Chapter 146 - Wedding Decisions

Kara lands bank in her and Lena's penthouse, and sees Alex, Ruby, Lena, Alura and Sam all still sitting in the living room area of the home, talking.

"Mommy!" Alura says, upon seeing Kara, quickly jumping out of Lena's arms, and running towards Kara.

"Hello, baby." Kara says, deactivating her Supergirl suit, and taking Alura in for a hug.

"I missed you." Alura mumbles, as she hugs Kara tightly.

"I was only gone for a little while." Kara replies, "But I won't be leaving again."

"Okay." Alura nods.

Kara now picks Alura up into her arms and carries her into the living room, taking a seat down next to Lena.

"Hey, Kar." Alex says, "Did everything go okay?"

Kara looks at Alex with a confused look on her face, simply from Alex's tone.

"Uhh.... yeah.... it did...." Kara nods back, awkwardly.

"I'm glad you're home now, darling." Lena says, and places a kiss on Kara's cheek.

"Me too." Kara smiles at Lena, and then takes her in for a brief kiss.

"Gross." Alex mutters.

"You and mom kiss like that all the time." Ruby says to Alex.

"Yeah... well.... that's different...." Alex replies, a bit awkwardly.

"How?" Ruby asks, with a bit of a smirk on her face.

"Oh shush you." Sam now interjects, "Don't pretend you don't make similar comments to Alex when you see me and her kiss."

In response Ruby just looks at Sam with a smile on her face.

"Why?" Alura asks.

"Why what?" Sam asks Alura, confused.

"Why does Ruby make comments when you and aunt Alex kiss?" Alura asks, confused herself.

Sam now looks at Ruby, thinking it would be best if her daughter tries to answer that question.

"It's cause... uhmmm..... I uhmmm...." Ruby stammers.

"It's because for some people it's weird to see your mom, or sister, making out with other people." Alex says, rescuing Ruby.

Alura now grows a very confused look on her face.

"I don't find it weird when momma and mommy kiss." Alura says, "I like it, because they love each other, just like they love me."

Lena and Kara both smile at Alura saying that, happy that their daughter is in a much better mental state than the last few days.

"Yes, we do, darling." Lena says, placing a kiss on one of Alura's cheeks.

"Yeah." Kara says, kissing Alura on her other cheek.

Alura smiles very widely as Kara and Lena kiss her cheeks.

"And for the record, we were not 'making out'." Kara says, turning to look at her sister, "If you call that making out, then I feel very badly for Sam."

Alex's eyes slightly widen at Kara saying that to her, with her face going a bit red.

"Oh, I can assure you, Alex certainly knows that that is not 'making out'." Sam says, with a smirk.

"Gross!" Kara now says.

"Mom!" Ruby groans.

Meanwhile, Alex's face reddens even more than it was before.

"Okay..... anyway....." Lena says, deciding that they should switch topics, as otherwise they are just going to have a back and forth of the adults trying to make each other blush, and be uncomfortable, "the food should be here in a few minutes. You got back just in time, Kara."

"Ohh.... nice." Kara smiles, licking her lips as she thinks of eating a nice double bacon cheeseburger, and some nice salty fries, "I've actually worked up a bit of an appetite."

"Really?" Lena asks, now realising that Kara must have done some physical activity that made her work up that appetite.

"Uhh.... yeah..." Kara nods back, awkwardly, "I'll tell you about it later."

"Okay...." Lena replies, with a nod, although still being unsure.

"Anyway, the kids have picked out the movie they want us to watch, we were just waiting for you to get back before we started it." Alex says.

"Oh, you didn't have to wait for me." Kara says.

"We wanted to." Ruby answers.

Kara shoots Ruby a warm smile.

"Thank you." Kara says, "So, what did you choose?"

"We chose Toy Story 2!" Alura answers.

"Oh, that's a great choice." Kara smiles back.

After this, the group begin to watch Toy Story 2, with them all sitting very comfortably together, and just relaxing, and being at ease, momentarily forgetting about all their worries about everything that has happened over the last week. About 20 minutes into the movie, the groups food arrives, with Kara and Sam answering the door, and then dishing up the food to everyone. The group then all eat their food happily as they continue to watch the film.


It is now a few hours later, and the group have just finished watching Toy Story 3, which the kids insisted on watching as soon as the second film in the series finished. Now, however, there is a bit of an awkward feeling in the room, because all the adults know that they need to make a decision now about whether Sam, Ruby and Alex are going to stay another night, or if they should head home. The problem with this is that no one is sure how to go about bringing it up.

"Alex, how is your leg?" Kara asks.

"Uhhh.... a bit sore.... But not too bad..." Alex replies.

"Wait.... You haven't taken your painkillers today, have you?!" Kara now says in realisation, alarmed.

"No... but it's fine...." Alex says, trying to brush it off.

"Oh Rao. You must be in a decent amount of pain. You should have told me; I could have just quickly flown back to your home to get your pain killers." Kara says.

"Nah, the pain wasn't too bad." Alex says, still trying to brush her sister's worries off.

"Well, you should take some as soon as you get home." Kara says, deciding this will be a good way to suggest that Sam and Alex can go home.

Alex's eyes widen at Kara making that suggestion.

"Are you sure? We can stay... if you want?" Alex asks, looking at Sam.

"Well.... I don't mind either way." Kara says, and then turns to look at Lena, "But it's up to you, Lee."

Lena looks at Kara, in her eyes, for a little while, and then turns back to look at Alex and Sam, who are both looking at her with anxious looks on their faces. Lena knows however that the anxious looks from Sam and Alex are not coming from the fact that they want to leave or anything, but they are anxious to find out how she is doing.