Chapter 49 - The Talk

Kara helps Lena out of bed, putting an arm round the woman she loves, just wanting to make sure that she is stable and isn't going to fall over, or do any sudden movements that could reaggravate her wound. Lena for her part feels absolutely fine to be able to walk the short distance from the bedroom to the kitchen/living room in Kara's apartment, but she likes Kara putting her arm around her to help her, so she just doesn't say anything. The two women then arrive in the kitchen/living room area, and Kara guides Lena down onto the couch, thinking the chairs by the kitchen might be a bit uncomfortable; Kara just wants the brunette to be as comfortable as possible.

"Okay." Kara smiles, "What would you like for lunch Lee?"

Lena bites her lip, realising this is the first time that Kara has called her by her pet name since they broke up almost a month ago. It fills Lena with so much relief to hear Kara call her that name again.

"Whatever you'd prefer darling." Lena smiles, widely.

Kara smiles back at Lena.

"Well... I would suggest we order something in, but we are probably going to do that for game night this evening, so it might be more healthy if we just have some food I have here." Kara suggests.

"Kara Danvers eating healthy? Who are you and what have you done with my... uhmm... girlfriend..." Lena says, stumbling over the last word of her sentence, because as they haven't talked about it, Lena isn't sure as to how to label them.

Lena blushes out of awkwardness and embarrassment, profusely.

Kara notices Lena's awkward demeanour upon being unsure whether to call Kara her girlfriend or not, so she quickly makes her way back over to Lena in the living room, crouching down and taking Lena's hands in her own.

"Lee, I know we still need to talk and everything. But you don't need to worry. I still want you to be my girlfriend.... more than anything...." Kara says, and then pauses, "If you still want that too of course.."

Lena's awkwardness immediately falls away, and she breaks out into a big smile of relief.

"Of course I still want that Kara." Lena says, quickly.

"Good." Kara says, with a thousand-watt smile.

The two women just remain in this moment for a few seconds, just looking into each other's eyes as they smile, not saying another word.

"Kiss me?" Lena asks, hesitantly.

Kara smiles at Lena again and takes Lena in for a tender and loving kiss. The kiss isn't too passionate or forceful, but that doesn't make it any much less amazing. Lena doesn't think that any kiss she gets from Kara could be anything other than amazing, no matter how brief it is, and luckily, Kara feels just the same about kisses from Lena.

The two part from their kiss and smile at each other once more.

"Anyway...." Kara says, with a cough, clearing her throat. "I mentioned eating something a bit healthier, rather than ordering in, because you are recovering from being hurt, so you need proper nutrition."

Lena chuckles at Kara's explanation.

"I think I will be fine, as long as I don't just decide to take up the unhealthy eating habits of a certain Kryptonian that I know." Lena smirks.

It is now Kara's turn to laugh.

"Fair enough." Kara smirks before standing up, "How about I make us some sandwiches then? I have some sliced beef or some chicken if you'd like. Then I also have some lettuce and tomatoes, and even some kale." "Kale?" Lena asks, shocked Kara has the vegetable in her house, seeing as how much the blonde detests it.

"Yeah." Kara groans, "Someone happened to get Alura hooked on it, so I've had to buy the awful food for her. I honestly can't believe our daughter has such awful taste in food, she certainly does not get it from me."

Lena's heart begins to beat a lot faster upon hearing Kara refer to Alura as 'our daughter'. It truly makes Lena happy that not only does Alura want Lena to be her momma, but Kara is more than happy for Lena to be her other parent as well. Lena knows that Kara could have easily just said 'my daughter' or 'Alura', and it wouldn't have been a big deal, or even something that Lena noticed really, as it would be a normal way to phrase it. But Kara obviously made a conscious choice to refer to Alura as such, and that makes Lena even more happy than she already was.

Lena grins, beaming in delight.

"Well, after all, it is not like she can eat whatever she likes like you. She is half human after all." Lena says.

Kara huffs.

"Yeah. I guess. I don't really know how you humans are able to live with going on diets and everything" Kara says, shuddering.

Lena smiles at Kara again.

"Well, if it is not too much trouble, and you are willing to touch the 'disgusting vegetable' as you put it, I would be inclined to a chicken sandwich with some sliced tomato and kale, if that is okay?" Lena asks.

Kara once more smiles at Lena.

"Of course that is okay Lee. I'd make you a kale filled sandwich, if that is what you asked of me." Kara says, "I'd think you were crazy, but I'd still do it."

Lena once more beams at Kara, and just how much the super hero obviously cares for her. A big part of Lena just wants to reply to Kara by saying 'I love you', just like they did at the DEO. But Lena thinks that perhaps it is best to keep that in for a little while longer until they have their talk. Lena doesn't want there to be anything heavy in the air while they eat, and leading up to them talking.

"Thank you." Lena decides to say instead, smiling.

Kara nods her head at Lena, and then walks into the kitchen and begins to prepare the food that the two of them are going to eat for lunch. While Lena is having her chicken, tomato and kale sandwich, Kara is going to have a beef sandwich with some mayonnaise and mustard.


"Ruby!! Are you ready to go?!?!" Sam calls out, from the living room area of Lena's penthouse.

A few moments later Ruby appears having come down from one of the bedrooms upstairs, dressed and ready.

"Yep. I'm good to go mom." Ruby smiles.

Sam sighs in relief.

"Good. I just got a text from Alex, and she is waiting for us downstairs in the lobby." Sam says, sounding nervous.

Ruby picks up on her mom's tone, and gets a confused look on her face.

"What's the matter mom? You look.... worried." Ruby says.

Sam turns to look at her daughter and sighs. "I'm sorry Rubes... It's just... today is kind of a big deal for me.... and for us... We have the whole moving into the house that is going to happen, and all the things that could go wrong with that... and then..." Sam says, and trails off.

Ruby chuckles.

"You are just nervous about us spending time with Alex. This isn't really about the house mom." Ruby states.

Sam's face flinches slightly as she looks at Ruby, upon hearing her daughter mention Alex, completely giving away the fact that Ruby is correct.

Sam huffs.