Chapter 142 - Confirmation

A few minutes after leaving the shadow woman's cell, Kara and J'onn arrive in one of the DEO medical labs, where Winn is currently working away, running a DNA match test.

"Well, Winn?" Kara questions, basically as soon as she walks into the room.

"Give me a bit, why don't you?" Winn says, sarcastically, "It's not like I'm a doctor, or even a medical professional or anything. This is my first time doing this. It's going to take me a bit."

"Sorry." Kara apologises, "I just.... really need to know if this is the truth."

"I know." Winn replies, with a nod of his head, and then continues to work away at the DNA matching machine.

After this, for the next few minutes, Kara paces the medical room in silence, while J'onn sits there, looking stoic as usual, and Winn continues to monitor the test.

"Kara, sit down." J'onn eventually says, Kara's pacing finally getting on his nerves.

Kara lets out a huff.

"I can't sit still right now, not when I'm thinking about the fact that we may just be able to get confirmation that this shadow woman is my fiancé's mom, who we all have believed has been dead for the last 20 years." Kara says.

J'onn sighs.

"I know this is really difficult for you, Kara." J'onn says, "But you need to keep it together, okay?"

"Yeah..... I know...." Kara nods, "Just...... distract me somehow.... while we wait."

"Okay." J'onn nods back, "So, have you and Lena made any plans for your wedding yet?"

"No. Not really. Lena and Alura were supposed to go dress shopping for what Alura is going to wear to the ceremony, but I'm not sure if they even did that with everything that went on with Alex." Kara says.

"Kara, the point was to distract you, not for you to talk more about that stuff." J'onn huffs.

"Well, you're not doing a good enough job then!" Kara pouts.

J'onn rolls his eyes.

"Fine. Seeing as you seemingly haven't made any plans yet with Lena, for your wedding, what are you thinking? What would your ideal wedding be?" J'onn asks.

Kara now gets a thoughtful look on her face, as honestly, she hasn't even really thought about that yet. The thoughts that Kara have simply had about the wedding so far are that she and Lena would work together to figure out what their perfect wedding would be, for both of their tastes, and cultures.

"I don't know really..... I guess I would have to think about it a lot more." Kara replies, "Cause'..... on Krypton..... weddings..... they weren't really a thing like they are here on Earth. Marriages, and therefore weddings, on Krypton were more about unions of two houses for the benefit of each house, rather than being about love and everything. On Krypton, the ceremonies we did have were not very personal or anything, just an official process. Although, I know that wasn't the case for everyone. There were some couples who were actually in love before getting married, and did have more of a personal ceremony, like Kal's parents. But I never saw any of them."

"So that would suggest you'd want a more Earth-like ceremony?" J'onn asks, hoping to continue the conversation, and thereby continue to distract Kara.

"I guess so." Kara nods, "Although, I would like to incorporate Kryptonian's beliefs in Rao into the ceremony, rather than it being about an Earth god or anything. I don't think Lena will have a problem with that, as she's not a religious person anyway. But other than that.... I'm not sure...... I mean.... I don't even know if I want to wear a wedding dress, a suit, or something else, or what Lena will wear.... Or even where we should have the ceremony.... And then we have to talk about who we are going to invite..... which people are going to have which roles in the ceremony....... and oh Rao.... we have so much to do!"

"Kara!" J'onn says, grabbing one of Kara's arms, "Calm down."

Kara looks at J'onn, with a bit of panic in her eyes, and then takes a deep breath.

"Yes.... okay..... Thank you..." Kara nods.

"By the way, if I'm not like a male version of a bridesmaid for you, then I'm going to be pissed." Winn speaks up, catching both Kara and J'onn's attention.

J'onn can't help but laugh upon hearing that, while Kara simply gives Winn a bit of a scowl.

"Anyway..... the test is finished." Winn says.

Kara and J'onn now both look at one another, with nervous looks on their faces. For Kara, her heart is beating really fast, but not for her, for Lena. Kara knows that if the results of this test prove that the shadow woman is Lena's mother, then she honestly doesn't even know how Lena will react. All Kara does know, is thinking about Lena's potential reaction makes her stomach feel bad.

"Well..... what do they say?" J'onn asks, with both him and Kara stepping forward.

Winn looks at the results of the test for a few moments, before then turning to look at Kara and J'onn.

"Obviously the test could be wrong.... and we should run it again just to be safe and accurate.... and someone who knows what they are doing should actually run the tests, rather than me. As I really don't know what I am doing here.... I've done all this mostly from guess work, and remembering the times I have watched Alex do it and...." Winn rambles.

"Winn!" Kara interrupts.

"Right.... sorry." Winn says, and then takes a deep breath, "The DNA results suggest that there is a 92.5% likelihood that these two sets of DNA are from a mother and daughter."

After Kara hears Winn say those words, confirming that the shadow woman is Elizabeth Walsh, Lena's mother, who has believed to have been dead for over 20 years, the alien freezes. Kara knows that she already was pretty sure that Elizabeth Walsh is the shadow woman, but hearing Winn confirm it is just another matter entirely. Kara honestly isn't sure how to react at all.

"Kara?" J'onn says, after a few moments silence, and noticing that Kara is not saying anything.

Kara turns to look at J'onn, now with complete and utter bewilderment in her eyes.

"I..... need to go...." Kara says, and then makes a move to leave the medical room.

"But what do you want us to do with Lena's mom?" J'onn asks.

"I don't know..... Just...... I don't know..... We can talk more tomorrow." Kara says, and then zooms away.


It is about 10 minutes since Kara zoomed away from the DEO, and she is now just landing back at her and Lena's penthouse. The reason that Kara didn't just fly here straight away was simply because she needed to take some time to clear her thoughts, and just get a handle on the situation. So, for the last 10 minutes, Kara has been floating up in the air, several miles above National City, trying to work through everything in her mind. The problem is, now that Kara knows that the shadow woman is Lena's mom, she realises that this will cause so many emotional issues for Lena and everything, but then at the same time, Kara has also realised that she will have to be the one to tell Lena. Admittedly, a part of Kara did think about calling Sam, Lena's best friend, and asking her about how she thinks she should approach telling Lena the news. However, Kara dismissed that idea, because she knows that if she were in Lena's shoes, she would want to be told first, before anyone else finds out. So, that means that Kara has to tell Lena before they can tell everyone else, therefore meaning that Kara can't get any real advice from people that know Lena well right now.