Chapter 72 - Daylong Date Part 2

"There's a beach in Midvale?" Lena asks, knowing they are not really that close to the coast, so by that logic alone there should not be a beach anywhere nearby.

"Well, yeah, it's not really a beach though. It's the shore of a lake that has had sand artificial put there to make it a sort of beach." Kara explains.

"A lake?" Lena asks, her heart rate picking up.

Kara looks at Lena confused, hearing her girlfriend's heartbeat begin to get faster.

"Oh shoot.... I'm sorry.... I totally forgot about..... what uhmmm.... you know.... your experience with lakes." Kara says, awkwardly, not wanting to come out and just say she forgot that Lena may be hesitant about lakes because her mom drowned in one.

Lena takes a deep breath in, and then breathes out, releasing some of her anxiety over going to a lake.

"It's.... okay.... I just..... won't go in.... the water..." Lena says, still a bit nervous.

"Are you sure?" Kara asks, not wanting Lena to just do this because she planned it. "Please tell me if you aren't, as there are several other things I have planned for us to do today, that we can do instead."

"No.... I'll be fine.... as long as you stay by my side." Lena says, biting her lip slightly.

Kara smiles widely at Lena.

"Of course. I won't leave you for a single second." Kara says, and takes Lena in for a brief hug.

Kara and Lena then get ready and pack a few things they will need, before then heading off to the beach, with Kara insisting she drives them, even though it is Lena's car they are using. After about 20 minutes of driving, the couple arrive at the beach. The beach itself does not have many people on it, and seems to be in a very secluded spot. Lena can literally see that the lake only has this long stretch of sand on this side, but then most of the other sides are surrounded by very tall trees.

"What do you think?" Kara asks with a smile, as they walk onto the beach, noticing Lena looking around in awe of everything.

"It's beautiful." Lena replies.

"Yeah." Kara agrees, nodding her head.

Lena and Kara then find a spot away from most of the people, and put a blanket down, before then sitting down themselves.

"You need sunscreen on, right?" Kara asks Lena.

"Uhhh yess." Lena nods.

"Good. Lay down on your stomach, and I'll put some on you." Kara smiles.

Lena smirks at Kara.

"Why do I have the feeling you want to put sunscreen on for more than just making sure I don't get burnt?" Lena asks, with a raised eyebrow.

Kara chuckles.

"Let's just call the other reason an added benefit on my part." Kara smiles back. "And mine." Lena mutters as she lays down on her stomach.

Kara takes a moment to just look at Lena's body in her bikini bathing suit. Today is a nice hot sunny warm spring day, so the temperature is nice and warm, and therefore warrants wearing bikinis.

"Are you just going to stare, or are you actually going to put sunscreen on me?" Lena asks, after waiting a few moments, and Kara still not doing anything.

"Uhhh right." Kara replies, nodding her head, shaking herself out of just staring at Lena's body.

Kara then reaches into the bag she packed and pulls out the sunscreen. Kara squirts some onto her hands and begins to apply it to Lena's shoulders.

"Ohhh." Lena says, surprised by how cold the sunscreen is. "That's cold."

Kara just smiles and silently continues to rub the sunscreen into Lena's body. Eventually however, Lena's string for her bikini gets in the way, so Kara decides to just undo it.

"Kara!" Lena protests, "We're in public!"

Kara chuckles.

"Then don't sit up and you won't have a problem." Kara smirks.

"You could have put the sunscreen on me without undoing my bikini strings." Lena says. "Where would the fun in that be?" Kara smirks, as she continues to apply the sunscreen to Lena's back.

After a few minutes, Kara finishes with Lena's back, and the back of her legs, having taken her good time, and really turning it into more of a massage for Lena.

"Alright, you can turn over now." Kara says.

"Do my bikini up first." Lena says.

"Why?" Kara smirks.

"Kara!" Lena protests again.

"Fine." Kara chuckles, "Maybe next time we should go to a nudist beach or something."

"Oh darling, you couldn't handle a nudist beach, I promise you that." Lena smirks.

"Well, maybe we will have to go and find out then!" Kara counters.

Kara then does up Lena's bikini strings and Lena then turns over. Once Lena is laying on her back, Kara hops down onto Lena, kneeling over her body. This action from Kara admittedly turns Lena on, as she now gets a good view of looking up at her gorgeous blonde girlfriend, as she applies more sunscreen to her.

"Okay, I'm going to do your front now." Kara says.

Lena nods her head with a smile on her face.

Kara then begins applying sunscreen to Lena's front, but this time she starts with Lena's legs, and works her way up the brunette's body. Lena could swear that while Kara was making her way up her legs, she felt the blonde slip a finger under her bikini bottoms briefly, but she thinks perhaps that may have just been her own wishful thinking. Eventually, Kara reaches Lena's torso and applies the sunscreen there, taking her good time. However, Kara then, after a few moments, does something that surprises Lena, and slips her hands under Lena's bikini bra, and squeezes her breasts.

"Ohhh." Lena moans, feeling a wave of desire course through her body as Kara does that.

Kara smirks down at Lena.

"Gotta make sure your breasts have sunscreen on them too." Kara says.

"K... kara.... you.... can't do this... here." Lena says, now very turned on, as Kara now begins to run her hands over Lena's breasts.

"Don't worry baby, no one else is watching." Kara replies, and then squeezes Lena's breasts again.

"OHHHHHH." Lena moans, another wave of pleasure hitting her.

Kara continues to tease Lena like this, and 'apply sunscreen' for the next few minutes, before she then moves her hands away.

"Mhmmm." Lena hums, in both dissatisfaction and at relief, as now they won't be caught like this.

Kara then applies sunscreen to the rest of Lena's body, and finishes by placing a big blob on Lena's nose, and then taking her in for a loving kiss.

"Hmmm..... I love you." Lena hums. "Love you too." Kara smiles back.

Kara and Lena then spend the next few hours just lying there, next to one another, enjoying the sun, with some idle chatting in between their moments of silence. The moments of silence that the two women do have are not awkward or anything though, they are very comfortable. Lena and Kara both recognise that they know they are compatible with one another when they can just be happy being in each other's presence, without saying a word, and it not being awkward at all.