"All right, let's run it again." Barry sighs after the unsuccessful training session, "We got to make this work."

"Does he know that?" Cisco questions from next to me, his eyes glued to Ralph Dibny, who had his head hidden in his body, his entire head and neck missing.

"Ralph?" I call out his name, "One more time, please. And this time- follow Barry's plan?"

Ralph head pops out, his eyes falling onto us, Cisco speaking, "You know, the one where I spent hours of my precious time programming realistic holograms for you."

"Which, bravo on that by the way." Ralph compliments, kissing his hand.

"Thank you." Cisco nods.

"Look." I began, holding back a yawn, "Just morph yourself into Barry. That's all we want you to do. There'll be two Flashes, Thinker won't know which one is which, and we'll confuse him."

"Kind of a "her" actually." Ralph corrects me.

"Ralph, you're missing the point of this exercise." Barry places his hands on his hips.

"No, I get it." Ralph shook his head, "I was just doing a little improv."

"But this isn't standup comedy." Barry sighs, defeated.

"Yeah, I know that, but if you just let it play out, it would have worked." Ralph spoke, "You could have done some improving of your own."

"I didn't get enough sleep for this-" I put my hand up, stopping him, a small yawn leaving my lips.

"Comedy comes in threes, man." Ralph spoke out.

"We're trying to protect you." Barry puts a hand on his shoulder, "Devoe's coming. We need to be ready. All of us, okay?"

"I still think it's a pretty good plan." Ralph shrugs, "I hide my face. I save my ass."

I shook my head, sighing, placing the tablet in my hands down, leaving the Speed Lab, Cisco, Barry and Ralph following me.

"We'd make a fortune." Ralph continued to talk, "An improv group made up of superheroes? We can take it to Washington. We'd be the DC Comics."

"No, Ralph." Cisco shook his head.

Ralph shot him a look, "First rule of improv is say yes."

"Would it kill you to take training seriously?" Barry asks him, exhaling sharply.

"Would it kill you to open up your mind grapes just a little?" Ralph shot back, before walking into the cortex with Cisco.

"Hey." I grab Barry's arm, stopping him, "We'll get there. It'll take time- but we will."

"He's just making a big joke out of the whole thing." Barry reasons, sighing.

"It's just the way he is, Barry." I squeeze his arm comfortingly.

"I know, but I mean, he needs to think like a hero, stay on point." Barry inhales sharply, "Devoe's thought of everything. We can't just wing this one."

"We will figure it out." I assure him, "We always have- and always will. Don't stress it, okay?"

Barry nods, as we made our way into the cortex "Where are we with tracking down Edwin Gauss and Janet Petty?"

"No, no, he's-" Caitlin began to say, everyone pointing at Harry, who had his thinking cap on.

"What?" I question, sitting in my chair behind the console.

"He's still-" Caitlin began, as Harry groans, ripping off the hat, "Working on it."

"I can't work- with all this noise." Harry huffs, sitting down, the sound of gas coming from under him.

"That is disgusting, Harry." Ralph holds back a laugh, "Really, grow up."

"Really?" Harry pulls a fart cushion from under him.

"It wasn't me." Ralph instantly spoke, Harry tossing it at him, "That was expensive."

"Harry, look." Cisco began, "Every time you try to locate these guys, it's the same thing. I'm telling you. You just crack that thing open. It's probably broken."

"It's not broken!" Harry got up, "It's just finding these two is complicated."

"Why is that?" Iris West questions.

"Because this dude, Edwin Gauss, flat out disappeared the day Allen came out of the Speed Force." Harry explains, "No credit card charges. No bank withdraws. No social media posts, nothing. Gone."

"What about Janet Petty?" Barry asks.

"I- pulled her file from CCPD." I cross my arm, pulling up the file on the screen in front of me, "Her first known record wasn't until she was 13. Some sort of a nomad. Last known address: Iron Heights."

"What she in for?" Iris asks me.

"Trifecta of breaking and entering, trespassing, and burglary." I answer, exhaling.

"But what we should be worried about is where is she now and what are her powers?" Harry spoke.

"Is that really her handle? "Null"?" Cisco reads.

"Okay, well Devoe needs both of these people for whatever he has planned, so we have to figure out where they are." Barry said from beside me.

Harry puts his thinking cap back on, "I will, Allen, if I can get a little peace, a little quiet, and no interruptions."

Suddenly, a breach opens, Gypsy's father, the breached coming through it, "Cisky."

"Great." Harry sighs.

"Breacher?" Cisco questions.

Breacher walks over to him, wrapping a hand around his neck, pushing him against the wall, "I need your help."

"Little bit of a mixed message here." Cisco chokes out.


"We were moving I was telling the guy, "It's gonna take all night to move this stuff." The man began to tell Joe and I, tuning out what was being said, my hands playing with my belt, exhaustion running through my veins.

I was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a black long sleeve tucked into it, black heels on my feet. My gun rested in it's holster, my badge and the holster attached to my belt, my hair straight.

Joe stood next to me, taking down some notes as I simply just weakly nod, the man continuing to talk.

"Just here with your chai latte, Detective West." Ralph's voice catches my attention, my head turning in the direction of his voice, my eyes squinting at him, the cool breeze blowing through my hair.

I roll my eyes, looking at the man, "Will you excuse us for a moment? Thanks-"

Joe and I walk over to Barry and Ralph, Ralph handing Joe his latte. I was so tired that I didn't notice Barry holding a coffee for me, Barry lightly hitting my arm with it to get my attention.

My head snapped up, landing on the coffee, "I didn't ask you to bring one for me-"

"Have you seen yourself?" Barry hands it to me, a small smile on his face.

"You're right-" I point at him, sipping the coffee, a small shiver coming from me due to the cold breeze, "Thank you for caring about my well being."