Chapter 126 - Kara & Lena Sexy Time

"Okay, you have a good time today with Ruby and Sam, alright?" Kara says to Alura, as she and Lena are about to leave their daughter at Sam's house.

"I will mommy." Alura nods, happily, and then takes Kara in for a hug.

"And you listen to Sam whenever she tells you to do or not do something, okay?" Lena says.

"Yes, momma." Alura nods, and takes Lena in for a hug.

Lena happily hugs Alura back, and places a kiss on the top of the 5-year-old's head.

"Don't worry guys." Sam says, "We are going to have great fun today. Alex is going to join us this afternoon, once she gets back from her shift at work. You two just have fun."

"We will." Lena smiles, as she glances at Kara. "Thank you, Sam."

"Of course." Sam nods.

Kara and Lena then leave Sam's house, and head back to their penthouse. For today, Lena and Kara have absolutely no plans whatsoever to leave the house again. The two girlfriends fully intend to spend the whole day together, just the two of them, hopefully mostly naked.

As soon as Kara and Lena walk in the front door of their penthouse, the blonde quickly zooms about, and in a blink of the eye, she is standing completely naked in front of Lena. Lena can't help but open her mouth in surprise, Kara being more bold than usual.

"What?" Kara says, with a smirk.

Lena now grows a smile on her face, and closes the distance to her beautiful girlfriend, taking her in for a loving kiss.

"Someone is eager." Lena says, happily, as the two part.

"Yeah. I've been looking forward to this for a while." Kara says.

"I have also, darling." Lena purrs back.

"Now, I believe you have far too many clothes on." Kara says.

Lena chuckles.

"Hmmm.... I'm not sure. You are so eager to be naked, I'm thinking that maybe I need to put some more clothes on." Lena teases.

"Lena!!" Kara groans.

"Maybe you need to give me an incentive to join you in your nakedness." Lena suggests, with a smirk.

Kara grows a pout on her face, but then she quickly takes Lena in for a passionate kiss. The two girlfriends each kiss one another with so much love and affection, it being very hot and heavy. Tongues swirl in each other's mouths, hearts race.

"How was that for an incentive?" Kara asks, with a smile, as she pulls away from the kiss.

Lena is now panting slightly, the kiss leaving her completely breathless.

"That... was a good start..." Lena says, a few moments later, once she gains some of her composure.

"Start?" Kara says, confused.

Lena now grows an amused smile on her face.

"Yes." Lena nods, "For that kiss, I will remove my trousers. You are going to have to offer me something more to remove the rest."

Lena proceeds to slowly remove her trousers, trying to be a bit seductive as she does it. Kara, meanwhile, stares at Lena the whole time, watching the CEO as her heart races. Admittedly, Kara does think this is a bit silly, because she has seen Lena naked hundreds of times now, but it's all just like this because of the moment they are in.

"There." Lena says, as she throws her trousers in Kara's face, playfully.

"Oooof." Kara says, being too focused on Lena to react before the trousers hit her face.

"Now, you have to give me something more to remove my top, then my underwear." Lena says, with a big smirk.

Kara pulls the trousers from her face, and then places them on the kitchen island behind her.

"Maybe I don't want to anymore." Kara says, deciding she will play Lena at her own game, "Perhaps you need to be the one giving me an incentive."

Lena's smirk widens at Kara saying this, the Luthor realising what Kara is trying to do.

"Well, if that is how you feel.... I guess I'll go sit on the couch and watch some TV." Lena says, and then walks over to the living room area of their penthouse.

Kara's eyes widen at Lena doing this, certainly not expecting it. Kara then proceeds to watch Lena sit on the couch and turn on the TV, resting her legs on the coffee table.

"I... guess if that's how you want to play it..." Kara eventually says, deciding she can't bail out now.

Kara then sits on the other couch in their living room, to Lena's left, making sure that she is within the brunette's eyeline, at the corner of her eye, as she attempts to 'watch TV'.

Over the next few minutes, Lena pretends to watch the TV, flicking from channel to channel. Meanwhile, Kara just sits there, showing her naked body to Lena, knowing that this is a waiting game as to who will fold first. Kara is determined for it not to be her; however, Lena equally doesn't want it to be her either.

After a few more minutes, Lena sighs, pretending to be frustrated with not finding anything to watch on TV.

"Well, I guess I'll go do some work." Lena says, as she stands up from the couch.

"No!" Kara quickly says, without thinking.

"What was that?" Lena asks, looking at Kara with a smirk.

Kara knows that she just lost the game she and Lena were playing.

"Oh Rao." Kara mutters, "Fine, you win."

Kara quickly gets up off of her couch, and pushes Lena down onto the couch she was sitting on, before then jumping on top of her, taking her in for another passionate kiss. Lena simply smiles into the kiss, both enjoying the kiss itself, and the fact she won the little game she was playing with Kara.

"Hmmm.... that's better." Lena purrs, a few moments later, when they part. "For that. I'll remove my shirt."

"Good." Kara says, with a smile.

"But you need to get off me to do that." Lena says, after a few moments silence.

"Oh... yeah.... okay...." Kara stammers, getting off of Lena.

Lena sits up on the couch, and proceeds to unbutton her shirt. Kara watches the whole time, and glimpses Lena's lace bra once the shirt is removed.

"Now, it is only my underwear left." Lena smirks, "But you are going to have to do something special for me to remove them."

"Like what?" Kara asks.

Lena grows another smirk on her face.

"I think I'd like a lap dance." Lena says, confidently.

Kara's eyes widen at this, but she equally stands up from the couch. Lena, meanwhile, activates some music to begin playing.

"I'm waiting." Lena says, after Kara simply stands there, frozen, for a few moments.

Kara takes a deep breath, and then begins dancing, as to what she hopes is seductively, in front of Lena. The dance itself isn't the most seductive thing ever, but Lena is enjoying the show none the less. After a few moments of just dancing in front of Lena, showing her girlfriend her naked body, Kara moves onto Lena's lap. At first, Kara lightly grinds her ass into Lena's crotch, moving about slightly. As she does this, Kara can tell Lena likes it, because her heart rate picks up.