Chapter 120 - Cinderella's Royal Table

On the fourth day of Kara, Lena and Alura's vacation in Orlando, Kara is the first one to wake up. Once the super hero wakes, she is greeted with the incredible sight of Lena and Alura lying next to her. Alura is currently completely snuggled up next to Lena, resting her head on the CEO's chest, with her arm over Lena's body too. Then Lena just is laying there, with a permanent smile on her face, even though she's asleep, resting her lips on the top of Alura's head. Kara simply can't help but smile, so widely that it makes her face hurt. It makes Kara so happy to see this sight, and she honestly thinks she could look at it all day long. Kara just feels so much love emitting off both Alura and Lena towards one another. Kara knows that there is so much love in this family, and it feels utterly wonderful.

As Kara continues to lay there in the bed, looking at Lena and Alura, she thinks about everything they have done over the last few days of them being in Orlando. She thinks about all the fun Alura has been having, how Lena has been grumpy at times from getting wet, and about how happy and excited Alura has been about everything, even small little things. Then Kara also thinks about the few times when Alura grew attached to Lena, like yesterday, after she was scared on the King Kong ride, or when they were leaving Epcot, asking for Lena to specifically carry her. Kara does think that maybe on some small level some parents might be jealous of their child favouring the other parent at times, but Kara doesn't mind at all. Kara knows Alura loves both her and Lena the exact same amount, and there are of course going to be times when she's more attached to one of them than the other, as that's what kids do. In fact, Kara remembers even in her childhood, on Krypton, there were times when she was more attached to her mother, and then times when she would much rather be by her father's side. Nothing is meant by it.

Eventually, about 15 minutes pass by, and Kara decides to get out of bed, and let Alura and Lena sleep for a while longer. Kara remembers that seeing as they'll be having their dinner in Cinderella's Royal Table at 7PM today, that Alura will need to sleep for longer, so she doesn't fall asleep or get tired before then.

Kara makes her way into the kitchen, and then looks at her phone, and sees that it is already 10:30AM. Kara thinks that they all must have been really tired from all their walking over the last few days to sleep in that long. Although Kara does think that there is probably something to it of them all being so comfortable sleeping together that their bodies are simply so relaxed that they just want to sleep longer.

Seeing as they currently have no food in their fridge, despite having an entire kitchen in their hotel room, Kara decides to just head out onto the balcony to get some sun while she waits for Alura and Lena to wake. Once Kara is outside, she takes a seat on one of the chairs and begins to soak up some sun. A while after that, her phone buzzes, and Kara sees that she has got a text from Alex.

Hey, how's it going?

Kara looks at the text from Alex, and sees that, as it has just been sent, Alex must be awake, even though it's only 7:30AM in National City. So, Kara decides to call Alex instead of texting her.

"Hey." Alex answers, "I didn't expect you to call me."

"Hey." Kara says, with a smile on her face, "Lena and Alura are asleep right now, so I thought I might as well call."

"Oh, did you have a late night yesterday then?" Alex asks.

"Not really. We went to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. I think the walking around is just catching up to Lena and Alura." Kara explains, "But we are having dinner in Cinderella's castle tonight at 7, so I thought it would be best to let Alura sleep in for as long as possible today."

"Right. That sounds like a good idea." Alex replies, "Have you guys been having fun?"

"Yeah." Kara says, with another smile, "Alura has honestly been having the time of her life. You should see how happy and excited she has been, even at stuff like getting on the monorail to the park, or walking down the escalators from the Universal Studios car park, towards the parks."

Alex chuckles upon hearing that.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. You all certainly deserve it." Alex says. "Yeah, we do." Kara nods in agreement.

"You said you've done both the universal parks. What other parks have you done so far?" Alex asks.

"We've done all of them apart from Hollywood Studios. Although we only did like half of Magic Kingdom. We are going to do the other half today before our dinner." Kara explains.

"It sounds like you have been seriously busy then." Alex says.

"Yeah." Kara replies.

"I bet Lena is looking forward to her week on the beach to relax after then?" Alex asks.

"Oh.... I forgot to tell you.... We are not going to do that now." Kara says.

"Why not?" Alex asks.

"Lena can only take so much time out from L-Corp, and I think she simply doesn't want to give Sam and Jess even more work because of her absence. Lena didn't want to take away days from our time in Disney World or anything, so we are just coming home after this week. But we were hoping that maybe you and/or Sam could take Alura for a day and night once we are home, so that me and Lena could have some alone time?"

Alex groans at hearing that.

"Gross." Alex says. "It's not like Lena and I don't know what you and Sam are doing when we watch Ruby." Kara counters.

Alex huffs.

"Fair enough." Alex replies, "I'll talk to Sam about it, and see if we can all have a sleep over or something."

"Kara?" Lena calls out, softly, from inside the hotel room.

"Oh, Lena's awake. I better go." Kara says to Alex.

"Alright, have a fun few more days, and I'll see you when you all get back." Alex replies.

"Okay, bye Alex. Love you." Kara says. "I love you too." Alex replies, and then ends the call.

Once the call ends, Kara turns around, preparing to stand up and walk back into the hotel room, but she then sees Lena has just walked out onto the balcony.

"Who was that?" Lena asks, with a smile, taking Kara in for a good morning kiss.

Kara hums happily into the kiss.

"Alex." Kara replies, once the kiss ends, "I saw she sent me a text asking how things are going, so as you and Alura were still asleep, I thought I'd call her."

"Oh, okay." Lena nods, with a smile, and then takes a seat with Kara on the same chair.

Kara hums happily, wrapping her arms around Lena's waist, pulling her closer to her.

"So, we are going to Magic Kingdom today then?" Kara asks, after a few moments silence, as she kisses one of Lena's shoulders.

"Yeah." Lena replies, a little breathlessly.

"Good. From memory, some of my favourite rides are in the bit of the park we didn't do the first time." Kara says.

"Oh, like what?" Lena asks.

"The Pirates of the Caribbean ride, haunted mansion, Thunder mountain, and Splash Mountain." Kara says.

"Well, it sounds like we are going to have a lot to do today before our dinner then." Lena smiles, happily.

Kara nods in agreement.


Kara, Lena and Alura arrive at Magic Kingdom, and it is now close to 1PM, with them simply having had a lazy morning, and allowing Alura to get a lot more sleep.