As the couple continued to kiss, Barry lifted Kara up into his arms as he stood up, causing her to squeal a little in surprise. She pulled away from the kiss and smiled at Barry as she asked "who'd have thought that you could lift up the girl of steel". Barry chuckled and replied "you might have the strength of steel, if not way more, doesn't mean you're heavy". Kara giggled and pecked Barry on the lips. Barry chuckled and asked "I take it that's the right answer". Kara smiled and said "yeah, cause otherwise I'd be throwing you into the sun". Barry smirked and said "you wouldn't do that". Kara nodded and said "yeah you're right Bar, I love you too much to do that, I would however make you change Dawn's diaper for a month". Barry chuckled and said "well remind me to not get on your bad side then". Kara giggled and snuggled into Barry. She asked "are we heading out soon, for our walk". Barry nodded and said "yeah, we should get changed now". Kara smiled and said "don't worry Dawn, mommy and daddy will be as fast as possible".
Kara giggled as Barry carried her upstairs and into their bedroom. When he placed her onto her feet, Kara pouted. Barry chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist, making her smile again. She wrapped her arms around Barry's waist and said "I love you". Barry smiled and replied "I love you too Kara". Kara smiled and buried her face into his chest. Barry asked "didn't you tell Dawn that we won't be long". Kara pouted again and said "I'm sure she won't mind, I want to just snuggle with you". Barry smiled and said "the quicker we get changed, the quicker we can have our walk, then once we get back, I'll make us some hot chocolate and then we can just snuggle up before we get started on making our Christmas dinner". Kara asked "are you trying to bribe me with hot chocolate". Barry chuckled and asked "is it working". Kara smiled and said "no it's when you mentioned snuggling, that's when it worked". Barry smiled and said "you really like snuggling huh". Kara giggled and said "yep, now come on, we need to get changed, I want some hot chocolate and to snuggle with my boyfriend and our daughter". Barry smiled and replied "I'll get Dawn changed". Kara said "but you still have to get changed". Barry chuckled and said "after I get changed Kar, it only takes a few minutes".
Once Barry was changed, he had went downstairs for Dawn and then changed her before sitting with her in the living room, waiting on Kara to arrive. He smiled at his daughter and said "I can't believe it's been six months already, it still feels like yesterday when we were in that hospital room with you". Dawn smiled up at her dad before grabbing hold of one of his fingers. Barry smiled and said "me and your mommy got you a few Christmas presents, you'll get to play with some of them when we get home, I'm sure you'll have fun with it". Barry heard Kara giggle. He turned around and gave her a small smile. She had changed into a white blouse, jeans, a cosy blue jumper with snowflakes and if course, her glasses. Kara smiled and said "I sure hope she does Barry, we didn't go through all the effort of looking for baby toys for her to not like them...... I mean Santa didn't". Barry chuckled and said "yeah Dawn, Santa went through a lot of trouble to get your toys here". Kara sat down beside Barry, resting her head on his shoulder as she smiled at their daughter. Barry smiled and wrapped his free arm around Kara's waist. Kara asked "what was our Christmas like in Flashpoint". Barry smiled and said "it was really fun, I mean you were three months pregnant at that point, your baby bump had started to show before then but it wasn't big, you wanted to exchange gifts in bed then just lay with me all day, we did eventually get up and have breakfast, then exchanged gifts, we then went around to my parents for a little while before coming back home and relaxing, we also talked a lot about what we wanted our first Christmas with our daughter to be like". Kara asked "is it anything like you expected". Barry smiled and replied "so far mostly, the only differences are that I'm back to being the Flash, all of our friends are here, and that you aren't my wife here". Kara nodded and said "I hope I can be your wife again Bar, the answer has and always will be yes for When you ask". Barry smiled and said "we'll get there eventually Kar". Kara smiled and nodded.
Kara stood up and said "we should get going otherwise I'm not going to want to go for a walk, I want my hot chocolate and snuggles". Barry chuckled and said "ok Kar, can you put Dawn in the stroller/buggy". Kara smiled and replied "of course I can". She took Dawn from Barry and then headed to get Dawn strapped into the stroller. Once she was strapped in, Kara grabbed her coat and put it on before putting on a pair of gloves. She smiled as Barry came over and put his coat on. He then asked "why are you wearing gloves". Kara smiled and replied "I like em". Barry smiled and put on a pair of gloves before asking "are you ready to go". Kara gave Barry a peck on the lips and replied "yep, the snow has really picked up, it looks amazing". Barry smiled and said "well let's get going, I want hot chocolate and snuggles too". Kara giggled before opening the front door and stepped outside with Barry pushing the stroller out after her.