The elevator opens, as Barry and I walk out of it, Barry fixing his blazer, "We usually take these guys done one at a time, not one hundred at a time." He fixes his watch. I was dressed in a red shirt, that was tucked into a black skin tight skirt, a white belt around the skirt, my feet wearing white heels to go with the outfit, deciding to switch up the color due to most of my shoes being black, my hair straight as usual.
My heels clicked on the ground, "And you somehow- aren't tired? Or overwhelmed?"
"I know we can do it." He says with a smile on his face, as we walked down the hall, Cisco running up to us.
"Guys-" He stops us, "You have to come see this." He turns and runs the way he came from.
Barry and I follow him, as Barry calls out, "Cisco- wha-"
We walk into the cortex, to see Caitlin sitting in the middle of the room, Henry doing some check ups on her, "Caitlin?" Barry calls out, just as confused as I was.
"She's in shock. A little dehydrated and malnourished, but I think she'll be fine." Henry steps away from her.
"I'm okay." Caitlin tells us.
"How- How did you get here?" I asked her, stepping closer to her.
"Jay- he- he let me go." Caitlin told me, her voice cracking as if she was on the verge of crying, Barry crouching in front of her, "He told me you were dead."
"I'm not- I'm right here." Barry says. "We're all here, together."
"Snow." Harry says, "Jay's not here. You're safe."
"He's gonna overrun the city, you cant stop him." Caitlin cries quietly.
"Yes we can. Listen to me, he's not going to succeed. We've got this, this is our Earth."
"You don't know that. You don't know what he is capable of." Caitlin says.
"I know from being in the Speed Force that the universe is with us, not Zoom. And if the universe is with us, how can we possibly lose? Right, guys?" Barry looks back at us for support.
"Yeah- yeah right." Jesse says quickly, due to everyone's silence.
"You've been through a lot. You should get some rest, come on." Barry helps her up before leading her into another room, Caitlin asking him questions where Barry answered.
A sigh leaves my lips, as I put a strand of my hair behind my ear, as we all crowded around the computers.
"Okay. I'm gonna say it." Cisco speaks up, "Um, we don't think he's being just a little too-"
"Overconfident?" Iris finishes, "Yeah, maybe it was his time in the Speed Force. I mean, he's acting like he's invincible now or something."
"Yeah, like nothing fazes him anymore, which isn't-" Henry begins.
"Realistic, no." Harry finishes for him, "Somebody needs to talk to him before letting his guard down gets him hurt or worse."
"He did bring me out of my coma." Jesse reasoned, "That's bound to make someone a little overly chipper."
"Well, like I said, somebody needs to talk to him." Harry says.
Once everyone goes silent, everyone's eyes land on me, as I look at them, "What?"
"needs to talk to him." Iris exclaimed, his head nodding towards me, putting out what everyone was thinking.
"Oh, you want me-" I point at myself, "Why do I have to talk to him?"
"Maybe because he's your boyfriend?" Cisco suggests, giving me a look.
"I don't want to be the one to crush his dreams of beating Zoom." I pout lightly, my arms crossed.
"He's more likely to listen to you, than to any of us, Zee." Jesse tells me.
"He'd listen to his father." I try to reason, not wanting to be the one to hurt Barry or destroy his confidence. "Maybe, Henry should do it."
"How about this, I'll try first, and if whatever I say doesn't work, you can try." Henry suggests.
"Fine." I give in.
"Hey there-" I trail off, walking over to Barry as he was heading down the hall, catching up to him, as he slowed down his pace, "-honey."
"Honey?" He questioned, "What do you want?"
My mouth dropped in fake shock, pretending to be offended, "Just because I called you honey, doesn't mean I want something."
"You don't usually call me pet names, ." Barry leans down and pecks my lips, as we both come to stop.
"Well, maybe- something in me changed." I shrug lightly, looking up at him, "Like it did you."
"What are you trying to say?" Barry asks me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"I'm saying that someone's been a little too optimistic, lately." I lightly nudge him playfully, getting at that he was the one who was being too overconfident and optimistic, trying to avoid saying that he was being too unrealistic.
"There's nothing wrong with being optimistic, right?" Barry lets out a small laugh.
"You're right- you are- there isn't anything wrong with that but." I found it difficult to put this into context in the best way possible, "I just think, letting your guard down- would end up with you getting hurt. And none of us want that."
"I won't get hurt-" Barry starts to say, but I cut him off.
"Don't-" I blurt out, "Don't say that. Listen, Barry, I'm all for this enormous amount of hope and confidence you have- but- letting your guard down isn't the best option. Especially- with Zoom and his meta's here. No matter how many meta's you take down- it doesn't mean you're invincible."
"Zee, honey." He grabs my hands, "I appreciate you caring for me- I really do." He pulls me into him, wrapping my arms around him, then wrapping his own arms around me, as my head tilted up slightly, looking at him, "But we're all going to be fine. I'm going to be fine. I'm going to win. We're going to defeat all these meta's. We're going to defeat Zoom. Okay? We will win."
I let out a sigh in defeat, knowing that there was no way, even I could convince him out of this one, "Okay."
"I love you." He pecks my lips.
I give him my best smile, even if it was only a small one, "I love you too."
"What is this exactly?" I ask Cisco as we all stood in the breach room.
"It's just a small source of joy, t more importantly, it's how we're gonna stop Zoom's army." Cisco says with a grin on his face.
"By giving them all electroshock therapy?" Joe guessed.
"By giving them all dimensional shock therapy." Cisco corrected him.
"There is where I play stupid and you explain the science." Joe says, as I let out a laugh in agreement, as Barry wraps an arm around my shoulders, as I leant into him.