Chapter 109 - Superman Captured

"Kara, what is it?" Lena asks, concerned, noticing the shocked look on her girlfriend's face.

"Kara?" Alex calls out from the phone.

Currently Kara is frozen, with a mix of emotions swirling about her own stomach. Kara remembers everything that Lex did to her, and how it made her feel, and now she thinks about how he might be doing all those same things to her cousin, the baby she was sent to Earth to protect. Then at the same time, Kara is conflicted, because Kal-El has been an absolute asshole over the last year, especially towards Lena. But even with that said, Kara knows that she has to save her cousin, and try and stop Lex once and for all.

"We'll...... be there..... as soon as we can.... Alex." Kara eventually replies, after about 15 seconds of silence.

"Okay." Alex says, and the ends the call.

Once the call ends Kara slowly takes the phone away from her ear, and just lets it rest in one of her hands, as she brings it down to her side. Meanwhile, Lena watches on, still confused.

"Kara? What's happening?" Lena asks, reaching out to touch one of Kara's shoulders.

Kara slowly turns and looks to Lena. Right away Lena can tell that something is wrong, because Kara has a very worried expression on her face.

"It's..... Lex......" Kara begins, "He..... he has Superman..."

Lena's eyes go wide, surprised by this news, but realising she really shouldn't be. Over the last month things have been completely quiet on the Lex front, so while the DEO has still been searching for him, it has been easy for them all to forget that Lex is still out there, likely planning something. Then at the same time Lena also has a big uneasy feeling in her stomach, because she knows that Kara will have to go and fight Lex, and she remembers what happened the last time she went to try and face him.

"I....I..... I don't know what to say." Lena says, lost for words.

Kara nods her head, shooting her girlfriend a sympathetic and caring look with her eyes.

"Yeah.... me neither.... But.... we need to turn the plane around to go back to National City." Kara says, with regret in her voice.

"Right... yeah... of course..." Lena nods, "I'll do that now."

Lena gets up from her seat and heads for the cockpit. The plane that they are all flying on is completely autonomous, so there is no pilot, meaning Lena now has to go and reprogramme the plane to head back to National City.

Once Lena is gone, Kara looks at Alura, who is still sitting in her seat looking out the window, clearly lost in her own little world, not paying any attention to the conversations that just occurred. Kara thinks that maybe that is for the best, as she doesn't want to have to bring any trauma up in Alura, by mentioning Lex Luthor. But at the same time Kara knows she needs to tell Alura something, and she remembers how Lena told her that when she was taking care of her by herself, she realised she made a mistake in hiding things from Alura, and not telling her the truth. So, Kara knows that even though it will be difficult, and might cause Alura some emotional distress, she has to tell her daughter what is going on.

"Alura?" Kara calls out, softly.

Alura turns and looks at Kara with a happy smile on her face. As Kara sees her 5-year-old's smile, her heart hurts, because she knows she is about to remove that smile from her daughter's face.

"Yes, mommy?" Alura replies.

Kara takes a deep breath, and then gets up from her seat and moves to sit next to Alura.

"Alura..... we have to go back home to National City." Kara says, with regret in her voice.

"Why?" Alura asks, already sounding upset, "I thought we were going to Disney?"

"We were." Kara nods, "But..... I just got a call from aunt Alex.... and...... momma's evil brother.... Lex Luthor..... he's captured uncle Kal...... I.... I need to go and try and save him."

Alura now grows a very worried look on her face.

"No!" Alura quickly protests.

"Alura..... I have to do this." Kara says. "No you don't! The last time you faced that bad man you were missing.... and then you forgot about me! I don't want that to happen to you again mommy." Alura says, tears now running down her cheeks.

"Oh Alura..." Kara says, taking her daughter in for a hug trying to comfort her.

Honestly right now Kara doesn't really know what to say to her daughter. Kara wants to instinctively tell her daughter that of course that won't happen again, and everything will be fine, but Kara knows that is a lie. Kara doesn't want to lie to her daughter. But because Kara doesn't want to lie, she doesn't know what else to really say.

"Alura..... I know...... what happened last time..... and believe me..... I don't want to have to do this.... but I have to.... I have to save uncle Kal." Kara says.

"But he has been mean to momma. Why do you have to?" Alura asks, looking up at Kara with pleading eyes.

Kara looks down at her daughter with so much love on her face.

"Alura, Kal might have been mean, and completely unacceptable in his actions towards momma, but that doesn't mean I should leave him to his fate with Lex." Kara replies, "Did I ever tell you why I was originally sent here to Earth?"

"I.... I'm not sure." Alura replies, still crying slightly.

"I was sent here to protect uncle Kal." Kara explains, "At the time Kal-El was only a new born baby, and with Krypton exploding I was supposed to go to Earth with him and help raise him, even though I was only 13-years-old. But like you know, things didn't work out that way, and I ended up getting to Earth much later than Kal, when he had already grown up and was an adult. After that, I always felt like I failed my parents, because I couldn't do the one thing they sent me to Earth to do. So, I can't just sit idly by and let Kal suffer. While I still am upset with him, he is still my cousin, and this is my chance to protect him, like my parents wanted."

After Kara is finished speaking Alura doesn't say anything, clearly just taking in everything that her mother has just said. Kara then decides to just hug Alura, and give her all the affection in the world, with the mother knowing this is going to be incredibly emotionally difficult on her daughter.

"Alura..... I know you don't like this..... but I have to do it.... I couldn't live with myself if I did nothing.... And then something happened to Kal-El" Kara says, softly, whiling continuing to hug Alura.

Kara and Alura continue to hug for the next few moments, and as they do Kara feels the plane begin to turn around, signalling to her that Lena has reprogrammed it to head back to National City. Lena joins Kara and Alura a few minutes later, walking up to them and seeing Kara and Alura still hugging.

"Is everything okay?" Lena asks, with some concern in her voice.

"I was just telling Alura what is happening.... The truth." Kara explains, still hugging Alura, "I remembered how you told me that keeping things from Alura didn't work out for you, so I thought I'd just tell her the truth."