
It had been a couple of weeks since the couple got back from the week away at the cabin. Barry was making breakfast When he heard Kara coming out of the bathroom for the fourth time that morning. She walked over to Barry with a massive smile and wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. Barry wrapped his arms around her and asked "are you ok sweetheart". Kara looked up to Barry with tears in her eyes and a massive smile. She said "you know how I have been sick quite a bit recently". Barry smiled and nodded. Kara said "and we done that thing a couple weeks ago". Barry's eyes opened wide as he smiled from ear to ear. He said "you're......" . Kara replied "I'm pregnant". Barry smashed his lips into Kara's and lifted her up. Kara giggled as she was placed on the kitchen counter. She kissed back immediately and they made out for a few minutes. Barry pulled away with a huge smile and said "we're gonna be parents". Kara smiled and said "I know honey, I can't wait, but to be completely honest, I'm terrified". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I know, me too but we can do it together, you aren't alone". Kara smiled more at Barry and said "I know honey, I will always have you Bar". Barry smiled at Kara and said "yes you will". Kara said "we should go tell your parents". Barry smiled and said "yeah we will, but first, breakfast, we need to eat, especially you, we have no idea what our baby will be like, you know, half kryptonian, half meta human". Kara said "our baby will be tough, imagine it, able to fly while using your speed". Barry chuckled and said "yeah, I can imagine a little blond girl with green eyes with my speed and your powers too". Kara smiled at Barry and bounced up and down excitedly on the counter. She said "we're gonna need baby clothes, and decorate a baby room...... And lots and lots of diapers". Barry chuckled and said "Kara honey, we have plenty of time, as for a baby room, let's wait until we find out the babies gender, same for the clothes". Kara nodded and smiled at Barry. She jumped down from the counter, pecked him on the lips and said "I'm going for a quick shower". Barry nodded and said "ok Kar".

Barry and Kara had eaten breakfast, gotten changed and were now walking to his parents house. Kara held us hand as they walked and asked "what about baby names". Barry smiled at Kara and said "we have eight months to work all that out Kara". Kara said "I know, I know but I'm just sooooo excited". Barry smiled at her and said "I can tell". Kara said "ok, I will hold out on the baby names for now, I already have an idea for one, but I also want your suggestions too, it's not just for me to decide". Barry said "I know Kara, I have an idea for a little girls name". Kara smiled at Barry and nodded. Barry said "I'm super excited for us to meet our little baby too". Kara said "I love you Barry Allen". Barry said "and I love you too Kara Allen".

The couple arrived at the Allen house. Barry knocked on the door and was greeted by Henry. Henry said "hey you two, come in". Barry and Kara gave him a hug and then entered the house. Nora smiled at the couple and said "hey you two, we were expecting a visit". Barry said "well we haven't seen you in a month". Nora smiled and gave the two a big hug. Barry and Kara sat next to each other. Kara became really nervous and started patting her leg and sorting her glasses. Barry smiled and held her hand to show that she was ok. Kara smiled at Barry and mouthed "thank you". Henry smiled and asked "so what brings you both by, are you already going on another holiday". Kara smiled and said "I wish Henry". Henry chuckled and asked "it was that fun huh". Barry said "it was one of the best weeks we've had". Kara giggled and said "yeah, we got up to lots". Nora smiled and asked "what did you do". Kara said "we went hiking". Barry said "we went swimming". Kara said "we stargazed". Barry said "and we just relaxed for the whole week". Henry smiled and said "sounds like fun". Barry said "yeah it was, we uh, also have something to tell you". Henry asked "it's not about the cabin right, you didn't set it on fire or anything did you". Barry was about to speak when Kara blurted out "we're having a baby". Henry and Nora immediately got up and hugged the two. Henry asked "I'm having a grandchild". Barry nodded and said "yep, you are having a grandchild". Nora smiled and asked "how long". Kara said "uh, well I'm two weeks along, so eight months still". Henry smiled and said "well congratulations you two, I know you are both going to be great parents". Barry said "thanks dad".

They spent quite a bit of their day at the Allen house just talking about baby stuff and other things they did at the cabin. They then spent the rest of the day just relaxing at their house, thinking about their future with a new member in the family.