Chapter 22 - Embarrassing Stories

Kara wakes up with a happy sigh as for the first time in almost 2 months she wakes with Lena in her arms. Although admittedly this time it's different, it's better. Better because previously when Kara woke up with Lena in her arms they were at the DEO in the middle of everything with Alura. They were just two people who were getting close to each other and becoming friends as they tried to save Kara's daughter, under horrific circumstances. Now, they have none of that drama, and they are not friends, they are girlfriends. It makes Kara incredibly happy to think about. Making the current state so much more enjoyable.

"I can hear you thinking." Lena mumbles, having woken up.

Kara chuckles.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Kara asks.

Lena turns over in the bed so she is facing Kara. She then takes the Kryptonian in for a kiss.

"Hmm yes, but that's okay. Waking up with a kiss with you is worth it." Lena hums.

Kara smiles and kisses Lena again, this time more forcefully. Lena responds by pulling Kara on top of her, not that Lena can actually do that. Kara is clearly just allowing Lena to move her. The two women then continue to kiss for a while before they lay back down next to each other, Kara's head resting on Lena's chest.

"That was nice." Kara says.

"Hmm, I agree." Lena replies.

Kara and Lena continue to lay like that for a while, just dozing and enjoying relaxing in bed with one another. But eventually Kara and Lena are both pulled from their dozing state by Alura jumping on the bed.

"Mommy!! Lena!!! Wake up!!" Alura says as she jumps up and down on the bed on her knees.

"uhmmm Alura, stop that." Kara groans.

"But it's morning mommy! I want to go ice skating again!" Alura says.

Lena now groans.

"Sorry Alura, but my legs are a bit too sore to do that again today. But I promise we'll ice skate again before we leave." Lena says.

"O... okay....." Alura says as she moves away from Lena's legs, clearly concerned that maybe Lena's legs are hurt and she shouldn't get near them. "Are you going to be okay Lena?" Lena smiles at Alura.

"I'll be fine darling. I just haven't exercised like that in a while, so my muscles are sore." Lena explains.

"Okay." Alura nods.

"Why don't you come here and give us a snuggle." Kara suggests as she gestures for Alura to get between her and Lena.

Kara and Lena both shift away from each other in the bed a bit, making a space for Alura between them.

"Okay." Alura smiles.

Alura then quickly gets between Kara and Lena under the covers and snuggles up against the two. She now has a big smile on her face. Lena gives Alura a kiss on her forehead while Kara strokes her side.

Alura continues to smile, happily. Meanwhile Kara continues to gently stroke Alura's side. Alura then leans her head so it's resting on the side of Lena's body. Then soon Alura closes her eyes. Kara and Lena look at each other with smiles, not saying a word, realising that Alura has fallen back to sleep. Kara and Lena then both decide to continue to doze with both of them closing their eyes.

A while later Kara, Lena and Alura are all woken up with another jolt.

"Wakey wakey!" Sam says, in a loud voice.

Lena groans and opens her eyes and sees that Sam and Alex have both decided to walk into their bedroom. Lena can't help but smile at the fact that she just called the bedroom they are in, their bedroom, instead of Kara's bedroom. Lena likes the sound of it.

"It's noon guys. I think you should all get up and join us." Alex says.

Kara groans.

"We're on vacation. We were just resting together." Lena says.

"Hmm, sure you were." Sam grins, sarcastically.

"I tried to wake them up, but mommy said we could snuggle!" Alura informs Sam and Alex with a big smile.

Sam and Alex both laugh.

"Alright, alright. We'll get up." Kara says.

"You better, or I'm gonna eat your lunch Eliza is cooking for us!" Alex grins.

"You wouldn't!" Kara replies.

"Stay in bed and see." Alex grins.

"As for you Lena. The last time you were in bed this long, it was that time after you got high and embarrassed yourself at that party we went to." Sam grins.

Lena goes wide eyed, not wanting Sam to tell the embarrassing story.

"Sam!" Lena says.

"This sounds like a story!" Kara grins.

"Oh it is!" Sam smiles.

"Well you can tell it while we eat our lunch." Alex adds.

"Sure. Then perhaps I'll tell one or two, or several, embarrassing stories about Samantha here." Lena says.

"You don't have anything that embarrassing on me Lena!" Sam says, not really convinced with herself.

"Oh really?" Lena grins, "Not even the restaurant story with our waitress?" Sam blushes and goes wide eyed.

"Oh I want to hear that too!" Kara smiles.

"Me three!" Alura says, excitedly.

"Oh I'll tell you all over lunch." Lena grins.

"Lena please don't..." Sam tries.

"Sorry Sam, I told you I'm a Luthor, I don't make idle threats." Lena smiles.

"Oh god." Sam groans as she puts her head in her hands.

Alex puts a hand on Sams shoulder.

"I'm sure it's not that bad." Alex says, trying to comfort Sam.

"Oh it is." Lena grins.

Kara chuckles at that.

"Fine, whatever. Alura, Ruby is helping Eliza make lunch if you want to join them." Sam says.

"Yes!" Alura nods, happily, and then gets out of bed quickly.

"Alright, we'll leave you two alone. Don't make us come back up here." Alex smiles.

"We'll be down in a bit." Kara says.

Alex, Sam and Alura walk out of the bedroom. Kara then turns to Lena and takes her in for a kiss.

"Hmm." Lena hums at the kiss.

Kara smiles.

"I could do this all day." Kara grins.

Lena raises an eyebrow.

"I'll have to take you up on that offer sometime." Lena teases.

Kara blushes.

"But we better head down." Lena smiles.

"Right, yeah." Kara nods.

Lena and Kara both get out of bed and as Lena gets to her feet she realises just how stiff and sore her legs are. Lena then begins to walk gingerly.