It's been a few weeks since the Peter incident. I had been staying in the West Household, insisted by Barry and Iris. Barry wouldn't let me take couch, him being the first person to offer up his room. A lot has happened.

Peter has been calling me non stop, asking me to come back to my apartment. I had taken a while off from Picture News, and just decided to work on a few stories at- home. Patty is Joe's new partner, and I could tell she had a thing for Barry. It broke my heart but I also was happy for him if he felt the same back. Earth Two Harrison Wells was now here, trying to help us defeat Zoom.

I wanted to end things with Peter. I wanted to just drop everything and be with Barry. But it'd never happen. He'd never feel the same.

Reverse Flash would beg to differ, I thought to myself. I shake my head lightly at myself, before sitting up in Barry's bed.

I couldn't sleep and Barry hasn't gotten back yet. I was seated straight up on Barry's bed, in a pair of comfortable shorts and one of Barry's sweaters that I decided to put on without asking.

I lay back, staring at the ceiling, engulfed in the dark, the only light coming from the moon through the window.


I walk into star labs, being greeted by a Cisco who called out my name and jumped up the minute he saw me.

"I made you a suit!" He shouts in excitement and pulls on my wrist, causing myself to stutter on my words, "Why- why would I need a suit?"

"Because you're superhero material and every superhero needs a super suit." He explains, as he lets go of my wrist once we reach the mannequin where my new suit was rested on. "See, I noticed one thing whenever you use your powers- your eyes turn bright red; so I thought, why better then to make your suit completely black to go with the red?" He says, clapping his hands, "This suit has so many perks- one of them is making sure you're in control when you're flying- oh god. I might love this suit more than Barry's."

"Nuh uh. Take that back." Barry's voice speaks from behind me, causing me to jump lightly, as Barry walked over to us, a small smile painted on his lips.

Cisco points to me, "Reign." Is all he says.

"What?" I ask confused.

"That. is your superhero name. I'm so good at this. Anyone else need any nicknames? Hit me-" He cheers and claps his hands.

"I- I'm not a superhero. I'm not- ready for whatever Barry does- I'd get someone killed out there." I defend myself.

"You've been training- plus, Barry could use a partner." Cisco shrugs.

I go quiet, his voice distant now, my eyes fixed on the ground. I was too busy thinking about everyone.

I didn't want to be with Peter anymore. Every day I dealt with everything he has thrown at me. He was destroying me and I was letting him. Zooms metas were coming faster and faster, all targeting Barry. Barry. Barry was making me fall in love with him all over again.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Barry quietly calls out my name. My head snaps in his direction, blinking lightly, my eyes wide, "What?"

"I said, do you want to go train for a bit?"

I nod hesitantly, knowing I would zone out then too, "I- yes. Yup- lets do it."

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm- fine." I say, before walking into the training room, him following me.

We immediately start training, I staying more focused than I thought I would. As I continued to throw a few punches at Barry, as he defended himself quick, my thoughts drift away from this and to Peter and Jay.

Peter thought it was okay to hit me after I stood up for myself. To teach me a lesson. To make sure I wouldn't disobey him. As if he owned me. None of my past boyfriends were like this, but he seemed to be. I didn't know how to feel. Would I let him continue to do this, or not? If I broke up with him, I'm afraid with what he would try to do to me.

Jay. Jay made me even more cautious around him. Although he was nice to everyone, the minute "Earth Two" Harrison Wells, he was quick to try and make him leave, not wanting his help. But it scared me, that, thee Harrison Wells was here, even if he wasn't Eobard, and Jay looked exactly like Hunter. Something wasn't right about him, I just didn't know what.

"Zee-" Barry stops me and shakes me by my forearms, causing me to snap out of whatever trance I was in, and look at him, not realizing the tears in my eyes. "You're not okay."

I broke. "I'm not- I'm not okay." I let out a weak sob, my voice cracking as I speak, the tears that were in my eyes a second ago, now running down my cheeks.

Barry pulled me into his embrace, wrapping his arms around me, rubbing my back slowly as I cried.