to try I suppose because I want a child with you and I agree Bar, we are ready, and I agree with your dad, you would be an amazing father, and I know our child would have everything they need". Barry smiled and said "I agree with him too, you would be an amazing mother, and we can talk about When we want to try soon".