Game Night!

It's Friday afternoon and today has been a long day for Lena at L-Corp. Surprisingly the day didn't feel long, not because Lena is eager to see Kara and Alura in the evening, but because Lena has had so much tedious business to do, to prepare for her to go away for a couple of weeks. Of course Lena isn't the only one going away, she has given the entire L-Corp staff from today until into the first week of the new year off from work, full paid of course. The only people that Lena hasn't given time off to is the security, for obvious reasons. It's not like just because it's the holidays that L-Corp can be allowed to have lax security. That said, Lena has made sure to give each of the security guards a large bonus for sacrificing their holidays to work security.

Outside of preparing for L-Corp to close down for a few weeks Lena has also been dealing with a few last minute business meetings, both to wrap up some projects to close the year, and to prepare to move forward on other projects starting at the beginning of the new year. Then in between these meetings Lena has been working on Kara's Christmas present with every spare moment she has had. Lena really wants for it to be finished in time. Thankfully after much hard work and a very long day Lena finishes Kara's present and wraps up all her L-Corp work, ready for Kara and Alura to arrive.

Over the last few days Lena has also had Jess deal with acquiring the other Christmas presents she intends to bring to the cabin, as Lena has realised that seeing as she's going to be there with several other people, not just Kara, Alura, Sam and Ruby, she needs to buy them all at least a small present each. From what Kara has told her the people going to the cabin with them are Alex, Winn, Eliza and J'onn on top of the people Lena already knew were coming. Out of those people Lena has been able to make some great guesses as to what to get them as gifts, the only person she got stuck on was J'onn. Lena didn't want to ask Kara about it because she didn't want Kara to know, as she didn't want her to the tell her friends and make them feel pressured to get her a gift also. But ultimately Lena was able to buy all the gifts and have Jess pick them up for her.

Currently it is 5PM. Lena has been awaiting Kara and Alura's arrival for the last 20 minutes, just busying herself with a few small L-Corp things that don't really need to be worked on until the new year.

"Miss Luthor, someone is here to see you." Jess says through the intercom. Lena can literally hear the smile on Jess' face.

Lena immediately lights up knowing Kara and Alura must have arrived and are only a door away from her. This is confirmed as soon as Lena's office door opens and Kara and Alura appear.

"Lena!!!!!!" Alura says happily as she goes running towards Lena who's at the other side of the office.

Lena quickly stands up and moves to the side of her desk and picks Alura up, taking her in for a big hug.

"I missed you!" Alura says as she hugs Lena tight.

"I missed you too." Lena replies with a smile on her face.

Kara then approaches the two and Lena places Alura back down on the ground.

"Hey Kara." Lena smiles.

"Hey Lena. So you ready to go?" Kara asks with a smile.

"Yep. Let's go." Lena grins as she puts on her coat and grabs her bag.

Kara, Lena and Alura exit the office and give Jess a wave goodbye before the approach the elevators.

"Carry me?" Alura asks.

"Sure thing honey." Kara replies with a smile, as she goes to reach down for her daughter.

"No. Lena." Alura says, firmly.

"Oh... Alura Lena might...." Kara begins, sounding awkward.

"Of course darling." Lena smiles down at Alura, "Would you mind holding my bag Kara?"

"Sure." Kara nods with a big smile as she watches Lena pick Alura up and Alura wrap her hands around Lena's neck and rest her head on her shoulder.

Lena, Kara and Alura then make their way down to the L-Corp private car parking lot where Lena has her black Mercedes parked. The car which she specifically decided to drive herself to work in today because she knew she'd be taking Kara and Alura home with her.

"Kara, my keys are in my bag, if you'd unlock the car please." Lena says.

"Okay." Kara smiles as she goes through Lena's bag and grabs the keys, unlocking the car.

Lena then goes around to the back side door and Kara opens it for her, revealing the rear seat with Alura's car seat still in it.

"You got a car seat for Alura?" Kara asks, surprised.

"Of course. I wasn't about to drive about illegally, or more importantly putting her in danger by not being strapped in properly." Lena says as she places Alura in the seat and straps her in.

"Lena, you didn't have to do that. I can repay you the money for it." Kara says awkwardly.

Lena laughs.

"Kara it was no trouble. Plus remember, billionaire." Lena says as she points to herself.

"If you're sure..." Kara says, sounding unsure.

"Of course I am, now can I have the keys? Alura mentioned that you are not a good driver." Lena teases.

"Traitor." Kara frowns at her daughter.

"That's what aunt Alex told me mommy, and uncle Winn and grandma." Alura replies, innocently.

Kara frowns and Lena laughs.

"Good thing I'm driving then." Lena smirks.

"Yes." Alura smiles, widely.

Lena then closes the rear side door and walks around the car to get into the drivers seat while Kara gets into the other front seat. Lena then enters the car and turns on the ignition and begins driving away.

"Wow, this is a really nice car." Kara comments.

"Thank you. Most of my other cars are only two seaters. So we couldn't exactly fit in those." Lena replies.

"How many cars do you have?" Kara asks, curiously.

There is a moments silence.

"Oh Rao that's rude of me. You don't have to answer Lena." Kara says awkwardly.

Lena giggles.

"No it's fine. I was actually just counting." Lena replies.

"Counting? You have that many?" Kara asks, now shocked.

"I have 3 cars here in National City and another 4 in storage in Metropolis. So it's not that many." Lena replies.

"Lena!! That's 7 cars for one person! That's a lot!" Kara says.

Lena laughs.

"Billionaire remember." Lena replies, "Anyway I'm probably just going to have Sam sell my cars in Metropolis or maybe she can keep them. It doesn't look like I'll be needing them again, seeing as I live here now. I guess I could have them shipped over to me. But like you said having 7 cars in once place is a bit much."

"Yeah maybe." Kara smiles.

Lena continues to drive towards her apartment before she realises that she is hosting a game night and she doesn't have any snacks.