Racing Excitement!

Barry and Kara walked into the Cortex to see Cisco and Caitlin typing away on their computers. Kara giggled and said "I'm so excited for this, I've never really raced anyone before and I get to do it with my boyfriend". Cisco said "well Thawne and Jay are setting up the checkpoints so that we can monitor your speeds, they'll be back soon". Nora smiled and said "so you two will be running together". Kara nodded her head in excitement. Barry chuckled and asked "can you watch over Dawn". Nora smiled and said "I'd be more than happy too". Barry smiled and handed Dawn over to Nora. Kara smiled and said "can they hurry up, I want to race". Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around her to stop her from bouncing with excitement". Barry chuckled and said "babe relax, it won't take long". Kara nodded and said "I'll try but I'm soooo excited, we are so gonna win". Barry nodded and asked "are you able to though..... Didn't you solar flare". As soon as the words left Barry's mouth, Kara frowned and lost all her excitement. She said "oh.... I.... I completely forgot about that". Barry smiled sadly at Kara and said "hey.... Hey it's ok babe". Kara sniffed and said "I... I was so excited that I forgot about that.... I guess I can next time". Barry smiled and said "Kara, babe, it's ok". Kara nodded but still frowned. Barry smiled and said "during my time in Flashpoint, I learned about something else I could do". Kara asked "what is it". Barry smiled and said "I've not properly tested it out, I don't know what effect it can have on people, I believe regular humans might not last long in this so I don't know if I should try it". Kara asked "what is it Bar". Barry smiled and took Kara's hand. Orange lightning encircled them for a second and then disappeared. Kara looked around to see that everyone was frozen except them. Kara asked "what is this". Barry said "I uh... I call it Flashtime". Kara asked "how is everyone frozen". Barry said "they aren't, we are moving so fast, I brought you into Flashtime, I extended my speedforce aura I guess you could call it, to you, This is what I see when I speed up". Kara smiled and said "so I'm moving just as fast as you". Barry nodded and said "yep". Kara smiled and said "which means that I can still run with you... I can take part". Barry chuckled and said "yes Kara, you can take part". Kara smiled and hugged Barry tightly. Barry smiled and hugged her back. Kara said "you are the best.... Thank you, thank you, thank you". Barry said "hey I hate seeing you upset, I had to find a way to put that beautiful smile of yours back on your face". Kara smiled and peppered Barry with kisses on the cheek and lips. She said "I love you so much Barry, you're the best". Barry smiled and said "you are so very welcome Kara, I love you too".

Barry brought Kara out of Flashtime and watched as She smiled in amusement when everyone started moving again. Kara said "oh I wish you showed me that in Flashpoint". Barry said "I would have babe but again, I don't know what effects it has on people, I've only ever done it with an apple, I didn't want to harm you or the baby". Kara smiled more and said "I get it Bar, It's really cool though". Caitlin asked "what is cool". Kara giggled and said "Barry was able to bring me into Flashtime with him". Jay who had just got back with Thawne asked "you can do that". Barry said "it's something I discovered during my time in Flashpoint, it was only an Apple I did it with because I don't know what type of effect it would have on people". Thawne said "prolonged exposure would kill a normal person unless you find a way to also stop that, maybe if you manage to train more and more with it, hone that ability, you'll be able to without harming someone, when Kara has her powers, she'll be able to last a long time". Kara frowned again and said "so I can't join you guys in the race". Thawne said "not necessarily, you need a boost in adrenaline to jump start your powers, which if I heard right, you sounded super excited as we came in". Kara said "I am beyond excited". Barry said "but showing a strong emotion such as excitement, it releases adrenaline into your system". Kara asked "what are you saying". Caitlin said "what Barry is saying is that last time you solar flared, you got your powers back from the fear of losing your friend". Kara nodded and said "yeah Winn, during an earthquake". Caitlin said "well that was through a strong emotion being fear, excitement is another strong emotion". Barry smiled and said "babe". Kara smiled at Barry and asked "yeah Bar". Barry smiled and said "try use your powers". Kara nodded and smiled from ear to ear when she was able to levitate a couple feet off the ground. She landed again and pulled Barry into a massive hug. Barry chuckled and hugged her back. Cisco whispered to Caitlin "that looks painful". Caitlin just slapped his arm and whispered "he can obviously handle it". Barry pulled away from the hug and asked "are you ready babe". Kara giggled and nodded. She said "let's show them two who the fastest are". Thawne chuckled and said "I can't wait to wipe that smile of your face then". Kara said "it isn't possible, I'm going to have fun, that's what matters". Jay smiled and said "yes it is". Barry lifted Kara up and said "shall we get going then, we have a race to start". Thawne and Jay smiled and sped after Barry as he raced out with Kara