Chapter 123 - Final Days at Disney World

After leaving Typhoon Lagoon, Kara, Lena and Alura went back to their hotel, with the plan to relax for a little while, and just take a brief break, before they then continue on with their day. The family also used this as a very good opportunity to have a nice shower, to wash away all the chlorine water from the water park, with it also allowing them to freshen up a bit. Lena also used this time in their hotel room to lay down on her and Kara's bed for a little while, just to get over the amount of alcohol that she drank. While Lena was doing this, Kara and Alura went for a little walk outside of their hotel, to the nearest Big Belly Burger, which they then brought back with them. The trio then happily ate their food, all cuddled up on the two parent's bed. Once they were finished, the family then took a nap together, with Alura cuddled in the middle of her two parents.


It is now a few hours later, around 4PM, and currently Kara, Lena and Alura are walking in Magic Kingdom, hand in hand, and have had a really great day thus far. All three of the ladies are in really good moods, having been able to fit a lot in their day thus far, and are really refreshed now, from the nap they all took together. Right now, they are making their way towards the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, as Lena has requested that they go on that again, before they go on Big Thunder Mountain, which obviously is the ride Alura is most eager to go on.

"So, have you had fun so far today, Alura?" Kara asks her daughter with a smile, as they continue to walk through the park.

"Yes." Alura nods happily, "I liked going on the lazy river with you and momma."

Lena and Kara both smile at that.

"I liked that too." Lena smiles.

"Yeah, I'm glad we went to that water park. And I think momma enjoyed it too, if only for the alcohol." Kara adds.

"Hey! I had fun outside of the alcohol. The alcohol just made things more.... fun." Lena replies, with a smirk.

"It certainly did." Kara says back, "You realise when we were running back from the last water ride, in the rain, you almost slipped over like 4 times? I had to stop you from slipping with my super speed."

"See, you're my hero." Lena smiles, happily, and then takes Kara in for a brief kiss.

"Hmmmm." Kara hums happily.

In all the previous relationships Lena has been in, she has never been one for public displays of affection. The most she would normal do is allow someone to wrap their arm around her waist, and only if it were in an appropriate setting. This meant that Lena would never hold hands with a partner, or hug or kiss them in public. But with Kara, it honestly doesn't even cross Lena's mind, it has become completely natural, and she is very comfortable with it. In fact, Lena would be upset to not be able to kiss, hug and hold Kara's hand in public. But of course, Lena would never take it as far as to just make out with Kara in public, with a lot of people around them, as that would be a bit too much, and a lot of people would probably be uncomfortable with that.

The little family continue to walk, but then suddenly Kara picks up something via her super hearing, something that hurts her heart.

"Kara? What is it?" Lena asks, noticing the look on Kara's face.

"It's just..... I can hear a young girl..... alone in the park..... crying for her parents..... She's obviously lost." Kara says.

"Oh." Lena replies, now feeling bad for the young girl.

The family walk a few more steps but Lena, once more, notices Kara's face flinch, as the alien obviously hears the young girl continue to cry.

"Go help her." Lena urges, "We'll wait for you at the entrance to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride."

"Are you sure?" Kara asks.

"Yes, go be a hero." Lena smiles.

Kara nods her head, and takes a quick look around, before then zooming off in the direction of the young girl. After a few moments, Kara tracks the girl, who can't be much older than Alura, down to a corner of the park, away from a lot of people. People still can see and hear the girl, which annoys Kara, because no one else has bothered to help her. It honestly is one of those moments that makes Kara worry for humanity, as surely seeing a young girl cry and be upset should be the easiest sight for someone to want to do something. Although Kara is also aware that some people might be hesitant, because they don't want to come across as if they are abducting the kid, especially men.

"Excuse me?" Kara says, softly, as she approaches the girl.

The girl looks up at Kara and gets a terrified look, and quickly tries to back away from her, however she soon finds she has nowhere to go.

"Go away! You're a stranger!" The girl yells, panicked.

"Okay.... I won't come any closer." Kara says, and then gets down on one knee, about 5 feet away from the girl. "What's your name?"

The girl continues to look at Kara anxiously.

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." The girl says.

"Yes." Kara nods, "And that is smart, but you have got separated from your parents, right? That means you need help to find them."

The girl continues to look at Kara, with tears in her eyes, while biting her lip.

"I'll go first." Kara says, "My name's Kara, and I'm currently here on holiday with my girlfriend, and our daughter. I live in National City. Do you know where that is?"

The girl nods her head, still cautiously.

"That's..... where Supergirl lives." The girl says.

"Yeah, it is." Kara smiles, "Do you like Supergirl?"

The girl nods her head again, seeming to get a bit more comfortable with Kara now.

"That's good." Kara nods back, with a smile of her own, "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Okay...." The girl says, nervously.

"I'm Supergirl." Kara says.

The girl gets an even more confused look on her face, so Kara looks around, to make sure no one is watching, and then takes off her glasses. As soon as Kara does this, the little girl's eyes go wide in surprise.

"Ss...Supergirl?" The girl says, rubbing her eyes, taking a step closer to Kara.

"Yeah." Kara smiles, "But you have to keep it a secret, okay?"

"O...kay." The girl nods, and now is right next to Kara.

"Great." Kara smiles, "Can you tell me your name now?"

"It's Amy." Amy says.

"That's a pretty name." Kara smiles, "Where are you from, Amy?"

"Central City." Amy says.

"Oh, so you are on vacation too?" Kara says, continuing to let this girl feel more at ease with her.

"Yes. We are visiting my grandma." Amy explains.

"Ah, okay." Kara nods, "Well, Amy, can you come with me, so we can go and find your parents?"

"Yes. Okay." Amy replies.

"Perfect." Kara smiles, and then gets up to her feet, holding out her hand for Amy to take.

Amy quickly takes Kara's hand, and the two then begin walking.