Thawne is back!

Barry woke up on the med bay bed, snuggled into his very naked girlfriend with only a thin blanket covering the two of them. He glanced over at the clock to see that it was only 4am. He heard a sniffle coming from out in the Cortex and smiled a little. He pecked Kara on the cheek, causing a massive smile to appear on her face. He then climbed off the bed and sped into his clothes. He then covered Kara back up with the blanket and headed out to the Cortex. He heard the battering of the rain from inside the Cortex and sighed. He said "I thought Central City was the bright rain less city". He then smiled at Dawn and asked "isn't that right sweetie". Dawn started to cry as an eruption of thunder echoed in the room, which caused the speedster to sigh again. He lifted Dawn up and said "don't worry sweetie, the storm is gonna be over soon.... Hopefully". He rocked her from side to side and said "you hungry". Dawn's cries somewhat died down. Barry chuckled and said "just like your dad huh, ok sweetie, we'll get you some food".

Barry sat in the Cortex as he fed Dawn. The storm continued outside and it didn't seem to be ending soon. He smiled as he saw Kara walking over to him with a tired smile. She had put on the clothes She had worn the previous day. She smiled and leaned over, pecking him on the lips. Barry smiled and said "morning babe". Kara yawned and said "morning Bar". Barry said "Its not going to be ending soon unfortunately, the storm is meant to last until in the late evening, luckily the thunder and lightning isn't meant to last all day though". Kara shrugged her shoulders and said "I don't mind, we got to sleep.easily with it". Barry smirked and said "you know why we did Kar". Kara blushed and looked down as she giggled. Barry nodded and said "but yeah we did". Kara smiled at Barry and took a seat beside him. She then smiled at Dawn and said "hey there sweetie, mummy missed you". Barry chuckled and handed Dawn over to her and handed her the bottle. Kara smiled and continued to feed her. Barry said "I'm gonna call Cisco and Caitlin later, I'm gonna tell them that they can stay home today, save them from having to come out, besides it's sunday, things are normally quiet, if not, I can pick them up, I don't want them going out in that". Kara smiled and said "that's kind of you". Barry chuckled and said "knowing Cait, she's gonna want to come in, Cisco might take the opportunity to stay at home and binge watch whatever is on Netflix now". Kara said "I'd do the same thing". Barry chuckled and said "yeah I know, I have to say though, it's kind of nice, there is something I like about the dull rainy mornings, seeing all the lights on, it makes me want to just go back to bed sometimes but I like it". Kara nodded and said "yeah I get that, ever the optimist huh". Barry smiled and said "you know me". Kara smiled and pecked him on the lips again. She said "yeah and I love you". Barry smiled and said "love you too".

Kara smiled more As she put the bottle down on the desk and said "I really wish we went home, we could have been snuggled up in bed still". Barry chuckled and said "yeah, I noticed that you left your glasses in the med bay". Kara nodded and said "they are a part of me, but that's for out in public when I'm Kara Danvers, I know I am, but when I'm with you, there is no disguise, I'm just me, I'm Kara Danvers and Kara Zor-El, not one or the other, and I Do like them, they make me look adorable". Barry smiled and nodded in agreement. Kara continued "but sometimes it's nice to not wear them". Barry said "I bet". Kara nodded and was about to say something when an alert went off. Barry said "it's coming from the breach room". Kara nodded and watched as Barry sped off.

As he raced into the breach room, a familiar speedster in yellow raced out and came to a stop. Barry sighed in relief and said "it's just Thawne, Kara". Thawne smiled and said "sorry I took so long". Barry asked "what happened". The two walked side by side back up to the Cortex as Thawne said "I'll explain in a second, I just need a coffee, I've not had rest since I left". Barry nodded and said "well it's just the four of us in at the moment, the others will still be in bed most likely, it's really bad outside, the storms been non stop since last night, me and Kara had to stay the night". Thawne nodded and waved at Kara as they walked into the Cortex. Thawne sped into regular clothes and put the power source he was carrying, down on the desk. Kara smiled and asked "so you got what you came for". Thawne nodded and thanked Barry who handed him a cup of coffee. Barry smiled and say back down in the seat that he had been sitting in. Thawne said "oh it's good to be back, things were.... Let's just say... Different over there". Barry asked "what happened". Thawne said "Grodd, it was when he took Caitlin, when Zoom broke your back, I helped your doppelganger get Caitlin's doppelganger, I even met Kara's doppelganger". Kara smiled and asked "you did, what was she like". Thawne said "oh you know, a lot like Barry". Barry said "well we are similar". Thawne said "Kara's doppelganger is Kara Allen there, not Danvers". Kara smiled and asked "we're married". Thawne said "your doppelganger is Barry's doppelgangers, biological daughter". Both Barry and Kara's eyes widened as their faces turned red. Kara said "oh I hope that isn't the case here, especially not after what we did last night and the other times". Thawne said "nope, that is too much information already, I'm going down to my lab and finishing this tachyon enhancer, it was already weird enough seeing her call him dad, I just want to forget it for now, see you later". Thawne walked out of the lab with a coffee in one hand and the power source in the other leaving the embarrassed couple in the Cortex.