Chapter 51 - Sam & Lena's Kiss

"What.... what do you mean when you made out last time?" Alex asks Lena and Sam, confused. On the other hand, Kara is just completely shocked upon hearing this, and now very jealous.

Sam and Lena both look at each other nervously, noticing the responses that the news has got from both Alex and Kara.

"Uhh... Ruby... why don't you and Alura go play in her room for a bit.... while the grownups talk?" Sam suggests.

"Sure, okay mom." Ruby smiles, "You want to show me your toys, Alura?"

Alura gives Ruby a big smile, before turning to look at Kara for approval.

"Go on, it's okay. Momma and I will be out here. We will call you both when we have finished talking." Kara says, being able to gain some composure, and comprehension, to give her daughter a response.

"Okay mommy." Alura smiles, "Let's go Ruby." Alura then goes running off down the corridor in the direction of her bedroom, with Ruby quickly following her, running after her. Lena and Sam both watch Alura and Ruby run down the corridor, wanting to make sure that the young girls are gone, out of earshot, before they continue to talk about such a topic.

"Okay... come sit down... both of you." Lena says, gesturing to the couch area in the living room of Kara's apartment. Alex and Kara have just both been frozen in place, standing in the open plan area between Kara's living room and kitchen.

"Okay..." Alex nods, still sounding confused about the revelation.

Kara and Alex then walk over to their two girlfriends, and then hesitantly sit next to them. There is not enough room for all four of the women to fit on Kara's couch, so Kara sits next to Lena on one end, while Alex sits on the floor by Sam's feet, near the other end of the couch.

Sam and Lena look at each other again and sigh. Lena nods her head at Sam for her to begin the story.

"Nu-uh, no way. You are the one that had to open your big mouth and put us in this situation. You are the one that has to tell the story." Sam says.

Lena gets a grimace on her face, admittedly realising that Sam is right, it is only fair that she has to be the one to explain the whole story about their previous making out all those years ago, as she did bring it up, even though it was Sam who initiated the kiss both today, and 4 years ago.

"Okay." Lena sighs, "Look... it happened.... a few months after Sam and I met, about 4 years ago now. I didn't have many friends at all at the time, and Sam had very quickly become important to me."

"Yes, and Lena was important to me too. I was very grateful to her, for everything that she had done to help me and Ruby. But I want to be clear, I didn't kiss her because I felt grateful." Sam says, not wanting to mislead Kara or Alex into thinking that she makes out with people out of gratefulness.

Kara and Alex both shoot confused looks at each other, before then turning back to look at Sam and Lena, nodding their heads for them to continue.

"Anyway, one day Sam had told me that she had got Ruby a baby sitter for a Friday evening, and she wondered if I would like to go out with her." Lena says, "At the time I completely took it the wrong way and just thought Sam was asking me out on a date."

"I wasn't. I just thought that it would be fun to have a nice evening out with Lena, as both of us needed to blow of some steam and relax, as we both had been working really hard at, what was then called, Luthor Corp." Sam explains. "Yeah.... Anyway, I got the whole thing wrong... and when Sam asked me, I was shocked, of course. I had never thought about Sam in a dating sense. When I first met Sam, my intentions were that I saw this brilliant hard-working woman, and that she would most definitely be a valuable asset to Luthor Corp. I wanted to make sure that after we bought out her company that she wasn't pigeon holed in a meaningless position. It was Sam's kindness that actually led to us becoming friends, and I certainly never thought about anything more. But upon hearing Sam ask me, what I thought was her asking me out, I kind of panicked. I was concerned that Sam was interested in me in that manner and that if I said no, I would lose her as a friend, so I said yes. I just thought that I liked Sam, and maybe if I went on a date with her, maybe I would develop some feelings for her or something. I was sort of thinking of it like people in arranged marriages who grow to love one another over time." Lena explains.

"Okay...." Alex says, still unsure about it all, as even if the explanation is it was an accidental date, that doesn't explain how Sam and Lena, not only ended up kissing, but ended up making out.

"Anyway, for our Friday night out, my thought was that we would go and have a nice dinner, and then go to a bar for some drinks after." Sam explains.

"The Friday then came around, and I was very nervous about the whole thing, as my biggest panic was that everything would blow up in my face, and I would lose Sam as a friend." Lena explains, "I was honestly an absolute nervous wreck. I didn't know what to wear, or how to do my makeup, or if I should give Sam flowers or something for our date. I had no idea what I was doing. But I did eventually decide on a nice dress, and I painted some red lipstick on my lips, as I thought if this was a date, even if I didn't have feelings for Sam that way, I wanted to come across as kissable as possible."

"I then arrived at Lena's at around 6PM on the Friday, and we were going to take a cab to the restaurant that I had booked. When I arrived at Lena's she was very sweet and had got me a bouquet of red roses, while also complimenting me on how I was dressed, even though I didn't think I was dressed special." Sam says.

"And... you didn't think something was off then? With Lena giving you compliments, and giving you red roses?" Alex asks.

"No.... The thought honestly didn't even cross my mind. I was just so excited to finally have a night out to relax and have fun with Lena, I just thought Lena was being nice, as she knew I needed to relax and everything." Sam explains.

"Hmm... okay... go on." Alex says, nodding her head.

"We then made our way to the restaurant, and we had a nice dinner honestly. I remember throughout our meal I was just very nervous, and I couldn't relax. I was acting very much like it was a date, and asking Sam certain questions which I would ask someone when on a date. However, this was made a bit more difficult because I already knew a lot about Sam, so there wasn't any real 'getting to know you' talk." Lena says.

"Meanwhile, I just thought we were having a nice evening, talking about all sorts of things, and seeing as this was one of the first times I'd gone out with Lena, I just though she wanted to get to know me even better than she already did, as my friend. So, I was just happy to chat to her about my life, and then ask her questions about her own as well. It was fun." Sam says, looking at Lena with a smile.

"It may have been fun for you, but I was a bundle of nerves. I was just so terrified at doing something wrong, or saying something stupid, which would cause everything to just blow up in my face. I never really was able to relax throughout the entirety of our dinner." Lena says, looking at Sam.

Sam chuckles at Lena, placing a hand on one of her arms.

"I'm sorry Lena. I never meant for it that to happen." Sam smiles.

"I know... it was my fault really." Lena says, with a sigh. "No, don't do that. Our communication on the whole thing obviously just sucked, we were both to blame." Sam says, looking at Lena caringly, not wanting her friend to just blame only herself for the whole situation.

In response to Sam's kind words, Lena smiles at her friend, affectionately. There is then a pause in the conversation as Sam and Lena just smile at one another.

Alex breaks the moment of silence by clearing her throat, which causes Sam and Lena both to look at Alex with blushes on their faces. The two friends both realise that they are literally telling a story to their girlfriends about how they made out with each other, and just shared a moment together where they just lovingly looked at one another, not exactly the best thing to do in this situation.