Barry and Kara woke up early and had breakfast. They then got changed and began heading for a walk. Kara asked "which way is the lake". Barry said "that way..... I think". Kara giggled and asked "how can you not know Bar". Barry said "Kara sweetie, I haven't been here in years". Kara nodded and said "fair enough Bar". Barry smiled and said "we'll find it anyway, if not, you can just hover a little". Kara smiled and said "I think we'll manage without our powers". Barry nodded. Kara took his hand and rested her head on his shoulder as They walked. Barry smiled and said "if it comes to it, I can have a quick run around and see if I can find it". Kara said "you won't have to Barry". Barry asked "how come". Kara said "I can see it, it's away over there". Barry smiled and said "huh, so it is". Kara smiled and said "come on, I want to go for a swim". Barry asked "you don't want to take your time" . Kara said "babe, we can take our time coming back, come on let's go". Barry chuckled and sped up a little to stop Kara from pulling him off his feet.
They arrived at the lake and Kara smiled. Barry sat down for a breath of air. Kara giggled and said "come on honey, are you not coming in with me". Barry said "Kara, we have walked about five miles without taking a break, I will join you once I have my breath back". Kara giggled and said "suit yourself". She took her shirt and trousers off so that she was only in her bikini. She walked over to the edge before the water and dipped her foot it. She said "it's freezing". Barry who had changed into his swim shorts, ran over to Kara from behind, grabbed her by the waist and jumped in with her. Kara emerged from under the water and wiped the hair from her face. Barry emerged from the water and chuckled. Kara grinned and said "oh so you are to tired until you see me in a bikini". Barry said "I'm a speedster honey, it doesn't take that long to catch my breath, unless I've been running fast". Kara smiled and splashed Barry with water. Barry chuckled and splashed water onto her. Kara giggled and jumped on Barry, pulling him under the water. Barry smiled and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her above the water. Kara wrapped her arms around Barry and smashed her lips into his. Barry kissed back and smiled. He then pulled away and splashed Kara with water again and began swimming away. Kara shouted "I'm going to get you back Mr". She swam after Barry and caught up with him. She jumped on his back and pulled him under the water.
The two came up for air and smiled at each other. Barry said "this was definitely the best idea we've had, well after getting married of course". Kara giggled and said "yeah, it's so fun, we should come back and swim tomorrow". Barry chuckled and asked "oh yeah". Kara said "yeah, just don't throw me into the water again". Barry said "I didn't throw you, I jumped in with you". Kara smiled at Barry and said "yeah, ok, you're right, but please don't catch me if guard again". Barry nodded and began swimming back to shore with Kara following behind. Barry helped Kara out of the water and he sat down on the grass. Kara put her glasses on and sat next to Barry. She said "how come we forgot towels". Barry chuckled and said "I don't know Kar". Kara shrugged her shoulders and said "it's fine, I guess we can lay here together and dry off then". Barry chuckled and said "yeah I guess so". Barry lay down and Kara lay beside him with her head rested on his chest. Kara asked "you know how we were talking about trying for a baby". W said "yeah honey". Kara asked "can we try this week". Barry smiled and said "yeah, how about the day before we go home". Kara said "yeah, I'd love to". Barry smiled at Kara and kissed her forehead. Kara said "I love you so much Barry". Barry said "and I love you too Kara, and I'm so lucky I get to wake up next to you every morning". Kara smiled at Barry and said "and I'm so lucky to have you Bar, I used to have the fact that I went through that wormhole and not only ended up on another planet that wasn't Krypton but also a different earth, but When I met you, all that sadness didn't matter anymore, because I knew that you would make me happy, I may have come from Krypton but you are my world Barry". Barry smiled and kissed Kara. Kara kissed back and smiled. Barry pulled away and said "and you are my world Kara, I wouldn't dream of being away from you". Kara smiled and snuggled back into Barry and said "we can go back to the cabin in an hour, I just want to lie with you".