"Barry- we have a major last minute problem." I say to him, swinging my feet lightly, as he was out, battling King Shark.

"Yep-" His voice comes through the line of the comms, "Fighting it right now."

"No- not about that- it's about our wedding- that is less than 24 hours- remember?" I told him, monitoring what was going on out there, along with everything with our wedding at the same time.

"Right now isn't the best time-" His voice comes in a grunt, the sound of glass shattering and electricity crawling following his words.

"Okay- well the caterers need a final count tomorrow morning and not everyone has RSVP'd yet." I hit my palm against the desk.

"Who hasn't RSVP'd?" He asked, out of breath.

"Oliver and Felicity, The Legends- Kara, Mon-El-" I listed, "It's practically the majority of all the superheroes."

"I'm sure their RSVP's will come in soon- I'll deal with the caterers-" Barry assures me, as my head snaps up once Joe turns around, ready to leave.

"Joe! Hey-" I held my pen up, "I have a question for you."

"What's up?" Joe stops, looking at me.

"Since- I don't have any- father to walk me down the aisle, I was wondering-" I hesitantly spoke, hoping he would say yes, "I was wondering- since you've always been the father figure I never had- if you would- walk me down the aisle? Of course- only if you want to. If not- I could ask Harry or something-"

Joe nods, a smile forming on his lips, "I'd love to."

"All right- thank you." I clap my hands together, as he laughs at me, leaving me alone in the cortex.

"That was cute." Barry's voice came through the comms, causing me to let out a shriek, startled, forgetting that he had listened to the entire thing and was still there.

"Oh my god-" I let out a shaky breath, "You just gave me a heart attack."

"I love you-" He drags out, making a smile form on my lips.


"Zee- you are really glowing." Felicity says, bubbled with excitement as she walks over to me, handing me a glass of champagne, before returning to where she sat in the nail salon we were all at.

"Oh wait, it's pregnant women that glow, brides blush." Caitlin corrects, smiling at me.

"Hey- there will be a time when there's a little Zee- or little Barry up in there." Iris lightly hits my stomach playfully.

"Not just yet." I shook my head, laughing lightly.

"Well- you got the guy." Caitlin smiles at me.

"I did." I mumble, smiling up at them, "I got the guy."

"Oh, it doesn't get better than this, ladies." Felicity chirps, letting the women return back to painting her nails.

"I know- it feels so good to just be away from it all." Kara admits.

"Where's Mon-El?"' asked Iris West from beside me, sipping some of her champagne.

"You know what-" Kara sighs, "It's a long story. But thank you for letting me bring my sister as my plus one."

"I can't wait to meet her." I smile softly.

"Me too-" Felicity smiles.

Our conversation was cut off at the sound of electricity crackling, the tool the woman doing Kara's nails was using breaking, her eyes wide as she stared at the machine, Kara immediately speaking up, "Oh, I'm sorry. I should've warned you. I take a lot of keratin."

"Super strong nails." Felicity comments.

"Oh yeah-" I back up.

"So- Felicity- what about you and Oliver?" I question, "Any chance you'll be next walking down the aisle?"

"Maybe once the city isn't being attacked and Oliver is no longer under indictment and has spent enough time with his son who is still mourning the loss of his mother-" Felicity trails off.

"So- any day now?" Caitlin shrugs.

"Any day now." Felicity chuckles.

"Well, cheers, Zee, to your big day." Caitlin held up her glass, everyone saying cheers, taking a sip of their champagne, a smile remaining permanent on my lips.


[ ]

"You know, I mean, I've been in love with Zee for the past- four years. How am I supposed to fit all that love into one vow?" I say, fixing my tux, "I've already written 38 pages, single spaced."

"You could always speed-read it." Oliver suggests from the room he was in, while he was getting dressed into a tux of his own.

"No, no one would understand me." I huff, "I don't know what to do, man, I need help."

"Barry, when you're up there, and you look into her eyes-" Oliver's voice comes closer, signaling he had come out of the room, as I turned, looking at him, my eyes slightly widening at how well he cleaned up, "The words will come. And if they don't, the look on your face will tell her everything that she needs to know."

"You clean up nice, my friend." He shoves his hands in his pockets.

I step down next to him, chuckling, "Thanks. Yeah, you, too."

"I can't believe you're really doing this." The corners of Oliver's mouth turn up genuinely.

"Yeah, man. What can I say, I got the girl." I smile at him, "And, so did you. You ever think about making it official?"

"Again? Yeah." Oliver admits, "Um I think that with everything going on right now, it's just not the right time."

"You love her?" I ask.

"I love her so much." Oliver nods.

"Put a ring on her." I told him, "People like us are always going to be getting into trouble, right? Having someone we love by our side just makes getting out of that trouble that much easier. We have something to fight for." I sigh, "If I can have my happy ending, so can you. I promise."

"I'm supposed to be the all-knowing mentor." Oliver comments.

"I have been known to catch up." I joke lightly, as he just nods, walking away, "What's wrong? You didn't react to my joke." I wave him off, returning back to fixing my tie, "Oh. That's fine, he got it."


[ ]

"You asked Kara to sing at our wedding?" I ask, as I stood with Barry at the rehearsal party hosted at Jitters for our wedding, dressed in a black dress, that was tight to my skin.

"Hey- she has a really good voice." Barry smiles down at me.

"Then I can't wait." I kiss his cheek, holding his hands. "Don't you find it weird that there hasn't been any meta attacks today?"

"Yeah- it's peaceful." Barry shrugs.

"It's weird." I point at him.

"That's not the point right now- the point is- I can't believe that I'm finally marrying you." Barry's smile widens, pulling me close.