8.Schooled (Part 1)


A school bus is traveling on a bridge, filled with children on their way to school. When the concrete begins to crumble and two of the support cables fall into their path. Knowing he can’t drive over them the driver slams on the break. Turning the bus so it hits the divider and comes to a full stop.

A moving truck behind them couldn’t stop fast enough, and as they jerk away from the bus they don’t fully collide but do nick the back of it to nudge them through the divider and closer to the edge. While they and a small car crash into the opposing divider. A red car continues to speed, unaware, until they crash into the back corner of the bus. Knocking it through the wall on the outside of the bridge and completely destroying their engine compartment.

The bus teeters dangerously on their middle, threatening to fall into the river below.

From a high room in a Wayne Tech building, Bruce Wayne can see the situation. Moving to his desk he tips back the head on an Alfred-bust. Revealing a red button. Which he presses to reveal a hidden drawer with his Batman costume. Though he doesn’t grab it as he hears a sonic boom go off.

Turning he finds Superman flying towards the bridge

He flies past the bus and instead goes under the bridge to support the crumbling portion. Then using his heat vision to mend the cracked horizontal supports

Superboy and Sean jump from tower to tower of the bridge with ease, getting himself closer to the accident. Then landing on the deck without even denting the concrete, Sean manages to land softly on the ground but Superboy doesn't

Though below him Superman feels the sudden strain on the area he’s keeping up

Superboy, seemingly unaware, runs to get the white car away from the edge where they too crashed through the wall. Picking up the car on it’s back bumper with a cry and turning it a full 180° to place it back in the lanes.

All of which Bruce is observing from his Tower with high power binoculars.

The bus tips further over the edge, causing the kids inside to scream in fear, but he grabs the rear bumper of the bus, his combat boots trying to find purchase and he holds the bus so it won’t fall over the edge. Even managing to pull it back, though his ground teeth and battle cries prove how hard this is for the clone. The bus is suddenly wrenched from his grip and pulled upward. As the bus is about to fall Sean catches it and gently sets it down on the ground as the kids look at him he waves back at them

Drawing his eyebrows together as he glares, Sean helps up Superboy as be stands and walks towards Superman looks at Sean then back at Superboy

Superboy:I had that

"Uh huh sure you did but still man I didn't want to take the chance"

Sean defends, gesturing to the bus to prove his point, Superboy nods understanding Sean's perspective

Superman tells the two of them

Superman:As it is, your landing could’ve destabilized the entire bridge.

“It didn’t, as you can we see we saved the bus 'Superman' "

Superman:But it could have we don't yet know the limits of your powers, neither of yours

Superboy pauses before he continues in a far more hesitant tone.

Superboy:Well, maybe you could, you know, help me figure that out

Superman looks away before finally replying.

Superman:Batman's got that covered..

Superboy:I know, but--

Sean finally fed up of this slient bullshit treatment speaks up

"Your a fucking asshole you know that?"

Superman:Excuse me?

"What? You can't hear me? Or do you need to get your ears checked?"

Superman:I suggest you calm down

"Oh im perfectly calm Supes, I knew the night you saw us you thought of us as just things, not people you looked away not even giving a rat's ass about us Superboy, Powergirl and me. Whatever happened to giving us a chance? Oh I don't know maybe asking how we felt? Or maybe just maybe saying 'hi' at least once? But nooooo the Man of Steel didn't even bother to do that"

Superman:I understand what I p--

"I don't think you do understand, you see you weren't there you dont know what they did to us..*steps up to Superman* you didn't experience the pain we have..I can snap your neck like a twig yeah you could kill me but I'd just come back, that 'S' means something, it represents a symbol of equality, freedom, and peace you haven't shown us that at all you selfish bastard"

Sean clenches his fists as his eyes glow red he takes a deep breath as Supergirl lands next to him she places her hand on his shoulder calming him down a bit

Supergirl:I think it's time we head back come on guys you've done enough here

Superboy glares at Superman as he walks up to him

Superboy:He's right..you don't deserve that wear that, unlike Supergirl she sees us as people not as experiments or clones

Sean and Superboy both jump away from Superman as Kal-El turns to his cousin

Supergirl:They're people Kal whether you choose to see that or not, they're alive and have emotions just like the rest of us..remember that 'Superman'

She flies off with the other joining them as they take off to Mount Justice

-Small Time Skip-

Kid Flash and Aqualad are playing virtual air hockey, Kid Flash gets one right past Kaldur, and into his goal. Kaldur looks stunned for a moment, then glares competitively at Kid Flash who is eating a banana


Superboy, Sean and Kara appear in the Zeta Tube, Superboy stalks across the room.