I was stood in the cortex with Cisco the next day, dressed in one of Barry's crewneck's, this one being black, a pair of blue ripped jeans with many rips in them, my hair straight and head covered in Barry's beanie, black converse on my feet, Barry's beige jacket to finish off the look.

I had taken advantage of my look today, considering the fact it was day off, and I would probably be fired if I wore this to work.

"Okay we've got eyes on Cape Canaveral, Space X, and the Xichang Space Center." I said, stood next to Cisco, Barry running in, putting his suit back.

"And Blackhawk Island." Barry walks over to the console, "That's every launch pad south of the 39th parallel."

"Good man." Cisco nods.

"Is that my hat?" Barry asks me, pointing directly at me.

"Yes." I nod.

"And my sweater?" Barry questions again.

"Yes." I nod once more.

"And- my jacket?" Barry questions, holding back a small smile.

"Damn, woman." Cisco looks at me.

"Yes." I murmur, shaking my head, "We need to get back on topic."

"You're right-" Barry nods.

"And we're sure Devoe is gonna launch the machine from an airfield?" I look between them.

"If he's shooting five satellites into synchronous orbit, that's the latitude he needs." Cisco tells me, "And whether or not he's still moping around about his wife ditching him, he's gonna resurface. And he's gonna do it soon. When he does, I whoosh. You whoosh. She bangs."

Barry takes our only weapon against Devoe in his hands, leaning forward, his elbows resting on the pole, "If I can get there in time. I mean, I'm still not fast enough to make it to Devoe's pocket dimension."

"That's why we split up." Cisco looks up, "Each one of us stakes out a different launch pad."

"You're serious?" Barry stares at him, lI mean you've seen Devoe in action."

"Yeah, the guy's a one man Legion of Doom." Cisco nods, "So send the Super Friends."

"Okay, but we're not at full super strength right now." Barry reasons, "I mean Joe's got the baby on the way and Caitlin's looking for Killer Frost. Harry's-"

On cue, Harry Wells bumps into a chair, almost falling, skidding on the ground, then jumps back up, "This chair came out of nowhere."

"Yeah-" I exhale, "It just- appeared."

"So hey, Allen." Harry points at Barry, then waves for me to come over, along with Cisco, "Allen. Ramon."

"Cisco." Cisco introduces, walking by Barry along with me.

"Cisco Ramon." Harry nods, holding his tablet in front of us, "Guys. Check this out. Somebody has been blogging about the Thinker. About Devoe and the bus metas, all of it, okay. And if we find this blogger, we can stop the Thinker."

"Hey-" I place a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, buddy."

"Hey, buddy." Harry breaks out into a smile.

"That blog-" I point at it, "That's Iris' blog. You know- Iris West?"

"Look at the byline." He points, as I took my hand off his shoulder, "It's not written by Iris West, okay? It's written by Anonymous Central City Citizen." He mimics the sounds of a mic drop, "Mic drop."

"Hold on to that mic." I clear my throat, guilt filling within me to see Harry's current state, "I asked you to proofread this for Iris earlier, remember?"

"It's imaginary." Harry stares at me.

"Not the point right now, Harry-" I cross my arms, "I asked you to proofread this for Iris, remember?"

"You asked me to proofread this when?" Harry asks, realization filling him, "This morning. That's when.When you said, "Harry will you proofread, will you proofread-" He falls into the chair, standing up quickly.

"Let's start by finding him a room with less chairs." Cisco says, walking over to him, the two of them leaving the cortex, leaving Barry and I alone.

Barry sighs, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me close.

"Why must we have the most problems?" I look at him, "It's like- every week gets ten times more difficult."

"But we always make it to the end, right?" Barry weakly smiles down at me, "No matter how much is thrown at us, and shoved into just one week- we make it to the end."

"You always know what to say." I peck his lips, looking at the time, "I have to get to work."

"I'll give you a lift-" Barry says, picking me up, running me to work without consent.


"I got a tip about Fallout from Iris, but it's been scrambled by Kilgore's code." I stood next to Cisco, Cisco in between Caitlin and I, Barry in front of Cisco's desk.

"Hmm, not anymore." Cisco types, decoding it, "Consider it unscrambled."

"Devoe." Barry exhales, staring the screen, "Where's keeping Borman? Do we know?"

"I can't ping Lyla, but I can try Dig." I shrug, crossing my arms, looking at Barry.

"I'll just go get him." Barry whooshes off, catching us all off guard.

"Uh oh-" I instantly say when he runs off, my hair falling behind my shoulders as I looked at Cisco and Caitlin.

Caitlin inhales sharply, all of us knowing the result of Barry running John anywhere, "Uh-"

"Trash can." Cisco says, as Caitlin and I run around, looking for something to hold John's throw up when he comes.

"What about the recycling?" I point, "That any good?"

"Nope. I got it, I got it." Cisco picks up a trash can that had many holes in it.

"Really?" Caitlin asks, picking up a trash can that would be useful, shooting him a look.

"Seemed like a good idea at the time." Cisco sighs, switching trash cans with her, Caitlin putting it back as I grabbed a water bottle, all of us rounding his desk, Barry running in with John Diggle, John instantly grabbing the trash can and throwing up.

"Sorry, man." Barry began apologizing, "I'm sorry."

"Here, buddy." I keep my gaze off Dig, handing him the water bottle, as he hands the trash can back to Cisco, thanking me, sipping the water.

"Can we just- I'm sorry." Barry stammers.

"I hate you." John swallows his water, pointing at Barry, "What is this about?"

"Neil Borman, the man we left with you, with ARGUS. Where you keeping him?" Barry quickly asks.

John stood straight, "Barry, that's classified information. I'm not the director of ARGUS, I-"