The Truth!

Back in the Speedforce

Nora smiled and said "that sounds really nice". Barry nodded and said "it was, could I have brought Kara back with me from Flashpoint". Nora nodded and said "you could have brought them both Barry but things would have been different". Barry nodded and said "it all worked out though, I have Kara back, she may not be the exact same but She is the person I love, the one that I was married to in Flashpoint, but She is also the Kara that I fell in love with first, the one who risks her life on a daily basis to make sure everyone is safe, she has my wife's memories and I'm happy with her, I wouldn't change a thing". Nora smiled and said "I'm glad it all worked out for you Barry, I truly am". Barry nodded and smiled a little. He said "I never imagined that I could love someone as much as I love Kara, I always thought that things always go bad for me, my mum dying, my dad being wrongly accused and sent to prison, and then my dad dying, I was an outcast at school, even before my mum died, I was the class nerd and then I was the son of a murderer, I guess they thought I was gonna be the same way when I grew up, no one believed me, no one did until I met Cisco and Caitlin, and showed them my powers, then I met Kara, she instantly made me feel as if I belonged, she understands me, she knows the struggles of being a hero, she understands the loss and feeling as if she is an outcast, but together we make each other feel like we do belong here and for once in a very long time, I'm really happy and things are going right for me, even if there is a speedster from the original timeline that wants me dead". Nora nodded and said "I think its time you know the truth Barry".

Barry stood up and asked "what truth". Nora sighed and said "we haven't been completely honest with you Barry". Barry asked "what do you mean". Nora sighed and said "you don't generate the speedforce". Barry asked "I don't". Nora said "you have the strongest connection to the speedforce that you can get but you aren't the first speedster, your doppelganger is". Barry asked "then why lie". Nora said "because I believe that if you have the right motivation, you will get faster, but I now realise that your motivation is your family, Kara and your daughter, they motivate you to keep going, to get faster, that is how you are going to get faster, you'll do it to keep them safe, safe from Savitar, you'll do it for them and your friends". Barry nodded and smiled a little. He asked "so am I not on earth one then". Nora smiled and said "I should explain everything". Barry sat back down on the couch and nodded. Nora remained sitting and said "to tell you the truth, we are new, we are a new speedforce, created by your doppelganger from the earth known as earth prime". Barry asked "earth prime". Nora nodded and said "your doppelganger from earth prime, He was from earth one in the old multiverse". Barry asked "there was an old multiverse, what happened to it". Nora said "a crisis happened Barry, not the same crisis that is coming for you, in 2024, you will be called upon by your earth prime doppelganger and some of your other doppelgangers from other earths to defeat a powerful threat from earth prime that will threaten the entire multiverse but it depends on if the heroes there can stop him from getting his hands on the Anti life equation". Barry asked "what is the Anti life equation". Nora said "I cannot discuss it anymore than I have, but you have to be ready for it". Barry nodded and asked "so what was This other crisis". Nora said "a threat known as the Anti Monitor wiped out the entire multiverse with Anti matter, He wanted to destroy the multiverse and replace it with his anti matter universe where he would rule, some of the heroes from the old multiverse including your doppelganger and Kara's doppelganger managed to stop the Anti Monitor, they created This new multiverse and their earths combined into what we know As earth prime, from that, new earths started to form, new universes were created, earth one being one of them, you live on the new earth one Barry". Barry nodded and said "ok, I understand but what do you mean that you are a new speedforce". Nora said "the original speedforce from the old multiverse died, your doppelganger created us, as he was losing his speed, He needs it to fight the threats he is going up against, and He is the reason why all speedsters now have their speed". Barry nodded and smiled a little. He asked "is my doppelganger and Kara's doppelganger..." . Nora nodded and said "they are together". Barry smiled and said "guess it's multiversal". Nora said "mostly but you should return to your friends, remember, if you need to train, you can come here to do so". Barry nodded and said "thank you". Nora smiled and said "no Barry, thank you".

Barry opened his eyes in the training room of the DEO. Kara said "Barry, thank Rao, we've been trying to talk to you for ten minutes now, we were about to take you to the med bay to see if you were ok". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I'm ok Kar, I was in the speedforce". Kara smiled and said "I would hug you but I don't want to crush Dawn". Barry chuckled and said "it's ok Kara". J'onn asked "did it help". Barry nodded and said "I learned of a few things and I think I know how to get faster".