Chapter 82 - Lab Fire

After Lena and Alura enjoyed their night at Sam and Ruby's, the duo returned to Kara's apartment for the night, with Lena saying a brief hello/goodbye to Alex as she left from having her sister's night with Kara. Alura however didn't get a chance to speak to her aunt Alex, because she had completely passed out on the car ride home from Sam and Ruby's, which meant that Lena had to carry the five-year-old into the apartment, trying her best not to wake her. After that, Lena put Alura to bed, before then joining Kara in her, now their, bedroom, and settling in for the evening.

It is now Thursday morning, and as has become the usual routine, Kara and Lena are both waking up in bed together. Both women still can't help but grow happy smiles on their faces as soon as they wake up and see the other lying next to them. Even though Kara and Lena have been together for 4, going on 5, months now (minus the month they broke up), they both still get the thrill of waking up wrapped in one another. In fact, both Kara and Lena are pretty sure that that feeling is never going to go away, and they will have many many many years together to continue to feel this way. Kara and Lena just can't wait to spend the rest of their lives together, and after everything they have been through, as well as Alura, they are both confident in themselves to know that will be the case, even if they aren't married, at least yet. Marriage will come one day, but not just yet, both Kara and Lena want to continue to grow outside of marriage before they take that massive step. But for now, they are taking the big step of moving in together.

"Mhmmmmm..... morning darling." Lena says, with a yawn, as she wakes up and notices Kara snuggling closer to her, signalling to the Luthor that her beautiful alien girlfriend is awake.

"Hmmmm... morning....." Kara hums, burying her head in Lena's chest.

Lena breaks out into a wide smile as she feels Kara move her head further and further into her. Lena honestly doesn't think that she will ever get used to receiving such unconditional love and affection from her girlfriend, her years being raised by the Luthors have scarred her on the affection front. But perhaps now Lena is actually reaping the rewards of all the horrors she went through. As now any affection or love from both Kara and/or Alura is heightened tenfold, due to Lena's lack of it growing up, even if that is a terribly sad thing.

"Did you sleep well, darling?" Lena asks, as she places a kiss on one of Kara's cheeks.

"Always sleep well with you." Kara mumbles, sleepily, into Lena's chest.

Lena chuckles, while also feeling her heart literally skip a beat. Lena just loves Kara so much.

"I love you." Lena says, not having anything else to say right now, just being completely overwhelmed by Kara's love, and needing to express that love right back to Kara.

"Love you too." Kara mumbles.

Lena just lays there for a while, deciding to soak the moment in, as she thinks, what is the point of these moments if she doesn't actually take time to truly appreciate and enjoy them? However, eventually 10 minutes pass, and Lena knows that, unfortunately, she has to get up to go to work.

"Darling, I need you to move. I have to go to work." Lena says, in a sad tone.

"Noooo." Kara moans, still mumbling into Lena's chest. "Stay here."

Lena shoots a sad smile at Kara, even though she knows her girlfriend can't see her.

"I'm sorry darling, but I can't. I have some important business to attend to today." Lena explains.

Kara lets out a huff and moves away from Lena's chest, before then turning over, looking away from Lena.

"Oh, come on darling, don't be like that." Lena says.

"Hmmm." Kara says, still in a huff.

Lena shakes her head, while also rolling her eyes, now seeing where Alura gets her stubbornness from. Lena focuses her eyes on Kara for a moment, before she then gets an idea. Lena moves over on the bed, so her body is on top of Kara's, and then places kisses on Kara's cheeks and neck.

"Come on darling, don't be upset. I love you." Lena says, continuing to pepper Kara's cheek with kisses.

"Hhmmm." Kara replies, in a slightly softer tone.

Lena however doesn't just plan to kiss Kara, she is going to completely tease her, as while she has been distracting Kara with kisses, she has moved her hand down to Kara's waistband, and now slips it inside.

"Ohhhhh." Kara moans, suddenly feeling Lena's fingers on her crotch area.

Lena grows a big smirk on her face upon hearing that response from her girlfriend.

"Now...." Lena says, as she continues to tease Kara, with her lips and her fingers, "If you are a good girl..... maybe I'll finish you off later."

Lena quickly pulls her hand away from Kara's crotch area, and then gets off of the bed, placing one last kiss on Kara's cheek. Kara groans, frustrated. Lena then walks out of the bedroom, looking over her shoulder at Kara, with a smirk on her face.


After Lena leaves Kara's apartment, Kara stays in bed for the next 20 minutes, although she cannot get back to sleep, simply because she finds it difficult to sleep without Lena by her side. Although, Kara's currently difficulties sleeping may also have something to do with Lena's teasing before leaving the bedroom. So, eventually, after 20 minutes, Kara gets out of bed and makes her way to the bathroom, to relieve herself in multiple fashions.

Once Kara has done her business, she then begins her day, deciding that she will let Alura sleep in for as long as she likes this morning. Kara knows that Alura will probably be upset that she wasn't awake to say goodbye to Lena, or ask to go to work with her, so Kara thinks letting Alura sleep is probably a good idea, as that will be less time for the five-year-old to be consciously away from Lena. Kara actually is quite looking forward to today, seeing as it is her first day off from CatCo, as she doesn't start her new position at L-Corp until next week. However, Kara isn't looking forward to today because she sees it as an opportunity to be lazy or anything. Kara is looking forward to today as seeing as Lena is at work, and Alura is staying with her, she actually gets to spend some one-on-one time with Alura. Kara loves Lena, and also loves how much Alura loves Lena, but over the last few weeks Kara has kind of felt left out at times, although she knows it is mostly because of the separation anxiety that Alura has developed with Lena, which is totally understandable.

About an hour after Kara gets up, Alura finally wakes up, and comes sleepily walking into the kitchen/living room area, rubbing her eyes with her hands. Kara, by this point, has already had a shower.

"Hey, sweetie." Kara smiles at Alura, turning around to look at her from the couch.

Alura looks at Kara and slowly walks towards her, before then sitting on the couch and snuggling into her mommy's side.

"Mommy." Alura mumbles, resting her head on Kara.

"Are you still tired?" Kara asks, in a caring tone, brushing some hair from Alura's face.

"Hgmmmhmmm." Alura mumbles.

Kara wants to laugh, as she realises that she gave a very similar response to Lena earlier this morning. Alura really is Kara's daughter after all.