Barry sighs as we sat in the Lounge with Killer Frost and Cisco, "I wish it didn't have to be this way."

Cisco leaned his elbows against the couch, "And you're okay with all of this?"

"No, but-" Barry sighs again, "I have to accept that there are still others out there that we can save."

I pulled on the supportive act I've kept on for the past few weeks, clearing my throat, "Six weeks from now, all of our lives are gonna be on the line, so we have to be prepared."

"Yes, but what about him?" Cisco gestured to Barry and stood up, "I'm not just gonna wait around for him to get vaporized by anti-matter- we should be doing something to try to save his life."

He wasn't wrong.

"You can't." Barry denied, "You can't, Cisco- that's why I need you to stop worrying about me."

"If Barry had any other option, we'd be doing it." Killer Frost exhales deeply, "I think you gotta get behind this."

"Yeah- I am." Cisco huffs and walks away from us.

Barry stares at his hands, "How do you convince your best friend not to save your life?"

Killer Frost inhales sharply, "You're the teacher- you'll find a way."

"Well, he's gonna have to wait." Barry said when both of our phones buzzed, "It's CCPD, come on-"


"There they are." Joe said when Barry and I walked over to him at the Medical Center for our newest crime scene, "So much for my day off."

Today, I decided not to do much for my outfit or even dress like I was a detective. I was dressed in medium wash high waisted mom jeans, a simple grey t shirt tucked into it, with a simple black knitted cardigan, black combat boots on my feet, as I was an or two shorter than usual.

I put a strand of my straight hair behind my ear, "What do we got?"

"It's a creepy one." Joe spoke, gesturing towards the cabinet and shattered glass on the ground, "Somebody broke into this facility last night, and stole 10 liters of blood."

Barry put down his bag, putting on his gloves and crouched on the ground, "There's no security footage?"

Joe uses his finger to gesture around us, "There's no cameras in this part of the hospital."

Barry looks between Joe and I in question, "You think this is meta-related?"

Joe shrugs in honesty, "I'm asking you."

I crouched down next to Barry, leaning my arm against his shoulder, looking at him, "You know what I think this is? Vampires."

Barry shot me a look, a small smile forming on his lips, "How many times do I have to tell you that The Vampire Diaries isn't real?"

"We live in Central City." I shot him a look, but I was only joking, "When our criminal is Damon Salvatore, I will be saying I told you so."

Barry softly laughs then grabs the lock on the ground, "I mean meta-thieves usually make a way bigger mess- see this lock? The way this is sheared, a power saw could've done this."

"I'm telling you, our culprit is one of the Salvatore's." I joked again, standing up straight, "Okay, but- real talk- I don't know."

Barry shrugs and got up, "I mean, maybe it was just some kids pulling a Halloween prank."

"Good." Joe exhales, "Zee had me thinking we were dealing with some kind of meta-vampire."

I placed my hands on my hips, "Just a normal criminal with a diseased mind."

"Well, since I am captain, I'm gonna go watch the second half of the game." Joe's words made me smile lightly, "I'm gonna leave this to you two, all right?"

Joe then noticed the look on Barry's face, as did I, "You okay?"

"Yeah-" Barry exhales deeply, "You know, just this Crisis that's coming, Cisco's not taking it so great."

"Let me guess which part." Joe sighs, "Cisco is a whole lot like you- It is in his nature to want to save lives. Especially under these circumstances."

Joe then walks away from us, "I'll see you later."

Barry calls out after him, "Thanks, Joe."

Joe looks back, "Thanks for what?"

Barry looks from me to him, "I think I know how to get through to Cisco."


"I got your text." Cisco walked into the Lounge where Barry and I sat, "What is it now?"

"I know you're upset about this Crisis- and I've been thinking about it, and you're right." Barry began to say, "We can do more than prepare for a fight, you can save a life."

A smile broke onto Cisco's face, "I knew you'd come around-"

"No, Cisco, not it's not me." The look on Barry's face showed that he didn't like making Cisco upset, "We're gonna save Ramsey Rosso."

"Here's the thing." Cisco scoffs lightly, "We've done some insane things at Star Labs over the last few years, but curing a rare blood cancer, that is beyond our resources."

Barry's face twists in what looked like confusion and slight anger, "So- we just shouldn't try?"

I placed a hand on his arm, stopping him from going further, my voice quiet, "Barry."

Cisco began to pace, "So- we try and somehow succeed, are we supposed to spend the rest of your time here trying to save everyone who's been diagnosed with cancer?"

"We start with one man." Barry got up, "Look, you heard what Caitlin said about Ramsey- he's one of the most brilliant doctors on the planet."

Barry walks over to Cisco when he stopped pacing, "I need you to back me on this- you'll understand soon enough."

"Look," I suddenly moved and walked over to them, crossing my arms, "Theoretically, what would it take to cure HLH?"

"Honestly-" Cisco exhales deeply, "An act of God."

"Or-!" Harrison Nash Wells' voice filled the room, his hand appearing where the balcony was, pulling himself up, walking himself inside, "An act of science- and I know just where to find one."

I was alert, my fists firing up in flames right away, "Oh hell no, back up-"

"Put the fiery fists away, Firestar." Harrison referenced, walking closer to us, "I'm not here for you this time."

I slowly cool down in suspicion as Barry stares at him, walking with Cisco and I, "I'm assuming this is the Wells that you were telling me about?"

"Yep." Harrison pops the 'p' as he confirms, "Nash Wells- multiversal explorer and provider of scientific miracles. You, I'm guessing, are Barry Allen, the Flash."

Barry was caught off guard, "How did he- how did you-"

Harrison took off his gloves, "Hidden surveillance device."

I blinked, crossing my arms, "You bugged Star Labs?"

"No, no, not exactly-" Harrison looks at Cisco, "I bugged you."