Chapter 92 - Lex's Plan

Lena comes rushing into the DEO, having basically fought her way through security, only been let through after one of the security guards radioed in for approval.

"Alex! Where is she!?!" Lena asks, nervously, as she walks up to the DEO hub.

Alex turns around and looks at Lena, with a very nervous look on her face, and that is when Lena knows the news isn't good. "Alex?" Lena prompts, anxiety building in the pit of her stomach.

"We.... we don't know..... Once she got to the prison.... her radio cut out.... We haven't heard from her for the last 10 minutes...." Alex explains.

Lena's anxiety gets even worse after hearing that, knowing that as her brother is involved means that it isn't good at all. "What are you doing about it? What are the police saying from the prison?" Lena asks, frantically. Alex opens her mouth to speak, but Winn then turns around in his chair, now looking towards Lena, and decides to answer for Alex, knowing that the oldest Danvers sister is not in the best place right now.

"J'onn is flying to the prison right now, to see what is going on." Winn explains, "But from the reports, Lex Luthor has not escaped the prison, and Supergirl has also not come back out."

"Yes.... so that's a good thing..." Alex replies, nervously.

"Not when it's my brother." Lena replies, "I'm sure if this 'escape' was all planned by Lex, then he has another way of getting out of that prison than walking out the front, where all the security and police will be."

"Lena, Lex is in a high security part of Metropolis prison, which is one of the most secure prisons in America." Winn says.

"Yes, but he still managed to somehow organise this prison escape. Lex will have planned all of this." Lena explains.

Winn goes to open his mouth again but he is then interrupted by J'onn's voice over the comms.

"I have arrived at the prison." J'onn says, "The security forces seem to have a handle on the situation."

"J'onn, we still haven't heard from Supergirl." Alex explains, nervously.

"Or spotted Lex Luthor." Winn adds.

"Yes. I'm going into the prison right now." J'onn says.

"J'onn." Lena says, speaking up.

"Miss Luthor?" J'onn replies, confused, "What are you doing at the DEO?"

"You know why I am here J'onn." Lena replies, "I know my brother, be careful. Lex is not stupid; this wouldn't have been a random unorganised prison escape."

"Yes, okay Miss Luthor." J'onn replies.

Over on the other side of the country, J'onn lands on the ground in front of Metropolis Prison, and then shapeshifts back into his Hank Henshaw form. J'onn then begins walking inside the prison, and none of the guards or police even try and stop him, they are far too busy recovering from the events of the last few minutes.

J'onn makes his way through the prison eventually arriving at the large open communal area, where there are a lot of dead bodies of guards and prisoners. J'onn then heads down the corridor off of that area, and into the max security wing. A few moments later J'onn arrives inside Lex Luthor's cell, and once inside he notices a big hole in the wall of the cell. The hole itself leads into the inner workings of the building, which do eventually lead to underground passageways beneath the prison. All this means that Lex Luthor has escaped.

J'onn then backs away from the hole, and looks around the cell for any clues as to what went on in here. However, after J'onn takes a few steps back, he hears a crunching sound at his feet. J'onn looks down and sees the familiar sight of Kara's glasses, which he has just broken.

"No.." J'onn mutters to himself, realising this means that Lex has Supergirl, and she doesn't have her super suit.


Kara slowly opens her eyes, and her head is absolutely pounding, and her vision is blurred. Kara feels so weak, like if she currently wasn't tied to a chair, by a bunch of chains, she wouldn't even have the energy to sit up.

"Hhmmmm." Kara groans, as she begins to blink, clearing the blurriness from her vision.

As Kara continues to blink, her vision gets clearer, even if her head still hurts just as much as when she first gained consciousness. Once Kara has regained her vision, she looks down, and realises that she is chained to a chair, and is back in her normal clothes, not her super suit. Kara tries to move, and use her powers to break out of the chains, but she can't, she is powerless. Kara thinks that the Kryptonite must have knocked out her powers, she just hopes it is only temporary. Kara then slowly moves her head up, to look at the room she is in. It takes a lot of effort for Kara to do the simple act of lifting up her head, because she feels that weak right now, and is in that much pain. But once Kara lifts her head up, she sees that she is in some sort of barely lit room, with a single bulbed light hanging over the centre of the room, and a bunch of pipes running by the ceiling of one side of it. Kara also notices that there is a metal table at one side of the room, and it has some stuff on it, but Kara can't make out what as it is too dark over there. Finally, Kara is able to see that there is one exit/entrance to the room, from a door which is up a few steps. Kara thinks that she must be in some sort of underground basement of a large building or factory, or something.

A few minutes later, the door to the room opens, and a large amount of light shines into the room, so much that it blinds Kara's eyes, resulting in Kara having to close them, although this is just likely from the state she is in, than the light actually being that bright. Kara then hears people walk into the room, and the door close behind them, with the footsteps getting closer and closer to her.

"I see you are awake, Supergirl." Lex Luthor says.

Kara slowly opens her eyes again, and looks up, and sees Lex Luthor standing in front of her, with James a few steps behind him. James is currently not wearing a shirt, and Kara sees that the centre of his body is covered with some sort of metal, likely lead.

Lex moves closer to Kara and grabs her by the chin, yanking her head to look at him.

"Look at me!" Lex snaps.

Kara groans in pain from the sudden movement.

"What... have you done.... Lex..." Kara says, trying to clear her dry throat as she speaks.

Lex chuckles.

"It is simple really, I set a trap, and you fell right into it." Lex smiles.

"James...." Kara says, still finding it difficult to talk.

Lex looks back at James, who has a stoic expression on his face, and then turns to face Kara again, with a smile on his face.

"Oh, you want to know what I've done to your dear old friend Jimmy Olsen." Lex laughs, "Well you see, he is now a victim to a.... updated version of the drug he gave you..... It's ironic really."

"Lillian.... is helping... you?" Kara asks.

Lex laughs again.

"Of course not. My mother is locked away in some prison somewhere. I haven't heard from her in months. No, see, I was the one who gave the drug to my mother in the first place. She never made it; I did." Lex explains, with a big evil smirk on his face.