It's been six long days since Lena last saw and heard from Kara. Six days where when every day goes by Lena feels her heart breaking inside with the lack of contact. As the days progressed Lena became more and more convinced that that was it, she wasn't going to have a friendship or any form of relationship with Kara and Alura. It absolutely devastates Lena. She's grown so found of the mother and her daughter, they'd worked their way into her heart, but of course they don't want anything to do with her anymore, why would they? She is a Luthor after all.
The last time that Lena saw Kara and Alura was on the Thursday morning of the previous week. Alura's operation occurred on the Wednesday, and on the Thursday morning Lena woke up for the second time with Alura in her arms, although that time Alura was awake. Kara for her part was nowhere to be seen. Lena just chatted with Alura for a while, still laying together and then about half an hour later Kara walked in the room, explaining she just woke up. Lena felt so touched that Kara trusted Lena enough to leave Alura alone with her, cuddled up to her. After this the three of them had some breakfast and then Kara told Alura they were going to go home. Lena took that as her sign to also make her exit, so she said goodbye to Kara and Alura with a hug each and left, heading into L-Corp. As Lena hugged Kara goodbye Kara told her that she would speak to her soon, at the time that gave Lena hope that, that wouldn't be the end of their relationship, but after the days of no contact from Kara, Lena realised it was just Kara being polite.
Throughout the Thursday and the Friday Lena dived head first into all the work she had missed at L-Corp, while she had been away. She was partly doing that because she wanted to distract herself from missing Kara and Alura, even though they hadn't been apart that long at the time, but she was also doing it because she did in fact need to catch up. At the time Lena wasn't bothered by Kara not getting in touch with her, as after all they hadn't been apart that long. Lena just assumed that Kara was busy getting Alura readjusted to her normal life after being stuck at the DEO for so long.
As the weekend approached Lena had hoped that maybe it would be the first opportunity for Kara to get in touch with her, but she didn't receive a single word. Lena thought about going over and seeing Kara and Alura, although she'd have to find out where they lived first, but she soon dismissed that idea. This is when the first thought popped into Lena's head that maybe her anxious thoughts were right, and she, Kara and Alura were not going to have any form of relationship moving forward. Lena began to feel very upset by this, so in response she decided to go into work to continue to catch up on all the work she missed. Lena stayed at L-Corp over the weekend for close to 36 hours, not going home until late Sunday evening, which really was the early hours of Monday morning.
By Monday things got worse for Lena. With four days of no contact from Kara Lena began to accept that that was it, she wasn't going to be seeing Kara and Alura around again. This became more of a problem for Lena on the Monday as due to how much time she'd spent at L-Corp over the weekend she had caught up on all of her work, so she had nothing to completely burry herself in, to occupy her mind. So Lena spent most of her Monday doing that work that she did have for the day, with tears constantly in her eyes. She even had a moment where Jess asked her what was wrong, and in her state Lena snapped back at her, quickly making her assistant retreat. Lena hated herself for that.
On the Tuesday with still not a single word from Kara Lena's hurt and sadness turned to anger. Lena began to get angry that after all she did for Kara, saving her daughter, showing Kara she isn't just some evil Luthor like her brother and mother, Kara still wants nothing to do with her. Lena felt so used, almost as if she had just been used like as if she were in an abusive relationship. Lena hated that Kara made her feel that way. But on the Tuesday Lena wasn't entirely filled with anger, as every time she thought of Alura she softened a bit. Lena thought that as angry as she was at Kara, she still is glad that she saved Alura, even if she never sees her again, even if Kara was just using her and still sees her as just a Luthor. It was all worth it to assure that Alura lives a healthy life.
When Wednesday arrives Lena is seriously just depressed. She's depressed with how miserable her life is. She got a glimpse at what she could possible have. A life of family, friends, love, hugs, kisses and so much more. But the reality is that Lena thinks that she can't have that, she's a Luthor after all. Luthor's don't get to have those things, they have to live high on the mountain top, isolated away from the world, alone. Over the last few hours Lena did think that maybe she could call CatCo and offer to do an interview, but only with Kara as the reporter, as that way she would at least have some contact with Kara, even if it was just a professional relationship. In that scenario Lena just hoped that she could maybe slip in a question asking about Alura. But after a while thinking about it Lena decided it was just a desperate idea to try and keep Kara in her life when she clearly didn't want her in it. So Lena just slipped back into her depression.
Currently it's about 1PM on Wednesday, Lena is sitting at her desk just typing away at some mundane business reports that she don't even need to be finished until the end of the week. Over the last few days Lena has actually done so much work that she went from being incredibly behind to now being ahead. By this rate, beside a few meetings, Lena's work week would be finished by Thursday lunchtime, a record for her, she usually works well into the weekend. When Lena arrived at L-Corp today she did however bring Jess a card thanking her for all her hard work and apologising for snapping at her on Monday. Lena then followed that up with having a bouquet of flowers and a basket of cupcakes delivered to Jess' desk, along with giving her a raise and telling her to take Friday off. Jess of course told Lena that she didn't need to do any of that and tried to refuse the flowers, the muffins, and even the raise, but Lena was firm with the matter.
As Lena types away at the reports her stomach rumbles. Lena realises she hasn't really been eating much for lunch these last few days, just some salad and water here and there. Lena stops typing and just rubs her temple, letting out a sigh. Lena just thinks about maybe asking Jess to go get her a sandwich or a wrap or something, and perhaps she will also pour herself a drink, it is after 1PM after all. But before Lena can even think further on that her intercom buzzes.
"Uhh, yes Jess?" Lena answers.
"Miss Luthor I just wanted to let you know that Miss Danvers has arrived. I'm sending her in as you told me to make sure that she is shown in as soon as possible." Jess says.
Lena is shocked. She can't believe that Kara is actually here. She's so happy. She thinks for a moment that maybe this is a good thing. Maybe, just maybe, Kara has been busy and only now has some free time. But then Lena thinks that she shouldn't get her hopes up, Kara could be here for a multiple of other reasons, including that maybe Alura is ill again. Maybe it didn't work after all, and Alura is sick and Kara's here to ask Lena to save her again. Lena begins to panic with the thought. She doesn't care if Kara's even here to do something like punch her in her face, as long as it's not to tell her Alura is unwell again.
"Okay..... send her in.... please." Lena replies through her intercom to Jess, nervously.
Lena takes a few seconds to compose herself, awaiting Kara's arrival. Lena takes a few deep breaths, trying to get a grip of her nerves. A few seconds later Kara walks in the door, a big smile on her face. This relieves Lena because she at least realises that this isn't anything to do with Alura being unwell again.
"Lena." Kara smiles, approaching Lena's desk.
Lena notices that Kara is carrying a bag of Big Belly Burger in one of her hands. Lena's stomach grumbles in hunger again at the sight.
"Kara." Lena smiles back, standing up from behind her desk and approaching Kara.
Lena isn't too sure what they are going to do. She isn't sure if Kara is going to shake her hand, hug her, kiss her again or potentially do nothing at all. Lena decides she'll just let Kara take the lead. Thankfully Kara decides to just hug Lena. Lena thinks that that is probably the best of the available options, in her current state Lena isn't sure if she'd be able to handle a kiss from Kara right now, even if it was just on her cheek.