Surprising Revelation!

Once Thawne had locked up the Reverse Flash in the pipeline and then arrived up in the Cortex where the rest of team Flash were all gathered, Caitlin, Barry and Kara included since Caitlin didn't need to remain in the med bay, they started to discuss what they should do about the Reverse Flash. Kara asked "we can't keep him locked up here again can we". Caitlin added "yeah because last time Cisco almost died when we kept him locked up". Thawne said "that was because while he was a time remnant, he was needed to ensure that the events from our past occurred, but this Thawne isn't a time remnant". Barry stated "because his ancestor, Eddie Thawne is still alive". Thawne nodded and added "plus, this Thawne won't travel back in time to kill your mother, in this timeline, it was me, this Reverse Flash had nothing to do with it". Barry sighed and said "I sure changed a lot huh". Kara placed her hand on his arm and said "don't blame yourself Bar, it's all in the past now, besides, you couldn't have known how different things would have been, I'm sure that if anyone was in your shoes, they'd do the same thing, you were grieving and it was all done in the moment, so don't beat yourself up about it". Cisco smiled and said "listen to your girlfriend dude, she's right, I'd probably do the same thing if it was my brother that had died". Barry nodded and smiled slightly at his friends and family. Cisco asked "just one thing though, is it just me or did everyone else find it a bit weird that Thawne wasn't looking at Barry with endless hatred, I mean I know he doesn't know you're the Flash and that Kara is Supergirl, but he looked at you with..... admiration in a creepy Reverse Flash way". Kara nodded and replied "plus he said he had another reason for not killing us, besides the whole, we apparently revolutionise the way we think about science". Barry nodded and looked at Kara as he said "let's go talk to him and find out why, then we send him home". Kara nodded and took Barry's hand. She smiled sweetly at him and said "lead the way Mr Allen". Barry chuckled and replied "very well Ms Danvers".

Barry and Kara stepped into the pipeline once the hatch was open, to see The Reverse Flash standing facing them with an impressed look on his face. He asked "so this is the first version of the meta dampening cells, very impressive, although, you should think of adding a toilet". Barry sighed and said "left panel near the back". Eobard nodded and replied "good to know". Kara asked "why are you back here". Eobard chuckled and answered "I need something to stop the Flash and the past was the only place I knew that I could stop him, he is fast here, I'll give him that, but compared to his speed in the future, he's as slow as a snail". Barry asked "and you're trying to even the playing field". Eobard smirked and stated "I have spent years studying the speedforce, I know how to give myself a temporary boost". Kara asked "Velocity 9". Eobard said "no Dr Allen, I'm not stupid, I know the dangers of the Velocity serum, I'm talking about a...". Barry interrupted "a tachyon enhancer". Eobard asked "you don't happen to have one lying around, do you, I can't interfere with the past as much as I already have, and I'm not going back empty handed". Kara said "we need it to stop Savitar". Eobard asked "this is the year Savitar attacks". Barry nodded and asked "why". Eobard said "know one knows who he is, not even in the future, many speedsters refer to Savitar as the speedster equivalent of Jack the Ripper, all we know is that he showed up, killed a bunch of the Flash's friends, and then years later there was mention of him again, and then just nothing, the last time he was seen, he was fighting the Flash and then afterwards, he was never seen again". Barry asked "what do you think happened to him". Eobard said "there are two things I think happened to him, either the Flash murdered him because of what Savitar did to his friends, or the more likely option, he managed to trap Savitar in the speedforce". Kara asked "is it possible". Eobard nodded and said "I believe so, I've never seen it done before". Barry said "trapping him in there was what lead to him coming here". Eobard asked "what do you mean". Barry sighed and said "in the original timeline, from before my mother was murdered, the Flash trapped Savitar in the speedforce, due to the massive change in the timeline, he managed to get out, and he doesn't care if it wasn't this Flash, to him, they are the same person and he wants to make his life hell". Eobard looked thoughtful for a few seconds before saying "then it's full circle Dr Allen, because this old timeline no longer exists, he's found a way to cement himself in this timeline, the Flash must have trapped Savitar in the speedforce in this new timeline, then Savitar will have broke free now, in the past, it's a never ending cycle". Kara asked "can we stop him for good, can we find a way to prevent him from killing anyone". Eobard chuckled and asked "why do you think I'd help, it's the Flash's problems, not mine". Barry glared at him and said "if you help us, we'll let you out of the cell so you can return to the future". Eobard chuckled and asked "why does everyone call me Thawne". Kara asked "isn't your name Eobard Thawne". Eobard smirked and said "I shouldn't tell you, you'd probably think I'm crazy". Barry stated "we already do Eobard". Eobard said "fair enough, but don't say I didn't warn you, my name is Eobard Allen and you are my ancestors".