Stuck in a mirror!

Kara had moved the mirror into Star Labs inside the Speed Lab. Cisco was still working on an idea to beat Mirror Master who the team managed to identify as Sam Schudder. Thawne said "don't worry Kara, we'll get him out soon, I know it, I'm going to go work on some calculations and see if what I'm thinking will work". Kara nodded. Caitlin smiled and said "it wasn't your fault Kara". Kara sniffed and said "yes it is, my boyfriend is stuck in a mirror and there is nothing I can do to help him". Barry smiled and stood up. He said "Kara sweetie, it wasn't your fault, things just happen, and you being here is helping me". Kara nodded and sniffed. Barry smiled and said "come here". Kara walked over to the mirror and placed her hand where Barry's was. She said "I wish I could hug you". Barry smiled and said "we are having a massive hug as soon as I get out from here". Kara giggled a little and asked "is that all we'll be doing". Barry smiled and said "ok, and a kiss too". Kara smiled a little. She then looked down as the tears fell from her eyes and her smile turned into a frown. She sniffed and said "if I hadn't rushed at him, you wouldn't have had to help me, and you wouldn't be in here, it's all my fault, I'm not a good hero". Barry smiled and said "you're right". Kara looked up at Barry. Barry smiled and said "you're a great hero, far better than I was during my first year, I mean you threw a prison into space". Kara smiled and said "but you stopped a black hole or singularity, whatever you call it". Barry smiled a little and nodded. He said "but it wasn't just me". Caitlin smiled a little and said "but the way that you didn't even hesitate to rush into the danger without knowing if you would come back or not, that is what makes you a hero Barry". Barry nodded and said "thanks you two, Kara, don't blame yourself, take it from someone who does that far too much, it isn't healthy, what's done is done, you just need to learn from the experience and push forwards". Kara smiled and said "thanks Barry, you always find the right thing to say to me, I'd let out a breath of relief but I don't want to freeze something, which is a joke by the way". Barry smiled and said "you are a genius Kara". Kara asked "what do you mean". Barry said "your freeze breath is the key to get me out of here".

Kara looked at Barry with confusion. Caitlin said "you want to freeze the mirrors molecules". Barry nodded and said "it should be enough to allow me to phase out of here". Kara asked "are.... Are you sure". Barry nodded and said "freeze the mirror Kara". Kara asked "but what if I destroy the mirror, what will happen to you". Barry smiled and said "I believe in you Kara, you can do this". Kara nodded and took a deep breath. Caitlin took a deep breath and said "I'll do it". Barry and Kara looked at Caitlin. Barry asked "you have Frosts powers don't you". Caitlin nodded. Barry asked "when did you find out". Caitlin said "a couple of weeks ago, and I know you will be mad that I didn't tell you". Barry chuckled and said "I'm not mad Cait, you are afraid of becoming her, I understand why". Caitlin nodded. Kara smiled and said "we'll do it together". Caitlin nodded and smiled a little. Barry smiled at Caitlin and said "I'm going to help you Cait, you aren't alone in this". Caitlin nodded and said "but only you two know, please don't tell Cisco or Thawne, I don't want them constantly worrying about me". Barry nodded and said "I won't tell them, it's up to you if you want to tell them about your powers". Kara asked "ready". Caitlin nodded and said "more than I'll ever be". Kara used her freeze breath in the mirror while Caitlin shot frost from her hands. The mirror covered completely in ice. Both of them stopped and took a few steps back. They watched as Barry phased out of the mirror. Kara immediately ran at Barry and pulled him into a kiss. Barry didn't hesitate to kiss her back.

Kara pulled away and said "never get trapped in a mirror again". Barry chuckled and said "I'll try my best babe". Kara giggled and shook her head. Thawne came back in and asked "you got him out, how'd you manage that". Barry smiled a little at Caitlin and said "uh Kara's freeze breath, she froze the mirror and I was able to then phase out of the mirror". Thawne smiled and said "so my theory works after all". Barry nodded. Thawne said "well in that case, I'm going to go help Cisco, we should deal with this Mirror Master fast, so you two can get back to your daughter and have a rest". Barry nodded. Thawne smiled and left the speed lab. Caitlin smiled slightly and said "thanks for keeping it a secret". Barry smiled and said "you never have to thank me Cait, you have helped me far more than I can count, besides we are family here, we always help each other". Caitlin smiled a little and nodded. Kara asked "are you planning to keep your powers and control them or are you wanting to get rid of them". Caitlin said "I don't know". Barry smiled and said "well we support either of your decisions, if you want, we could help you control your powers". Caitlin smiled and said "I'll think about it". Barry nodded. Caitlin said "I'll go check and see if there are any meta alerts, can you bring Dawn in tomorrow, just to make sure she is healthy". Kara said "sure Cait, thanks for getting Barry back". Caitlin smiled and said "it's no problem Kara". Barry smiled and pulled Kara into a massive hug once Caitlin left. Kara giggled and hugged him back. She said "well we are having that massive hug now". Barry said "yes we are Ms Danvers".