Barry has finally given up of what seemed like hours of him pushing himself trying to phase out of the cell we were in.

I hugged my knees, as a sigh left my lips, as I watched him as he sat back down, knowing that this wouldn't work whatsoever.

"Barry?" We heard a hushed voice come from the lair, followed by many footsteps, as my head snaps up, as I stumble to my feet, Barry not moving until he sees Cisco, "Cisco-"

Barry stood next to me, Cisco's eyes wide as his gaze falls on my face, "Geez- what the hell happened to you?"

A scoff comes from who I knew was Earth Two's Iris West, "Why are you asking Reign? Good thing, she's in a cage. She deserves it, after all the hurt and pain she's caused."

"You got the wrong girl, West." I mutter, my jaw slightly clenched, not wanting to deal with whatever she had coming for me at the moment, due to everything that has happened so far.

"Is that so?" She asks, as my gaze falls onto the Earth Two Barry Allen, my heart fluttering. Although, he wasn't my Barry, he looked rather adorable.

"I asked you a question. I'd appreciate it, if you'd stop staring at my husband." She says to me, as my gaze snaps towards her, as I could feel Barry's stare on me from beside me.

My hands were fidgeting at my sides as I tried not to clench them, as I stared at her, "It's not my fault your husband is the literal doppelganger of my-" I stopped myself, not knowing what to call Barry, but I was saved from the embarrassment when Harry moved past everyone, "Get out of my way-" He ran to his daughter, someway opening the cage, pulling open her cage, hugging her tight.

I go silent, as my heart feels happiness, something besides anger, hurt and hopelessness as it has been for the few days I've been here. Killer Frost proceeds to break the chains, freeing Jesse, before coming over to the cage Barry and I were in, trying to free it over, to get us out also, but it wouldn't work.

"Dr. Wells-" Barry says quietly, looking at him, hoping for some sort of explanation.

"Carbyne. It's some form of carbyne-" Harry answers, looking at the glass, "This cell's made up of some sort of carbyne, You'll never be able to freeze them out of there."

Cisco asks, "You can't phase outta there?"

Barry lightly shakes his head, as my hand runs through my hair, a sigh leaving my mouth. He speaks up, "Just go, all right? Before Zoom comes back."

"We're not leaving you guys here." Cisco speaks for all of them.

I spoke up, "There isn't any way for you to get us out of this cell, Cisco. We're stuck."

Barry puts his hand on the glass, "Zee and I can't get out of this cell. I've tried- a lot. I'm not fast enough to phase through this- Zee's power's wouldn't do any good against the cell, you got-" he huffs, "Just leave, all right?"

Everyone stood still, staring at us, not moving, Barry speaking against because they didn't listen, "Just leave."

The Barry Allen on the other side of the cell, the one stood next to Iris West, the one who was the doppelganger, finally spoke up, stepping away from everyone, moving closer to the glass, in front of everything, looking between the two of us, "Do you know what we did to get here, Barry? We convinced her Killer Frost to show us the way. Then, we climbed some insanely steep cliffs outside on footholds made of ice- ice! And all of us risked our lives, knowing Zoom was after us, to rescue Jesse and you- and now that I see- her." His gaze lands on me.

He spoke again, "Listen- she may be a villain on this earth- but I see now that- there's so many scientific theories that have been proven correct to me- due to this entire situation. She isn't like who she is here. I can see how much she means to you-" His gaze snaps back to Barry, as Barry's gaze softens at my mentioning, "She means as much to you as my wife does to me."

I stared at him, as he continued to speak, "I know the feeling- you have around her- because I have the same feeling around my wife. I love my wife with every- single- cell- in my body. I care for her- I care about her so much- that I legitimately- came here- with her to rescue you guys."

Barry stares at his doppelganger, as he spoke once more, "Now, I don't know you, and you don't know me, but I can tell you that today, I- I did things that I never thought possible, because I needed to prove to my wife and to myself that I could. Now, if I can do the impossible today, so can you."

Barry shakes his head, sighing, doubting himself, as I stared at the two, the doppelganger speaking, "I'm just Barry Allen, but you're The Flash. If you tell yourself you can phase out of there- if you tell yourself this is the only way- for you to save the girl that means the world to you- the one who is stood by you- bruises and cuts on her face from how much damage they have caused her- you'll do it."

Barry gives a nod, as the doppelganger stepped back, towards his wife, Iris West, as Barry started to phase, his hand slowly and hesitantly touching the glass, his hand moving right through it.

Barry's eyes were wide, as he looked up at himself, the doppelganger giving him one last nod, as Barry took a deep breath, staring to phase right through, grabbing my arm last minute, pulling me out the cell with him, the unusual weird feeling causing a small shriek to leave my mouth.

Cisco's laugh in amusement filled the room, "Okay, let's go-" he says in relief, Harry speaking, holding onto his daughter, "Go, come on-"

Barry lets go of my arm, calling out, "Wait- wait- hey- hey- hey! We're not leaving him." Barry points to who I knew was Jay Garrick, but Barry didn't. He didn't want to believe it.

Harry speaks, "Barry- there's no time."

Zoom's voice booms, as he was now in the room, "He's not going anywhere," Harry was quick to pull his gun up, Barry pulling me behind him, "And neither are any of you."

He looks at Killer Frost, "Thank you, for bringing them to me."

"You double-crossed us? He killed Ronnie!" Cisco calls out, as Killer Frost replies, barely looking at him, "Guess my heart is as cold as you thought after all."

"I can't believe you. Just so you know you would be very disappointed in you, right now." Cisco breathes heavily.

Barry steps up, "Zoom, let them go."

Harry follows, "All you need is me and Barry."

"You're right, I may not be able to kill you yet," Zoom speaks, then points to all of us, "But, I can kill them." His blue lightening flashes as he ran, grabbing onto Jesse, standing behind us, causing us all to turn, as Jesse let out small sobs. "I told you, I'd kill you in front of your father."

"No- No!" Harry shouted from the ground, as I walked in front of everyone before I could stop myself, a few feet away from Zoom and Jesse.

"Zee-" Barry grabs onto my arm, and tries to pull me back lightly, but I forcefully keep my ground, as I clear my throat lightly, as Zoom raises his arm, ready to murder Jesse right in front of us.

"Hunter-" I lightly raise my voice loud enough so Zoom can hear me, calling him out, as I let out a shaky breath right after, regretting my choice.

Zoom freezes, as his head slowly turns towards me, as I finally stumbled back into Barry because of him still trying to pull me away, and within seconds, Killer Frost had used her powers to save Jesse, as was holding him off. "Get out of here-"

"Caitlin-" Cisco says in shock, as she turns, looking at him, still using her power against Zoom, "You were right. He killed Ronnie."

"Thank you-" Cisco says, as he runs with Harry.