Thanksgiving preperations part one!

Kara and Barry walked around a supermarket pushing a trolley and were filling it with food. It's been a few weeks since saving Jeremiah, it was Thanksgiving and Barry and Kara were making a last minute shop for food. Kara pouted and said "if one more person stares in shock at the amount of food we have, I'm going to burn their face off, I swear to Rao". Barry chuckled as he put more food in the trolley. Kara said "I mean, it isn't our fault that we have super human metabolism". Barry nodded but Kara continued her rant before he could say anything, "not to mention that Joe, Cisco, Cait, Thawne, yet another person with a super human metabolism, oh and yet another being Jay Garrick, then we have Jay's wife, Eliza, J'onn, Alex and Jeremiah who will all be there, not to mention our daughter, so if they have a problem, I really don't give two craps, I'm taking these glasses off and burning them".

Barry wrapped his arm around her waist and chuckled. He said "I know babe, but we're almost done, then we can go home, we can start making the dinner and then we can relax for a while, Cait came around to help us, she's helping Nora and Jay decorate our house and looking after Dawn, so we can relax for a little while, Nora and Eliza are the ones preparing the dinner, they said that we should take it easy and focus on our daughter, that we've done a lot up too Thanksgiving and we need the break". Kara said "damn right we need the break, it's taking so much self control to stop myself from breaking that guys damn arm, it's rude to stare". Barry smiled and pecked Kara's temple. He said "come on sweetie, let's just get the ice cream then we can pay for all this and head home, even on Thanksgiving people can't seem to not stare at the amount of food we have". Kara nodded and snuggled into Barry's side. She said "I'm glad you're with me". Barry smiled and said "well it's our first Thanksgiving together, and I couldn't let my girlfriend do the shopping herself". Kara smiled at Barry and said "thanks Bar, I don't know what I'd have done if you weren't here, I don't even know why I'm in a bad mood". Barry said "doesn't seem like it now". Kara said "it's hard to stay in one when I'm with you, you make me really happy". Barry smiled and said "I'm glad, I'd hate to see you upset". Kara smiled and said "once we are home, we're snuggling on the couch after we put Dawn to bed for a little while to help Cait relax a bit too". Barry said "that is something I can't disagree with". Kara giggled and asked "can we get vanilla". Barry chuckled and said "yes babe, we can get vanilla".

The two walked into their house carrying bags of shopping. Kara smiled and said "I'm so glad you have a car". Barry said "yeah, there was no way that I'd be able to carry all that". Kara nodded and said "yeah, let's just get these into the kitchen and then grab the last amount, then we can snuggle on the couch". Barry nodded and sped all the bags from the car into the kitchen after putting the ones he was carrying in the kitchen. Kara pouted and asked "you couldn't have taken mine too". Barry chuckled and said "I'm gonna go get Dawn though". Kara smiled a little and nodded before heading through to the kitchen. Barry headed into the living room to see that it was somewhat decorated. He smiled and then turned to Caitlin who was singing a little to Dawn. He said "I knew it". Caitlin looked up at Barry with a bright red face. Barry chuckled and said "sorry, Its just I knew you didn't sing the way you did when you were drunk". Caitlin said "oh, I mean it isn't a complicated song, anyone could sing it properly". Barry smiled and said "nu uh, you are a good singer Dr Snow". Caitlin smiled and said "thanks Barry". Barry asked "how is she". Caitlin smiled and said "she's an angel, you guys got lucky". Barry smiled and took Dawn from her. He said "or Maybe you are good at looking after people". Caitlin laughed a little as she said "well I've had plenty of practice with you after all". Barry nodded and said "I don't mean it that way though, I think you'd be a great mother". Caitlin smiled a little and said "thanks Barry". Barry nodded and asked "how is the power thing coming along". Caitlin smiled and said "really well, I feel like I have complete control of them now, and it's all thanks to you and Kara, I don't know what would have happened if I didn't have your help".

Kara smiled as she walked to her boyfriend's side. She said "well you don't have to know what would have happened". Caitlin nodded and smiled more. She said "I don't know how I'll ever repay you both". Kara said "you never have too". Barry said "Kara's right, besides, you've helped me way more than I can count". Caitlin shook her head and said "you've helped me as much as I've helped you". Kara said "well we're all family, and family help each other". Caitlin nodded and said "speaking off, I need to go change, I don't think these clothes are the most appropriate for a thanksgiving dinner, and I was told to remind you to both relax". Barry said "I remember". Caitlin asked "is it ok if I change in the bathroom". Kara nodded and said "yeah, upstairs and to the right". Caitlin smiled and replied "thanks Kara". Kara nodded and smiled at Caitlin as she headed up to the bathroom. Kara said "I should change too". Barry asked "need a hand". Kara giggled and said "sure handsome, but you need to change too". Barry chuckled and nodded as he followed Kara up to the bedroom.